9- Blackmail

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Ethan POV
"Rylee isn't your first real cheer at tonights game," I ask her as she sits in her room working on her homework. "Yes but it's not until seven and I really need to get caught up on all this class work by Monday," she tells me before going back to her work. "Well I say you can catch up on it tomorrow, because tonight me and you are going to celebrate after the game," I say as I throw myself down on her bed and begin watching her do her work. "That sounds fun but until then I am going to work on this work," she says as she tries to ignore my presence. After a few minutes she throws her pencil down in frustration and looks at me. "What did I do?" I ask looking at her in confusion. "I cannot concentrate with you laying across my bed and without a shirt for that matter," she says as she picks up a pillow and throws it at my head. "What am I to sexy for you," I say in a flirty tone as I sit up on her bed. "You wish," she say with laughter. "Oh come on admit it you want this," I say motioning to my chest. "Like I said you wish," she say getting up of the bed and making her way to her cheer bag. "Why are you getting dressed so early," I ask her curiously. "Because I have to get out of this house before you drive me insane," she say holding back laughter at my shocked expression. "Well if I'm driving you insane the I guess you wouldn't want me to see you cheer tonight," I say as I get up and follow her out of the room. "Of course I want you there," she says as she turns around to see if I was being serious. "I was just kidding I wouldn't miss seeing my favorite girls first time to cheer," I says to her sweetly before she enters into the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

On the way to the game Rylee made me promise to be on my best behavior since she didn't want a repeat of what happened between me and Alex last time we crossed paths to happen again. Now as I sit on the bleachers I haven't been able to take my eyes off of her as she dances and cheers for the team. I don't think I have paid any attention at all to the game since the announcer calls out that the game was over and that our team had won the game. I run down the bleachers towards Rylee who was screaming and jumping in excitement with the rest of the girls. I place my hand on her shoulder and she turns around to look at me. "You were amazing out there," I say as I pull her into my arms hugging her close. "Thanks but you were probably just saying that since you were into the game," she say as she pulls back from me. "I can promise you I wasn't watching the game," I whisper into her ear and she shiver under my breath. "How about you tell you friends bye and we get out of here," I say taking her hand in mine. "Ok but you stay here," she say as she drops my hand and begins to makes her way to the team and the girls.

Rylee POV
"Skyler I'm fixing to leave but I wanted to tell you I had fun and I'm glad you got me to start cheering," I tell her quickly hugging her buy. "Do you have to go we were all going to go to Alex's house he is having a party to celebrate the win," she say pleading with me. "I really think I need to just go with Ethan," I say quickly wanting to leave before Alex catches on to my plan. "But I thought Alex was your boyfriend not Ethan," Skyler says only loud enough for me to hear. "I know but I have a lot of homework to catch up on," I say quickly. "Ok then maybe we can hang out later," she say before turning back to the other girls and I begin walking off.

As I begin walking back to the bleachers I feels someone grab my arm and pull me into the guys locker room. "You just scared the crap out of me," I say as I turn to see Alex standing there looking angry. "I heard your not going to my party tonight." He say as he steps closer to me. "Yeah I'm not, I have a lot of work to catch up on so I'm just going to go home tonight," I say hoping he would believe me. "Oh really because see I don't believe you and I have done some asking around and some digging and I found out that your not really a James," he says stepping even closer to me and I take another step back. "Yes I am," I say barely above a whisper. "Stop lying to me," he say screaming into my face. "I'm not lying!" I scream back which caused him to slap me hard across the face sending me backward hitting my back hard on the wall. As I fall to the floor trying to get my breath back he grabs me by my hair making me stand up again. "Now it's time you tell me the truth you say you are a James then you need to tell me how that is when you birth certificate say you are a Conners?" He ask making me look him in the face. "Because I'm married to Ethan," I blurt out hoping the truth would make him leave me alone. "So another guy as been putting his hands on you?" He ask me looking even more angry then before. "No we haven't done anything I swear we are just friends," I say tears streaming down my face. "Good then prove it go tell that husband of yours that your not coming home tonight and that you changed your mind and your going out with your friends," he demands as he releases me. "You first need to straighten yourself up because you look like crap," he say grabbing me arm and pulling me to the bathroom.

