Imagine #20: Oh baby! [Rated R!] + [Part 1 of 3!]

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PART 1 of 3.

"Okay, so, you will have three weeks to complete this assignment, it shall be due on May 12th, your last project of the school year, no exceptions at all--,"

In the class, there were snickers from in front of me. "Mr. Bieber, is something funny to you?"

"N-no, ma'm," and Justin continues to laugh and giggle with the head cheerleader, Amanda. Besides me being a teacher, Amanda, or so I heard was the school slut.

I'm not surprised, every homework and test assignment she has, she receives the letter 'D' and a '69', shame on that poor girl.
Justin and Amanda have been dating since freshman year, but everyone knows they both sleep with other with people. I may be a teacher, but I know all the latest gossip with the students who attend our school.

"Justin, that's a detention. Meet me after class ends. Your behavior is unacceptable," he smacks his lips and I smirk, continuing on with my lecture.

After the bell rings, students file out quickly and began to go home. Just as Justin was trying to sneak out, I caught him in the nick of time.

"Justin Bieber," I throw away a sheet of paper, "come back and find a seat. You're serving my detention,"

And that's what Justin did. He huffed and puffed until he found a seat. I shut the door and let the blinds down. "Hand me your cellular device," I say and grab the bin out of my drawer.

He grabs his expensive phone out of his Jean pocket and places it inside of the basket that was in my hand.

"One hour of silence; you can work on homework or something," I say and quickly go over to my desk. I unbutton the first two buttons of my shirt since it was blazing hot inside of the classroom.

As I look up, I find Justin in front of me, at my desk. "Yes, Justin?" I quickly respond, hoping he only needed something basic.

I cross my legs, waiting for his response. "I need help with this project. What do we do?"
I mentally rolled my eyes. Curse this boy for not listening, "Justin, you must come up with your idea of a perfect society. Who would rule, what type of houses, currency, everything. I advise you to read the instructions, or maybe you need an extra study hall after school,"

"That won't be needed, I have hockey," he says and flips through the papers. "Besides, don't you have a husband to tend to?"

I was only twenty-eight, and wasn't married, nor was I in a relationship. I guess dating isn't for me right now, but I guess I haven't really thought about it either.

"Um, no," I say, "and is that your place to ask that?"


"No, it isn't. So, I advise you to pay attention in class or visit the study hall after-school, maybe someone will help there," I hiss and pick up the magazine that was on my desk.

"But, Miss Michelle, everyone there is for math or tech. How am I supposed to get social studies help there?"

"I don't know, ask a friend," I slyly respond and flip the page of the magazine.

"You really don't understand. Why can't you just hold a study hall here?"

"Why do I have to teach you to form your own ideas? It's your very own society, your very own place in the world. You telling me that you can't form a society you'd like to live in based off your own opinions?"


"Tomorrow after school you can come to me. I'll be here for an hour and I will help you,"

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