1-The Engagment (part 1)

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Rylee POV

My name is Rylee Conners and I have a pretty awesome life my parents are rich so I can have anything I ask for. You probably think I'm some spoiled brat but I am actually the opposite, see I haven't always been rich I was adopted by the Conners when I was ten my actual parents were really bad off and some stuff went down that I don't like to talk about and I was taken from the home and placed with my now family. I try to keep them proud of me by keeping my grades up and staying out of trouble. What I didn't know was that my life was fixing to change and their was nothing I could do that would have prepare me for it.

I wake up to my phone alarm going off telling me it's time to get up and prepare for school. I turn off my alarm, go to my closet and grab the first pair of jeans I can find and a plain black tee shirt. After putting my clothes on I brush through my hair deciding just to leave it down straight and head downstairs.

As I get downstairs I run into the kitchen grab a pop-tart and start to head for the door. "Rylee you have got to start getting up earlier so you can eat a proper breakfast," my mom scolds as she blocks me from leaving the kitchen. "Mom I am good with the pop-tart, and I really have to go or I'm going to be late for school." Mom shakes her head at me as she lets me past her knowing that she will never win the breakfast argument.

"Rylee one more thing," she says calling it to me causing me to stop just as I make it to the front door. "Mam?" I ask letting her know I was listening. "I need you to come home straight after school, we will be having Mr. James and his son over for dinner, and I would like you to have plenty of time to get cleaned up and look decent." "Do I have to come, mom you know I don't like Mr. James son, he is an spoiled jerk?" I beg her desperately. "I'm sorry Rylee but your dad called and said to make sure you are here and dressed in nice clothes," she tell me letting me know her hands are tide. "Ok I will come straight home," I say knowing their isn't any point in arguing because when my dad demands something of me which is very rare I have no choice but to listen since I know he will not change his mind.

I get to school just minutes before classes begin so I quickly run to my locker, grab my books I need and begin to run to class. Their wasn't very many people in the hallways besides Brittany and a few of her cheerleaders. I try to avoid them the best I can and continue to walk past them but just as I walk past them on of them sticks their foot out and causes me to hit the floor. "Where is you rich daddy now huh?" Britt asked as her girls laugh. Ignoring them I get up and begin picking up all my things from the floor. "I didn't say you could get up!" Britt say pushing me back down into the floor and on of her girls kicked my things across the floor. "Britt just leave me alone and let me go to class," I say angrily getting tired of putting up with all the popular kids crap. "Sorry what did you say?" Britt as getting in my face, "It sounds like your trying to stand up to me and I can promise you if you don't shut up I will make your life a lot worse than it is now just try me." The bell rings just in time causing Britt and her girls to head to class leaving me in the hall alone to pick up my things.

After cleaning up my things I head to class. I quietly open the door and slip into the classroom trying not to draw any attention to myself. "Mr. Henry Rylee is trying to sneak into class," Britt called out just as I was about to take my seat. "I see that, Ms. Conner I assume you have a good explanation as to why you are late to my class," he asked me as he begin making his way to me. "I tripped and dropped my books," I say not telling the whole truth. "Well this is your last warning, do not be late to my class again," he says in a warning tone. "Yes sir, it want happen again," I tell him quickly before taking me seat.

School was finally over and I was heading home. I had almost forgotten about the dinner with the James tonight after the day I had. As I pull into the house I see my dads car sitting in the driveway. I get out of the car and make my way inside by before I open the door I check to make sure I had no visible bruised from the incident earlier. Once inside the house I go to find my dad since its been several weeks since I seen him.

I get to his office that's kept inside the house and I hear him talking with someone inside. "Yes I know that but what other choice do I have we are getting low on money and I can't afford to move her to a private school," He say obviously talking to someone about me. "Honey their has to be another way to get her out of that school and help our money problems besides marrying her off, David she is only seventeen." I hear my mom say to him.

After hearing what I heard I quietly sneak away in shock over what I had just heard. My parents are marrying me off for money and something about not wanting me to stay in my school. Their so no way they could have know about me being bullied because I have not told anyone about it and I have always been good about covering up any marks left by Britt and her girls. I lay on bed as I begin to feel sick to my stomach at the thought of having to marry someone that I don't have feelings for.

I suddenly remember the dinner tonight and make my self get up and find a dress to put on. I have decided that I will be on my best behavior tonight so that I can prove to them I'm fine and then after I will convince them to sell whatever they have to for money but not me. I fight back the tears in my eyes as I slip on the black dress mom bought me a few weeks ago. It was a simple dress that was fitting at the top and slowly got flowly as it got to the bottom which hit right below my Knees. As I begin to apply a little makeup I realize I have a bruise just off my right shoulder from falling into the floor. As I finish up with my makeup and hair I quietly grab my blue jean jacket from my closet and slip it on over the dress so that the bruise on my shoulder couldn't be seen.

As I make it downstairs I see Mr. James talking to my dad and a dark haired guy who didn't look much older then me standing next him that I assumed was his son. I can help but stare at the guy as I get closer because he was just so mysterious and dangerous, yet he was hot enough to be a model. "Here is my lovely daughter now," my dad say holding out his arm for me to come to him snapping me out of the trance I was in. "Well Rylee I have heard so much about you," he say politely as he takes my hand in-between his. "I hope all good things," I say trying to make nice. "Yes I assure you they were, now I would like you to meet my son."He say kindly to me as he pulls me so that I am now in front of his son. "Rylee this is Ethan, Ethan this is Rylee" he say introducing us before leaving us both standing their alone as they begin to make their way to my dads office.

"So my dad and you dad are pretty close huh?" I ask him trying to make conversation. "Yeah but if you think that I have to like this arrangement, your crazy," he says glaring at me in anger. "What are you talking about?" I ask hoping it wasn't what I had overheard my parents talking about earlier. "Oh come on don't play dumb, I know you know they are planning on marrying us off," he say getting closer to me, close enough for me to feel his breath on me which caused my on breath to catch in my throat. "I overheard something about marrying me off earlier but neither of my parents have told me anything, so maybe they want make me do anything," I say innocently as I pray what he was saying wasn't true. "Yeah right my dad already said it was a done deal but I will not have a child as my wife,"he say causing me to flinch at the anger in his voice and in his eyes. "Your scared of me aren't you," he says as he steps closer to me with every step he takes I take one back. "I don't know what your talking about, you don't scare me." I say trying to sound strong. As my back hits the wall I know I'm trapped and the only way out of this is to keep acting like he doesn't scare me. "Don't lie to me I know your scared I can see it in your eyes, and if you know what's best for you then you will stay scared of me because if I have to marry you then your going to have to deal with me for the rest of you life," he says with so much anger that I thought I was going to die under his gaze. I wasn't able to say anything as I was frozen in fear not knowing what he could do to me.

He stayed hovering over me looking at me and I could see the anger in his eyes weaken as something stronger started to take over, but before I could get a read on what it was the door to my dad office opened and cause both me and Ethan to split ways. I ran to the bathroom to try and calm myself down form all the mixed emotions running through my body from the way Ethan looked at me. "I don't know how I'm supposed to live with someone like him," I say to myself as I begin to splash cold water on my face.

Authors Notes:
I hope you all will enjoy this book.
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Picture of Rylee on this chapter.

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