After fixing myself Alex pushes me out the door back onto the field and he stands watching me as I walk to where Ethan was standing. "Rylee there you are I was beginning to think you had stood me up," he say with laughter. "What's wrong?" he ask with concern as he looks into my eyes. "Nothing I just changed my mind about going with you tonight all my friends are going to a party and they invited me,"I say and watch as his face shows disappointment. "I'm sorry I know we had plans but I really want to go," I say putting on a forced smile. "Ok I understand, go have fun and we can just celebrate tomorrow," he say as he goes to pull me in for a hug. "I quickly jump out of his grasp. "I have to go or they are going to leave me," I say quickly before turning and walking away from him. Tears begin to stream down my face from the heartbreak I'm causing Ethan.

As Alex and I pull up to his house I begin to feel a little relief of finally being able to get around people. "We are going to have fun tonight," he say before getting out of the car and making his way inside. The door to his car opens and Justin was standing there looking at me with concern. "Rylee what are you doing with him?" He ask me with concern. "I want to be," I say trying to sound strong. "I know that's not true," he say holding a hand out to me. "I don't need help," I yell at him angrily. "What has he done to you?" He asked not fazed by my anger towards him. "Nothing I'm fine, now will you move so I can get out of the car," I say and watch as he steps out of the way. "Thanks," I say as I make my way inside.

After a couple hours of just sitting around watching everybody party I still had yet to see Skyler or Camron. "Hey have you seen Skyler or Camron?" I ask one of the other cheerleaders from my squad. "Camron is here somewhere but Skyler ended up getting called home so she couldn't come," the girl said before walking off. I get up and begin making way way upstairs to see if I could find a quiet place to get away from the party. I finally find a room that looks to be Alex's and I walk in and shut the door but just as I was about to lock it Alex opens it and entered in. "Why are you in here," he asked stepping to me. "I just wanted some place quit to get away," I said honestly. "Well then how about we make a party of our own," he say grabbing my arm and pulling me to him. "Alex I don't want to do this," I say pleading with him but he quickly shut me up by placing his lips on mine kissing me hard. After a few seconds he looked at me with anger in his eyes. "You are my girlfriend right?" He ask squeezing my arm tight. "Yes," I answer quickly. "Well then your going to make love to me tonight, because I'm growing impatient waiting on you," he say as he slips his hands in my shirt pulling it off over my head. "Please don't make me do this," I say as I try to refrain from crying. "Oh I'm not making you do anything, because if you don't want me to send that husband of yours to jail I suggest you do as I ask and go get on that bed," he say as he turn locking the door then pushing me down on the bed. "As he begins trailing kisses down my body I begin crying uncontrollably. "Stop crying before I give you something to cry about," he says squeezing my face with his hand. "Take this it will help you relax," he say as he pulls a bag of pills from his pocket. I sake my head no but he quickly shoves I down my throat then continues having his way with me.

As I wake up in a bed completely naked visions from that night begin to flood my mind and I rush to the bathroom as I begin getting sick. After leaving the bathroom I put my clothes on, grab my phone and rush out the door. As I make it outside I begin walking in the direction of my apartment. I feel my phone ringing in my pocket and I quickly pulling it out to answers it. "Hello?" I say trying to keep from crying again. "Rylee where are you I have been freaking out all night?" I hear Ethan's panicking voice on the phone. "I don't know where I am," I say honestly into the phone. "What do you mean you don't know, Rylee I'm out looking for you now you have tell me what's the name of a street sign near you." He say in a demanding tone. "Scott Rd," I say as I come to a street sign. "Alright I'm around the corner just stay there don't move," he say before hanging up the phone.

"Rylee what happens to you," he ask as he stepped close to me. "Don't come near me," I say backing up from him. "I'm not going to hurt you Rylee," she say as he reaches out to touch my face. "Please don't touch me," I say flinching from his touch. "Rylee did Alex do this," he asked me in concern. I just stood there saying nothing as I felt tears slip down my face. "That's it, get in the car I'm taking you to a hospital to get checked out then we will get the police to get him," he said as he goes and opens the door to his car for me. I sit in silence as we make our way to the hospital because at this point I don't even care if I live.

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