Chapter 15 - found dawn

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I rode down the main streets of Brisbane before I came to the Grande apartment building. I pushed open the doors of the car an jumped out. I looked at the building an saw it was huge. I looked towards the door an saw the doors open. I walked inside an saw a huge stair case with a dialler on the side. I looked at the apartments until I found one with summers on it. It said that this person was on the 5th floor.

I started to follow the stairs up a few floors. The first floor had no floor in there. The second floor was all dark an spooky. The third floor was in construction and the fourth floor was filled with flowers and pink colours. But when I came to the fifth floor all of the area was black except for one of the doors. One of them was white.

I looked at it and saw that it had summers on the front of the door. I hesitated. This is it then. After two months im finally going to see my mate. But what if she has forgotten all about me. Na that would never happen. I hesitated one more time before I knocked on the door. I heard high heels coming to the door an when it open my heart was racing so fast I think I might lose it. Standing in front of me was a beautiful and sexy werewolf. A beautiful and sexy werewolf with black hair and green eyes. A beautiful sexy werewolf by the name of dawn.

“Hello there sir can I help you”.

“Dawn it’s me dusk”.

“Im sorry sir but my name isn’t dawn. It’s Rebecca.”

“Dawn stop fooling around. It’s me dusk”.

“Look sir if you’re not here to buy one of my artworks please leave.” She was about to shut the door on me but I held it open. She growled an stomped away. I followed her inside and when I got there I saw that there was a lot of paint and portraits around the room.

“Listen to me dawn you’re not called Rebecca and you’re really the high queen of the wolves”.

“Look sir my name is Rebecca. I have been painting since I was five and I don’t know anything about wolfs or you. Now please leave my apartment”. She stomped her way up the stairs an into a little area above me and was painting some sort of portrait. I gave up on trying to convince dawn that im her mate an so I began to walk away when I heard music begin to play. I look an saw dawn turning on a set of speakers and a piano started to play. It was the exact same tune for one of dawn’s favourite songs.

This is how I’ll be able to bring her back. I heard the piano play an is I got ready to sing dawns song. This song was one of the ones that dawn and I always sang together. But now it’s going to be that way I get dawn back. The girl who took down the rouges. The girl who is high queen of the wolfs. The girl who is my mate.

“Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'll be the one, if you want me to

Anywhere I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you”. I sang that part an dawn started to sing with me.

“And I am feeling so small

It was over my head

I know nothing at all.

And I will stumble and fall

I'm still learning to love

Just starting to crawl”. She started to walk down the stairs slowly while looking at me

“Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

Anywhere I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you”. She got to the end of the stairs and was now walking towards me.

“And I will swallow my pride

You're the one that I love

And I'm saying goodbye”. She was now right in front of me looking at me.

“Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

And anywhere I would've followed you (Oh-oh-oh-oh)

Say something, I'm giving up on you”.


“Say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something”.

 She looked at me with her green eyes and I saw them change into her natural eye colour. Her hair changed back into white as she gasped with the feeling of her old self again. She looked down and saw her outfit change into a white gown. She looked at me with tears of joy in her eyes an leap to me. I grabbed her in my arms an wrapped them around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

“Oh dusk I’ve missed you so much”.

“I’ve missed you too dawn”. I put her down on the ground and she was still looking at me. I heard a barking sound and saw Kalina and David run to us from upstairs.

“DAVID, KALINA”. Dawn ran to them an they jumped on her. Dawn landed on the ground an Kalina was all grown up now. She was about the size of David. I saw David run to me an jump on me.  I rubbed my hands around his head as he tried to lick me. I looked at dawn an saw that Kalina was doing the same thing.

“Dawn what do you say we got home”. I saw her stop playing with Kalina and looked at me. She nodded to me which made me smile. I got up off the floor and walked over to dawn. I picked her up bridal style an walked out of the door with her in my arms and the wolfs behind us.

I got to the car and I opened up the door an popped dawn in the passenger seat. I then opened up the back door and David with Kalina jumped into the back. I closed there door and hoped into my side. I grabbed the keys and started up the engine.

“Let’s go home”. The engine roared and we were off. I heard dawn laughing as the feeling hit her an I heard the wolfs barking in the back. I was so glad that my mate and best pal are back with me now and are heading home right now.

Dawn of a rebellion book 2 - the vampire ageWhere stories live. Discover now