Chapter 11 - dawns disappearance

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(Dusk POV)

I was just out for a jog after dawn fell asleep. I ran around the pack house and in the woods before I decided to run back. When I got back inside I saw Clarisse walking around with a book in her hands.

“Hey Clarisse what are you reading”. I saw her look down at me from the stairs.

“It’s a book about the transformations. Im trying to figure out how to help dawn to get her gift’s under control.”

“Well that’s good for her she will be much better once you find out a perfect way to help her out”. She smiled at me before going down the stairs an heading down the hallway. I ran up the steps an walked down the long hallway towards our room. I opened the door to find dawn with her wings wrapped around her but when I got there it was what I was hoping not to see.

Dawn is not in the room. I looked in the bathroom an she wasn’t there either. I looked around and saw that her things were gone. I looked around a bit more before I found a note on the bench in front of the fireplace. I picked it up an read it. Oh god she is gone. I showed a tear before I went to the window an looked out to the rising sun.

I couldn’t see her. I ran out of the room an down the hallway. I looked around until I found Clarisse on the couch reading her book.

                                        “Clarisse dawns gone”. She shot herself up an looked at me.

“What”. I held the note up to her an she took it. She read it before she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

“We need to find her”. I nodded before I ran to my room an grabbed our gear. When I was about to leave I bump into bolt. The alpha of the lighting pack.

“Hey dusk what’s wrong”.

“Dawns run away and were going to go an find her”.

“Oh god ok. That this it should help you”. He gave me what looked like a stone an so I took I. we nodded to each other before I ran out of the hallway an down the stairs an outside were Clarisse and the gang were waiting for me. I got onto my bike and so did the others. I started up the engine and I was off with the others behind me. While we were riding I tried to contact dawn but she blocked me out.

We rode our way down the mountain an followed the massive highway. How could I have left dawn by herself? This was all my fault if I didn’t leave her she could have stayed. I showed a tear but then I heard a bike next to me. I looked an saw Clarisse looking at me.

“Don’t worry dusk will find dawn”.

“It’s not just that it’s just that I can’t believe that dawn would leave me”.

It took us about 3 hours before we made it to Darwin. It was all packed an so we knew it was going to be hard to find dawn.

“Ok Clarisse you and Christina go and check the hotel. Ashley you and Nathan go an check the clubs the rest of us will go around an ask some of the locals if they have seen her.” they nodded and we were off. I was going to the streets an going house to house to see if anyone had seen dawn. Everyone said no which gave me lesser hope each time.

But then I got to a street called Sunrise Street. I asked the first few people but they didn’t see her. But then I walked up to what looked like an old ladies house. It had garden gnomes everywhere and there was an old man mowing the lawn. I walked up to the house an immediately the scent of a werewolf hit me. it wasn’t dawn though.

“Excuse me sir have you seen this girl”. I grabbed a photo of dawn an gave it to the man. He nodded to me.

“Yea I know her. She was that poor werewolf who needed to get somewhere.”

“Do you know where she was heading”.

“No but my wife might know. Honey can you come out here please”. I heard the door open an saw an old lady come out.

“Honey remember that girl that came before”.

“Yes that polite young lady”.

“Well this gentlemen here is looking for her do you know where she went”.

“Yes she said that she was going to Brisbane. I helped her get a car an she left about an hour ago. She said that she was going to go an find an hotel there.”

“Ok thank you so much”. I bowed my head before I ran out of the streets and to my bike. I quickly mind linked the guys an told them.

“Guys get ready to be surprised but we are going to Brisbane”.

I was about to leave but then I heard the old woman scream. I turned around and saw drew. He had blood over his mouth and the old man and woman were on the ground in a pool of blood. The other blood takers were behind him. Of course they were going to be here.

“Hello there dusk I see gorgeous is missing. Well if she isn’t here then I guess will have to end you instead. Kill him”. The vampires were smiling while charging at me. I grabbed my swords from my belt an started to slash them. One of the vampires got a hit from it before I had to do a sword fight with the one I think was called tony.

He slashed his swords to me but I blocked them. I tried myself but that didn’t work. Instead I grabbed my holy water I had on my belt an broke it. The water turned into a gas and the vampire was now burning up. All of the vampires ran away while drew stood his ground. He was smiling at me.

“Well I guess it’s just you and me drew”.

“It would seem so”. He grabbed a gun an started to fire it. I grabbed my sword an deflected the bullets. He stepped closer and closer me each time. But then I grabbed a smoke bomb and blew it. I ran over to my bike an started the engine. I grabbed my helmet and put it on before I rode off down the street. I guess we aren’t the only ones looking for dawn.

“Guys we need to get going now. The blood takers are trying to find dawn too an if they find her first we won’t be able to see her again”.

I was riding along the road until the others joined me.

“I got word from a club that dawn was staying there for a while before she got kicked out after fighting with a biker”. I chuckled under my breath while thinking about what dawn did to that biker that’s my mate.

“Ok so all we know is that dawn is heading to Brisbane. She isn’t going back home but she is going to a hotel. It will take us days to get to Brisbane. We’re going to have to find a way to dawn.” but then I heard my phone ring. I pulled the bike to the side of the road an pulled my phone out. It was a blocked number. I pressed the accept button an held the phone to my ear.


“Hi dusk it’s me”. When I heard that voice my heart skipped beats. It made me have hope again. That voice I heard was dawn’s voice.

“Dawn thank god you’re ok. Please come back to us dawn”.

“I can’t do that dusk. I can’t live this life of lies and supernatural creatures anymore. Im going to have a new life as a new girl. That means that I won’t be able to see you guys again.” When she said that my heart shattered. She isn’t going to see us anymore.

“I know you don’t mean that dawn. Please tell me that what you said is not true”. She started to cry because I could hear her.

“Im so sorry dusk. I can’t tell you that this is a joke.” She started to cry a lot more before she said her final words.

“I love you dusk and I will never forget you as long as I live”. But before I could say anything she hung up. I closed my phone and held it in my hands. I closed my eyes an tried not to cry. How could she go through this? But then I heard the others next to me.

“What are we going to do dusk”. I hesitated for a bit. I didn’t know what to do. But then I realised that we need to get dawn back. If we don’t get her back we won’t be able to have a queen.

“I’ll tell you what we are going to do. We’re going to find dawn if it’s the last thing we do.” We all nodded before we all got on the bikes an started them up.

“Even if it means our lives”. We all rode off the pathway an down the road to leave Darwin an go off to Brisbane. 

Dawn of a rebellion book 2 - the vampire ageWhere stories live. Discover now