Chapter 26

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"Shit. Shit. Shit," I said repeatedly, staring at my phone screen.

We just got back to our room, and Demi is in the shower.

Pictures of the two of us are circulating around twitter.

"Demi's New Girl?" "What Happened To Wilmer?" were some of the headlines, directing to links of articles about us.

Who knew Hawaii would fuck us up so much?

Demi walked out of the bathroom, whistling, a content look on her face. Then she saw me, and her face fell.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Check your phone," I muttered bitterly.

I was fine with it, really, but I don't know how Demi would feel about these types of things. What if she wants us private?

I watched her as her facial expressions changed from shock to anger. Was she angry at me? Was she angry at the world?

"I'm so sorry, Demi," I whispered, she looked up, her face softening.
"It's not your fault, don't worry," she said, reverting her attention back to her phone, typing something.

"Gotta love it when people treat you like a zoo animal," she tweeted. Replies immediately came in.

My phone rang. Marissa.

"What happened?" she asked rapidly. "Let me put you on speaker."

"Demi, it's Marissa," I told her. She looked at me sadly and nodded.

"Well someone must've seen us chilling on the beach. It was dark and quiet, I didn't think anyone would see us," I told her. "Anyway, I don't think it matters, it's done," I looked at Demi. Tears were starting to fall down her face.

"What do we do now, Marissa?" I asked as I hugged Demi tightly.

"Demi, you're a strong advocate for the LGBTQ+ Community, instead of letting this break you, why don't you use it to be more of an inspiration to others? Don't give the media what they want. Besides, it would be a little easier now, right, you won't have to be too careful anymore," said Marissa.

"She's right Demz, you just have to look at this in a positive light. Who cares about what they say?"

I kissed her, trying to calm her down. "We can't let this fuck us up, we're doing so good," I whispered.

"I love you," she muttered.

"Hey, wait, wait, don't go have sex while I'm on the phone now, ladies. It would be crazy weird," Marissa joked.

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