13- Life

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Rylee POV
I managed to slip on some clothes on the ride over to my parents house and am now currently heading inside the house. "Mom, dad are you home?" I ask loudly as I step inside the house. "Hey sweet heart I'm here but your dads away on a business trip," she say as she comes into the living room. "Oh sweet heart what's the matter," she says coming up to me as she sees that I have been crying. "I really messed up mom and I think I have lost Ethan," I say as tears begin to form back into my eyes. "Oh sweetheart if he loves you there is nothing you can do to make him stay away," she say pulling me into her arms. "Can I stay here for awhile?" I beg her. "Sure but you need to try and work things out with Ethan," she says in a caring tone. Not wanting to argue I just shake my head in agreement with her then make my way up the stairs to my old room.

"I'm hear," Justin says once I answered the phone. "Ok I'll be down in just a minute," I say before hanging up the phone and grabbing the last of my things needed for school and head downstairs. Justin has been picking me up and driving me to school since he is the only person I know that lives close to my parents house. "How are you feeling today," Justin asked as I got into his car. "I'm fine," I say knowing he didn't know about the pregnancy. "How about after school we go find something fun to do," he says in a hopeful tone. "Sure but I have to make a stop by the local clinic first then you can come pick me up from my house around six and we can do whatever you want to do," I say knowing it was the least I could do after all he has done for me. "Well I don't have practice today so if you want I can take you to the clinic," he say sweetly. "Justin I don't know if that's a good idea," I say not wanting him to know my secret. "I promise whatever is going on I want tell anyone, I mean it's really none of my business," he says politely. "Ok, but you have to promise me you want judge me." I say not wanting to be looked down on. "I promise," he say holding is pinky out to me causing me to laugh. "That's not necessary," I say still laughing at him. "Oh come on its fun," he says making me laugh harder as I take his pinky in mine. "Now see it wasn't so bad now was it," he says as we pull up to the school. "I guess not," I say smiling. Something about being around him just makes me happy.

Sitting in the clinic has really began to get nervous as he nurse call me back. "Do you want me to come back with you?" Justin as in a caring and supportive tone. "Please," I say not wanting to go in alone. Without a word he takes my hand and begins to lead me through the door that the nurse was holding open for me. As we make it into the room the nurse begin to ask me questions. "Have you considered all your options," she ask referring to the pregnancy. "I'm only seventeen I can't do this on my own," I say with tears forming in my eyes. "Look I need to go talk to the doctor for a moment then I will be right back in here," she says kindly before exiting the room. "So your pregnant," Justin says looking at me with confusion. "Yeah I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't want you to react the way Ethan did when I told him I was pregnant by Alex," I spill to him hoping he would still stay to support  me. "When did you and Alex...." He says trailing off. "Two weeks ago but I didn't consent to it," I say quickly trying not to cry at memories of that night. "Shhh everything's going to be ok, I'm sure if you explain things to Ethan then he will understand," he say as he sits beside me trying to comfort me. "He knows everything, but he still flipped out when I told him I was pregnant," I tell him sadly. "I'm sure he just needed time to process it, he will come around," he says before we both just sat in silence waiting on the doctor.

Ethan's POV
I was sitting at the office when the phone started to ring and picking it up I see it isn't a number I know but I answer it anyway. "Hello," I say into the phone. "Yes is this Mr. James," the lady on the phone says. "I'm Ethan James, can I ask who is calling?" I say to her confused at who I could be. "This is the woman's clinic I was calling about Rylee James, she is here in the office wanting to talk over her options and well sir we are not aloud to talk to a minor without her legal guardian present," she explains to me. "I will be there as soon as I can just doesn't let her do anything until I get there," I say trying to keep my panic in check. "Ok sir, I will make sure to inform her doctor." she says before hanging up the phone.

