Chapter 6

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Important notice: Please make a comment if you don't like the inappropriate scenes, and I'll try to do as little of them as possible.

Chapter 6

Hm, this is soft.

Am I sleeping on a cloud?

"Lia? Are you awake?"


I opened my eyes lazily.

I looked up and noticed a pair of brown eyes looking back at me.

The previous night's events came back to me.

Oh, so I was sleeping on boobs.



"Your boobs are comfortable," I stated with a lazy smile.

She chuckled.

"I know. I mean, you look pretty comfortable, snoring and all," she said with an amused smile decorating her face.

I blushed. I tend to do that when embarrassed.

"Oh, wait, don't worry, it was pretty adorable actually," she stated, with a look of thoughtfulness present on her face.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "U-uhh.. Thanks.."

"Awwhhh!" She grinned. "Well, go get clothes from my drawer, third one left, then we'll go to Starbucks to get coff- uh nevermind, you hate Starbucks, let's go to Coffee Bean instead, then we'll head to my apartment to take a shower then we'll spend the day together. I have my day off!"

I stared at her in shock.

"What?" She asked, a confused look on her face.

"Well, heh- I'm surprised you remembered," I grinned sheepishly.

"Of course I do! Now get dressed! We're having breakfast!"


Demi clutched my hand as we walked through the mall. Her phone chimed.

She fished for her phone and showed the text to me.

It was Wilmer, saying, "We need to talk."

I stared at her.

"Do you want me to go? Do you have to go meet with him?" I asked. "I totally understand."

"Oh, no. You don't have to go. Whatever he has to say to me, he can say to you too."

I smiled widely. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"Trusting me."

She tapped away on her phone.

"I told him to meet me at Seattle's Coffee. C'mon," she said and pulled at my hand.

We entered the shop, sitting at a booth.

"I'll go get the drinks, you wait here for
him. What do you want?" I asked.

"Get me a black. You getting a macchiato?"

I grinned again, probably for the 100th time today.


"You remembered."

I walked towards the short line and waited.

It was finally my turn. I glanced at Demi and she was looking at me. I smiled at her.

"A black coffee and caramel macchiato please."



"Okay, the order will arrive to your table shortly."

"Thanks," I said and glanced at our table again.

Wilmer was there.

I walked quickly to the table.

"Why aren't you guys talking yet?"

I sat down next to Demi.

"She was waiting for you," he pointed at Demi and turned to her.

"Besides, why are we here and not Starbucks?" Wilmer asked.

"Well, she hates Starbucks," Demi pointed at me.

"Who is she, anyway?"

"She's my girlfriend," she stated with a cute, shy smile.

Wilmer screwed up his nose in confusion.

"She can't be."


"Because you are not a homosexual! You were with me!"

"Key word, were. And you can't say I'm not. You want proof?"

She pulled down her shirt a bit and pointed to a hickey I made.

I smiled at her and chanted in my head.

Go Demi! Go my baby!

And she said I was her girlfriend! God, the warm, fuzzy feelings are back.

Did they ever really go away?

I asked myself.

"Care to explain how she became your girlfriend in a matter of 5 seconds?"

"This is what happened Wilmer, we were together when we were fifteen. But then I had to go away because I needed to focus on my music career. I never stopped loving her. And now she's back. Nothing's stopping me from recovering the feelings I had then. God, Wilmer, she made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman on earth. I longed for her. Being with her felt like the most right thing in the world. I would give away everything for her. Because she was the first person that made me feel so alive."

A tear slid down my cheek.

"Aw baby, come here," I spoke quietly and kissed her quickly on the lips.

When we turned to Wilmer, he was gone.

"I'm sorry," Demi whispered.

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