11- Nightmares

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Rylee POV
I wake up to hear fighting down stairs so I get up and quietly walk halfway down the stairs. I sit on the stairs and watch as a man and woman who looks a lot like me argue. "I know you have been sleeping around so don't lie to me," he yells in her face as he holds her arm tightly. "Yes I have but only because you want let me leave, I told you I don't love you anymore so why can't you just let me take my daughter and leave," she say trying to sound strong but you could still here a hint of sadness in her voice. "Your not going anywhere," he says angrily pushing her backwards causing her to fall hard to the floor and I hear myself scream out in fear. The woman looks up at me with tears in her eyes and says, "got to bed sweetheart mommy doesn't want you to see us fight." I don't do as I'm told instead I stand there still screaming. "Stop screaming you little brat," the man say angrily coming at me.

"Kylee wake up," I hear I voice say and I open my eyes to see Ethan siting in my bed with his arms wrapped around me. "Rylee are you ok?" He asked once he realized I was awake. "I don't know," I say honestly feeling very confused. "You were screaming again," he say with concern. As I pull out of his arms I stand up and try to wrap my head around the dream that I have been having almost every night since everything that happen with Alex. "You should let me take you to see a therapist maybe they can figure out what your dreams mean and help you to stop having them," he say pleading with me. "I don't need to see anyone, I'm fine." I say still not telling him that I am adopted and the dreams I am having are about my real parents. I was only five when I was taken from my mother so I don't really remember much about them and that is why these dreams have really begun to mess with me. "Rylee you have been shut up in this room for a while now, and you hardly ever come out." He say with concern. "Look I have been going to school what else do you want? Now would you quit pushing me to see a therapist," I say as I pushing past him and walk into the bathroom where I lock myself in.

Ethan's POV
Hearing Rylee screaming in her sleep has begun to worry me since is been happening every night since the incident with Alex. Now that she has ran and locked herself in the bathroom refusing to talk about the dreams she has been having or what all went on between her and Alex I know I am going to have to find another way to get her to talk. I grab my phone and begin dialing Skyler hoping maybe her and Camron could get her to talk. "Hello," Skyler says in a annoyed tone of voice. "Why do you sound annoyed," I ask her curiously. "Because you usually only call for two reasons either you have done something to make dad angry again or you are just calling to bug me," she says honestly and I let out a breath knowing she is actually right. "Sorry, but I promise this time it's not about me it's Rylee she hasn't been herself lately and I was hoping maybe you and Camron would come get her out of the house for a while. "Ok Camron and I will be there soon," she say before hanging up the phone.

Skyler POV
After getting the call from my brother I realize that Rylee is worse off then I thought and that Camron and I defiantly needed to do an intervention before its to late to fix her. "Where is she at?" I ask Ethan as I burst into the house. "She locked herself back in her room," he say running his hands through his hair as a way to try and calm himself down. "Ethan I promise I will do my best to help her but I think you need to go out tonight and hang out with your friends let yourself forget about her for the night." I tell him not wanting to see him so stressed out. "Ok I will but please don't let anything happen to her, in fact don't let her out of your sights," he say pointing seriously to me and Camron. "We want, now go" I tell him as I push him out the door and then begin making my way to Rylee's room.

"It's time for you to get up out of that bed and get dressed, because we are out." I tell her as I go to her closet and pull her out a simple baby blue dress and a jean jacket. "I really don't want to go anywhere," she says pleading with me as she gets out of the bed. "Come on we will all go have fun," Camron says in excitement. "Fine I will go out with you all for a little while but not parties," She says giving in to us. "No parties, we are just going to go to the mall to eat, shop, and maybe see a movie." I promise her. "Now come sit down so we can get you fixed up and ready to go," I say as Camron drags her to sit in front of me. "Do I have to get all dressed up," she ask giving me an annoyed look. "Yes because you will feel better after getting fixed up," I tell her not giving into her wining. "Fine let's just get this over with," she says folding her arms.

Rylee POV
After seeing the new Before I Go movie we decided to grab a bite to eat before leaving the mall. "How about we grab us a pizza," Skyler says as she pulls me and Camron into the food court. "I don't know guys I'm really not hungry," I say as I start to feel sick from all the smells in the food court. "Rylee you don't look so good," Camron says just before I take off to the nearest bathroom.

As I walk out of the stall I see both Camron and Skyler standing against the sinks waiting on me. "It's time for you to spill we all know that something went down with you and Alex at the party that night, now you get up to pee three times during the movie and you feel sick around food," Skyler says as see looks curiously at me before continuing "are you pregnant?" "I honestly don't know," I say with my gaze locked on the floor as I try to fight back the tears. "How do you not know Rylee is this why you haven't been coming out of your room other than to go to school because you are trying to hid the fact that your possible pregnant," Cameron say sympathetically as her and Skyler come to comfort me. "Rylee you have to tell Ethan," Skyler says as she continues to comfort me. "I can't he already looks at me with pity and I will not ask him to care for me if I'm pregnant with Alex baby," I say no longer able to fight back the tears. "Rylee he raped you that's not your fault, Ethan will understand." Skyler pleads with me. "I just can't!" I say crying hysterically. "Ok first let's get a test and see if you are really pregnant, than we will come up with some way to help you through all of this." Skyler says as she leads me out of the bathroom.

Just as we were about to exit the mall I spot Alex coming in through the the doors. "I don't want to deal with him," I say as I try to hid behind Camron and Skyler. "Don't worry we won't let him bother you," Skyler says in a protective tone. "Well if it isn't the whore who tried to have me arrested after sleeping with me." Alex says meanly as he spots me. "You deserve to go to prison, since you raped her!" Camron yells back at him. "I didn't force her to do anything she wanted it to happen and my dad will make sure every judge you go to knows it," he says angrily before stomping off and meets up with a girl. "You ok?" Skyler asked once Alex was gone. "I'm fine, just take me home." I say just not wanting to be anywhere near him. "Ok then let's go," Skyler says as we head to the car.

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