Chapter 16 - the problem

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(Dawns POV) 

I was glad to see dusk again after a few days. Even though I wasn’t gone for that long it was great to see dusk again. We rode on for about two hours before we got back to the palace.

I jumped out of the car an heard dusk open his door. I opened the door for Kalina and David and they hoped out from the back. I saw dusk walking towards the door and open it up. I saw Clarisse and the others waiting inside.

I walked over to the door with Kalina and David and when we walked inside I was greeted by someone wrapping their arms around me. I looked around until I saw Clarisse hugging me.

“Oh god dawn I’ve missed you so much”. That’s weird why would they miss me so much.

“We all have missed you dawn. Where have you been? You have been missing for a long time”.

“What are you talking about? I’ve only been gone for a few days”.

“Haha dawn very funny”.

“Im not joking”. They all looked confused. I was now confused too. I was only gone for about two or three days. But then Clarisse pulled back an looked straight at me.

“Dawn what was the last thing you remember”.

“Well I remember when I went to a hotel and had a drink but then I remembered that I passed out”. They all looked at each other before back to me.

“Dawn you have been missing for two months”. I now was confused. I couldn’t have been gone for two months.

“Guys that’s not true. I was just gone for two to three days.” They all looked at each other again before Simon came over to check me out. I sat down on the bench behind me an Simon looked at me before turning to the others.

“I think I should perform a test on her to make sure she wasn’t poisoned or anything”. They nodded before Simon took my hand and lead me to the living room. He sat me on the couch and he sat across from me. He grabbed some sort of swab an told me to open my mouth. I did it and he moved the swab around in my mouth and took it out. He grabbed some sort of microscope an looked at the swab. 

He looked at it for about 10 minuted before turning to me.

“Someone served you some sort of forget syrup when you were at the bar. Which means that you weren’t the one who called us or was in the accident.”

“Wait what do you mean accident”. The all paused and I saw Simon bit his lip.

“Guys what do you mean accident”. They didn’t tell me until Simon said it.

“You were in a car accident which we though killed you. You have been dead for two months dawn”. I gasped as I heard that. I’ve been dead for two months. That’s impossible. I can’t have died. I felt a fluffy ball on my knee and I saw kalina’s head on my knee looking sad. I patted her head and she smiled at me.

But then my wolf was howling. What’s wrong with her?

“Guys something’s wrong with Sabrina”. They all looked confused for a bit before I told them it was my wolf. They all nodded but then Sabrina was howling louder.

“Sabrina what’s wrong with you”. But then I started to shift.

“Dawn what are you doing”.

“It’s not me dusk it’s Sabrina”. I screamed as I shifted into my wolf form. Sabrina was trying to take over again but I held back. I tried to shift back into my human form but that didn’t help. What the hell is wrong with me?

Dawn of a rebellion book 2 - the vampire ageWhere stories live. Discover now