Chapter 23 - the kidnapping

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(Dawns POV)

I felt my eyelids lighten a bit so I opened them slowly but only to be greeted by a bright light. I looked down an saw that I was in my long silky night gown. I sat up a bit an saw the girls playing in front of my bed.

I smiled as I saw them all play together. I whistled which caused them to look up at me. They all smiled as they all rushed around the bed and hugged me. I hugged them back while we all giggled. But then I heard wings and I saw Lysander on the balcony. I squeaked as I quickly grabbed my long white silky robe an wrapped it around me.

“Hey dawn, im glad you’re up”. I nodded before my wings tried to get out. I pushed them back in as they kept on trying to get out. But then I heard Rosie whisper something in my ear and I smiled when I heard it.

I looked back at Lysander an smiled.

“So Lysander what brings you here”?

“I was just coming to get you so that my father and mother could see you”. I nodded before I walked over to Lysander an I pulled down one of the sleeves on my robe revealing my shoulder. I saw Lysander gasp an look down at my shoulder. I was now right in front of him an so I pressed my finger against his chest and ran my finger around it.

I saw Lysander losing it an so it gave me the chance to swipe my leg under his feet and he fell backwards but I held the front of his shirt while he dangled over the edge of the balcony.

“Next time make sure you don’t fall for me so easily”. I pulled him up and he was still looking at my shoulder before I pulled the sleeve up. He groaned an I heard the girls giggle. I giggled along with them before Lysander tried to snatch me. I giggled as we played a tag like game.

I pressed the symbol on my palm and my outfit changed into a white t-shirt with long white business pants and high heel boots.

I ran while hearing my high heel boots and Lysander’s shoes too. I saw his white collared shirt and his long white pants. I pressed my foot against the pillar an again with the other one. I did it until I was all the way to the top of the pillars and I had my legs against the two pillars and my hands were on them too. So basically I was doing a split sort of form in between two pillars.

I looked down and saw Lysander leaning on the one of the pillars I was pressing against an he was crossing his arms.

“That’s not far dawn”. I laughed as I saw Lysander’s expression. I heard the girls laugh too. We all laughed except for Lysander who was still leaning on the pillar with his arms crossed. But then I looked down an saw the window to the main hall was open. I looked back at Lysander then down again before I let go of the pillar an fell.

I had my hands above my head an my legs straight. As soon as I was close to the window my left wing came out an I shot into the window and landed on the floor. I walked straight ahead and saw some of the white angels bow their heads before walking off. 

I walked for a bit before I turned a corner an saw dusk. I was about to walk pass him when he grabbed my arm and spun me around until I was right in front of him.

“You didn’t think you could escape me that easily”.

“It was worth a shot”. He smiled before giving me a little flower. I took it and had a little smell of it. I placed it in my hair before I was about to give dusk a kiss before I heard grace calling me. I waved to dusk before I walked over to grace. I picked her up and we walked back to my room.

I was holding grace when I heard Clarisse calling me. I looked at my video watch an pressed the accept button.

“Hey Clarisse what’s up”.

“I was wondering if I could come up to your room so I could do some of my work there. Christina is too noisy in here and so I can’t concentrate.”

“Sure but I will have the girls upstairs.”

“Ok I’ll see you there”. We both hung up before I pressed the flower symbol on the painting frame and the hidden passageway opened up. I walked inside with grace still in my hands an walked up the stairs. But then I came to the passageway door and I opened it up.

But then I saw the little girls lying on the bed. They must have fallen asleep. I walked over to the bed while I saw grace asleep in my arms. I placed her on the bed with the other girls an turned around but then I saw black angels.

I turned around again an saw the girls being held back by black angels as they tried to scream but they were gagged. The black angels placed the girls in sacks as I turned around and saw the black angels coming closer to me.

I then felt something wrap around my hands then my mouth. I looked an saw black angels holding onto me. I tried to break free of this but then I felt something zap my legs which caused me to fall down on the while the black angels pushed down on my shoulders to keep me down.

I looked up and saw a young man about my age wearing black. He had short flowing hair and green eyes. He had his wings out and they were about the same size as mine.

“Take them with us, Lysander will have to turn over the crown to us now that we have is sisters and the love of his life”. Great he has a British accent like Lysander. But then I felt something knock me on the side of the head which then I fell unconscious.


(Lysander’s POV)

I was just in the library trying to search through the books of the angels to find out about the black angels. I couldn’t find anything.

But I did find a book about what girls like. This will have to help me get a kiss from dawn now. But then I heard rushing feet. I looked outside and saw the white angels running towards the great hall. I grabbed one of the angels an pulled them inside.

“What’s going on”?

“It’s the black angel’s sir they have be spotted in the castle”. Black angels here in the castle. I let the angel go and ran into the hallway an pushed passed some of the white angels. I made it to the great hall where I saw my mother, father and Antonio sitting on the thrones. But dawn or the girls were there. I think it’s better if I let them come at their own time.

I ran over to my throne an sat down.

“Father what’s happened”.

“We have spotted a few black angels near the castle but that’s not all we have hacked into the black angels intercoms an found this message.” Antonio brought up a black screen which had a lot of numbers and letters on it. What the heck is that?

“We don’t know what the message means but we know it’s in code”.

“It’s an anagram.” I turned around and saw dusk sitting behind us.


“Take the numbers out an switch all the letters around”. Antonio looked at the computer before doing what dusk said. He was right it was an anagram. The numbers were taken out and the letters were switched around. Now we have a sentence.

“Got the package. Heading home”.

“What does that mean”? I looked up an thought about the jewels of the angels.

“Belford go an check the royal vault an make sure that there isn’t anything stolen.” Belford nodded before walking away.

“Wait if they have a package it might me they took something or…”

“Or someone”. DAWN. I sprinted out of the room an up the stairs. I followed the path until I found the hidden passageway still open. I went through it and ran up the stairs. I ran into dawns room an saw the one thing I didn’t want to see. Nothing.

I looked around an found dawns gun on the bedside table. Then I looked on the floor an saw her phone and video watch on the floor. I yelled out in rage as I heard people coming up.

“Lysander where are dawn and the girls”. I turned around and saw my mother and father with Antonio and dusk standing there in horror.

“dawn and the girls were the package father, the black angels kidnapped dawn and the girls”. 

Dawn of a rebellion book 2 - the vampire ageWhere stories live. Discover now