I make it to the clinic in fifteen minutes and make my way to the window. "I'm here for Rylee James," I say to the woman behind the window. "She isn't here anymore," the woman says looking at her chart. "What do you mean she isn't here anymore I told the woman on the phone not to do anything until I got here," I say angrily. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you anything else." she says shutting the window. "I will have this clinic shut down if I find out you did anything to her without my permission," I scream through the window. "What's going on, and why are you here?" I here Rylee's voice say from behind me. "They said you where gone," I say pulling her into my arms. "I was leaving but I seen your car pulling in so I made Justin turn around and come back," she say pulling out of my arms. "Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid," I ask her angrily. "I haven't done anything yet, but what I do is my decision not yours!" she says angrily to me. "I'm your guardian so what you do is partly my decision," I say pulling her put the clinic away from everyone's staining eyes. "You made it clear you don't want to have any part of this baby so what if decide to do is all on me, you have no say so in my choices." she says jerking her arms from my hold. "Rylee please stop, I never meant for you to feel like I don't care," I say reaching out to her. "No you had your chance, now I have to decide what's next." she says angrily before running away from me. "Rylee stop," I call out to her trying to get her to stop. Just as she was about to make it to the other side of the parking lot a speeding car collides into her causing her to hit her head on the windshield and fall to the ground.

It seemed like hours but it was just a couple minutes later when the ambulance shows up. "Please help her," I say still holding her head in my lap. "Sir we are going to need to lay her flat and you need to back up," the first responder says to me. I slowly get up as the first responder supports her head. "Is she going to be ok?" I ask them in a panic. "Sir we don't know, all we can do is get her stable and get her to the hospital." on of the responders says to me. After getting her on a stretcher they put her in the back of the ambulance and I quickly climb in with them.

We arrived at the ER where they got her out of the ambulance and begin rolling her in. "Sir we need you to wait in the waiting room," one of the nurses says directing me away from Rylee. "Please just let me stay with her," I beg not wanting to let Rylee out of my sight. "Sir in order for the doctor to do his job and save her you are going to have to wait out here so you don't get in his way," she says kindly as she continues to lead me into the waiting area. "Ok," I say feeling defeated as I take a seat and begin to call everyone and let them know about Rylee.

"Where is my daughter?" I her someone say in a panic and as I look up I see Mr. And Mrs. Conners. "They have her in the back, she was hurt pretty bad," I say not really having any information to tell them. "You still haven't heard anything?" Her dad ask as he tries to remain calm. "No sir I haven't and I wished I had because I'm so worried about her," I say as I try to keep calm. Her dad turns to the woman at the desk "I demand to know something on my daughter!" "Sir the doctor call up just a moment ago and said he would be up to talk to you all in just a moment," she says not giving out any information.

Several minutes later the doctor comes and stands in front of us. "Is she alright?" I ask speaking up first. "She is currently stable but she isn't out of the woods yet," the doctor say trying to keep us calm. "What do you mean?" her mom ask worriedly. "Well she hit her head hard and is currently in a coma," he starts of saying giving us a moment to process. "There is more isn't there?" her father speaks up demandingly. "Yes the babies heart beat has become weak, we are closely monitoring it but the baby may not survive," he say sympathetically. "My daughter is not pregnant, you must be mistaking," he dad says shaking his head. "Actually she is," I say turning to him. "You got my daughter pregnant and she is still in high school," he say angrily. "I'm sorry sir we didn't mean for it to happen," I say taking the blame not wanting them to know about what happened to Rylee. "You better make sure she graduates and goes to college if she wants, I don't want this baby ruining her life," he say pointing his finger in my face. "Yes sir I promise," I say hoping that the baby would survive for Rylee's sake. "Can we see her now," I beg him. "Yes you all may go one at a time, just don't stay long because she needs her rest." He say before leading me to her room. As I open the door to her room and she her laying in a hospital bed connected to lots of wires and the sound of her baby's heart beat feeling the room my heart broke knowing that it's partly my fault that she is here in the first place.

Authors Note:
Sorry it has take so long to update just had a busy week last week, but I promise more updates to come this week.
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