12- Confrontation and Denial

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Alex POV
The day after the party.....
I walk back into my house after leaving Rylee to go hang with the guys to find cop cars in my driveway. "What's going on," I ask my dad as I walk into the kitchen where he was currently setting. "Well the police are here to arrest you," he say with anger in his eyes. "Why would they be here to do that?" I ask already knowing what it was about. "They are saying that you have been putting your hands on a girl and that she is claiming you raped her last night," he says grabbing my arm angrily. "It's not true she probably got so drunk she just don't remember who she slept with and is blaming it on me, and I haven't hit any girl," I lie hoping he wouldn't see through it. "Son they have pictures and witnesses saying they have seen you hit her on several different occasions, so don't lie to me," he say after slapping me across the face. "They are lying I swear," I say pleading with him to believe me. "Son I have seen the pictures and if your the one that beat that girl like that then you had better admit it now, because if your lying to me and I find out you did beat and rape her I swear you are not going to like me." he say angrily getting into my face. "I swear, I'm not lying." I say to him again. "Well you heard him he says he didn't do it so unless you can prove he did it I advise you to leave and I will have my lawyer contact you," my dad say to the officers. "Oh we will prove it," one of the officers say before they make their way out the door.

Realizing how stupid I had been to call Rylee a whore in front of her friends when I know for a fact that what I had done to her the other night was all my fault and that she didn't want it to happen. I had to get her to forgive me and I had to change because their is just something about that girl that keeps me wanting more and I want her in my life. Picking up the phone I do the only thing I know to do and that is to call her and see if she will give me another chance.

Rylee POV
"It's positive," I say laying a third test down on the counter as tears begin to escape my eyes. "Everything is going to be ok," Skyler and Camron both say as they wrap their arms protectively around me. "I'm only seventeen I don't want to be married much less have a baby, not to mention it belongs to Alex," I say as I continue to cry. "Look I say don't tell Alex, instead let's get Ethan to sleep with you then you can say in a week or two that you pregnant and he will think it is his," Camron say as she cooks up a plan. "Rylee I think you should just be honest with Ethan, I know he loves you and he will help raise that baby if that's what you want." Skyler says pointing out that Ethan would do just about anything to make me happy. "He will never look at me the same," I say sadly at the though of him only being with me because he feels sorry for me. "Fine then go with Camron's plan and I will help make sure it all goes smoothly," Skyler say with confidence as she quickly grabs her phone and steps out of my room to make a call. "Let's get you looking sexy for when Ethan returns home," Camron say leading me to the vanity in my room.

After about a couple hours of getting my hair and makeup done they put me into some sexy looking sleep dress. "I really don't feel comfortable doing this," I say knowing Ethan and I have never really done anything together before. "Trust me I have already called Jace to make sure Ethan is drunk but not waisted and I promise with you being in that he want be able to stand keeping his hands off you when you dressed that way," Skyler say reassuring me. "We are going to leave now if you have any problems just call us and we will help try to fix it," Camron say with an evil grin as she exits the room leaving me with my thoughts.

It wasn't long after the girls left I hear Ethan and Jace enter into the apartment. Placing black silk robe over myself I quickly make my way out of my room. "Well it looks like you guys had fun," I say trying to keep my voice from showing that I was shaking at what I was fixing to do. "Yeah we did," both boys say in unison as they eyes land on me. Immediately feeling uncomfortable I shift under their gaze and my eyes lock with Ethan's which showed pure lust in them. "I think its time for you to go," Ethan say shoving Jace out the door. As he comes closer to me I find myself backing up until my back hits the wall behind me. "What are you doing coming out dressed in that," Ethan's ask with anger in his voice. "I'm sorry I didn't realize you wear home," I lie quickly not having time to come up with a better excuse. "Don't lie to me," he say slamming his fist beside my head causing me to flinch in fear. I feel tears begin to form in my eyes as I slip from under is arms and begin to run to my room. "Rylee wait," I hear Ethan's say as he runs I'm behind me. Grabbing my arms he spins me around to him, "I'm sorry if didn't mean to scare you, you have to know I would never hit you." I look down not meeting his gaze as for not wanting him to see the tears streaming form my eyes. "Rylee look at me," he say lifting my chin with his fingers so that I was now looking into his eyes. "Please forgive me, I don't like seeing you upset," he say wiping the tears from my eyes. "I hate when you drink, it makes you angry at me," I say honestly. "I'm not angry at you," his says as he looks me over the lust from earlier returning to his eyes. "You promise," I say as I watch his eyes leave mine and dart down to my lips. "Yes," he says breathless before calming my lips in his.

Ethan's POV
Kissing her again made my hear jump with joy and I could help but want more even though I'm not sure if it's my heart or the alcohol talking. I break the kiss to look her in the eyes to make sure she is ok but quickly got my answer when her lips meet mine again. As things quickly escalate we enter into her room where I quickly pick her up placing her on the bed without ever breaking our kiss. "Are you sure," I ask her ask she quickly unties her robe taking out her arms allowing it to fall off to reveal the little black sleep dress underneath. "Yes," she say shaking her head slightly and without hesitation I places my lips back down on hers continuing where we left off.

I roll over to feel her still in the bed beside me so I slowly pull her to me wanting to feel her in my arms. "Ethan," Rylee moans out in her sleep which brings a smile to my face knowing that she was dreaming about me. Just as I was about to doze off again her phone begins to buzz on the bedside table. Not wanting it to wake her I lean over grabbing it off the table getting ready to silence it but I see Alex name come across the screen and my blood begin to boil so I answer it quickly. "What do you want," I say angrily into the phone. "I want to talk to Rylee," he say trying sound sincere. "Well that's too bad because she doesn't want to talk to you," I say yelling into the phone. "Look I don't know what she has told you but she is lying and I really want to tell her I forgive her for trying to get me in trouble," he say trying to plead with me. "Look she is my wife and she is with me so you two are over," I say yelling at him before hanging up the phone.

"What is going on," she say sitting up in the bed still half asleep. "It's nothing I took care of it," I say before kissing her lightly on the head. "I love you," I tell her quickly. "I - I - I can't do this," she say quickly getting out of the bed and running to the bathroom where she locks herself in. "Rylee I'm sorry, I should have, I known you weren't ready and I should have stopped it." I say through the door hoping she would come out and talk to me. She slowly opens the door allowing me to enter into the bathroom. "It's not that," she says with tears in her eyes. "Then what is it, is it that I told you I loved you because Rylee it's true and I have known it for awhile now I just couldn't bring myself to tell you," I tell her pulling her into my arms. "I know you love me and that's why this shouldn't have happened," she says not making any since. "Rylee I don't understand we are married and I love you so if you wanted to be with me you have every right so I'm not seeing the problem," I say trying to make since of what she is saying. She looks at me with tears in her eyes, "you can't love me." "Rylee please tell me what's wrong so I can't understand," I plead with her. "If I tell you, you will not want me anymore, you will think I'm just some whore," she says running her sentences together to were I almost didn't get what she was saying. "That's not true now tell me," I say pleading with her. She turns to the trash can by the cabinet and begins to dig something out of it. After a minute she hands me three pregnancy test and they were all positive. "Rylee what's going on?" I ask looking at the test and then at her. "I'm pregnant and I was supposed to sleep with you then tell you in a couple weeks so you would think it was yours," she says tears in her eyes. "Rylee that's not fair to make me raise a child that's not mine and you never telling me the truth!" I yell at her angrily but regret it when I see her begin to cry harder and run out the room. "Rylee wait," I say trying to run after her. "No your right and I deserved you being angry at me so I just going to call my mom and get her to take me home," she say grabbing her phone and some clothes and heading out the door. "Rylee stop!" I yell causing her to stop in her tracks. "Can we at least talk about this having a baby is a big deal, have you even thought about what that means," I ask pleading with her. "No you have said enough, I get it it's my problem and not yours!" she say angrily as she begins walking down the street. "Rylee get in the car and I will take you to your moms," I demand her. "I don't need nor want your help," she yells at me and proceeds to walk away. "Rylee thats it," I demand as I pick her up and take her to my car, buckle her in. "Not giving her a chance to exit the car, I get in and begin taking her to her mom.

Picture of the night dress Rylee wore on this chapter.

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