6- First Dates

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Rylee POV
"Ok so Skyler you go look in her closet and see what you can find that will make her look older and hotter while I get started on her hair and makeup," Camron says as soon as I enter back into my room after getting a quick shower. "Do I get any say in what I'm going to be wearing?" I ask not wanting to wear anything to revealing. "No!" they both say in unison. "Now sit down and let me start on your hair," Carmon says pulling me to a chair they had brought into the room. "There is nothing in this closet good enough for tonight," Skyler say as she continues to rummage through my clothes. "Well my house is around the corner go get something out of my closet," Camron tells Skyler who immediately grabs her keys and leaves.

After getting my hair done Skyler makes it back with a deep red dress. "Here go put this on and then we will do your makeup," Skyler says as she pushes the dress towards me. "This dress looks really short, do I have to wear it?" I ask in a pleading tone. "Just go put it on trust me you will have all the guys going crazy," Camron says and Skyler nods in agreement with her.

I step out of the bathroom and I feel very uncomfortable as I walk back to my room since the dress only hits mid thigh. "Oh my you look hot in that dress," I hear Skyler squeal. "Thanks I guess," I say still feeling insecure. "What do you mean you guess? Girl you have got to act like you are confident even if you aren't because I swear you look amazing," Camron says in a helpful tone. "Now let's get your makeup done, because Alex will be here in like fifteen minutes," Camron says as both her and Skyler get to work on my makeup.

"Ok put these silver hills on and you will be good to go," Skyler says as she hands me the shoes the pushes me to the mirror standing in the corner of the room. I could barely recognize my reflection in the mirror because I swear I looked at least twenty-one. "We have to hurry and get you downstairs, because Alex should be here any minute and you do not want my brother answering the door," Skyler say as we all make our way to the living room.

As I walked into the living room I could feel all eyes on me. "Rylee can I speak to you alone for a minute?" Ethan asked as he grabbed my arm leading me out of the room. "What?" I ask innocently. "There is no way you are going out of here like that," Ethan says as his eyes grow dark. Just as I was going to answer him I remembered that Camron told me to act confident even if I'm not. "What's wrong don't I look hot?" I asked him in a questioning tone. "What has gotten into you," he asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "Well I'm trying to grow up, isn't that what you wanted?" I ask him in a mocking tone. "I never told you to dress like a slut," he spit out angrily. Fighting back tears in my eyes I angrily slap him in the face and leave him standing alone in the hallway just as the doorbell rang. I quickly open the door and slip out not allowing him to enter into the apartment. "Wow you look amazing," he say before quickly placing a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks, can we go now?" I ask as I grab his hand and pull him towards his truck. Without a word we both got into the vehicle and he begins to make his way to wherever it was he was taking me.

We pull up to this fancy restaurant and I could here music coming from the back of it. "Wow this place looks amazing," I say as he leads us inside. "Just wait until you see the back," Alex says as he takes my hand in his and we follow the waiter to a table outside that was candle lit and the entire back was lit up with lights which were hung around the entire dining area. As we take our seats I couldn't help but look around at everything and think how lucky I was for Alex to bring me here. "What are you thinking about?" Alex asked curiously. "Just how lucky I am for you to have brought me here," I say with a smile. "Well I had to impress you and also make up for the night I didn't show," he says to me honestly. "Yeah speaking of that why did you stand me up that night?" I ask him wanting to know the truth. "Well I got into a fight with Justin and we both ended up getting arrested and my dad made me come home. I would have never stood you up on purpose I mean there is just something about you that's different then all the other girls and I'm finding myself addicted to you," he say as he places his hand on mine causing me to feel breathless over what he had just said.

After eating we get into his car and we begin making our way back towards my house. "Hey would you mind if I stop at this party one of my friends is throwing we don't have to stay long I just want to make an appearance for like an hour," he ask me as reads a text from his phone. "Sure I guess we can," I say not wanting to be rude. "Good I promise you will have a good time," he say as he pulls into a house that had tones of cars. He get out of the car and goes over to a group of guys standing near the front door. I get out of the car and quickly make my way to his side, since this wasn't really my seen. "Guys this is Rylee," he says introducing me to the guys. "Hi," I say suddenly feeling very exposed as the drunk guys begin to check me out. "Let's go inside," Alex says not seeming to notice them looking at me with lust filled eyes. "Alex I changed my mind I really don't want to be here," I say pleading with him. "Come on you just need to relax a little, here have a drink," he says handing me a cup and then grabbing one for himself. I watch as he turns the cup up drinking everything that was in it before grabbing another. "Alex take me home," I demand him. He must have not liked me telling him what to do because he angrily grabs my arm. "You said you would stay with me for an hour now you are going to shut up and have fun," he say taking his free hand and grabbing the cup from my hand putting it my lips and making me drink. After swallowing down half the cup I begin gagging and coughing on the liquid as I set my throat on fire. Laughing he releases my arm before drink the rest of my cup and leaving me to myself. I run outside as tears begin to escape my eyes. "Rylee are you ok I seen what Alex did in there," Justin says as he comes up to me. "I'm fine but I really want to go home," I say not able to hold the tears back any longer. "Shh it's ok, I will take you home." he say pulling me into his arms. After calming me down he leaves me by his car as he runs in to grab his keys. "What the heck are you doing outside with Justin," Alex asked coming up to me just seconds after Justin went into the house. "Nothing he just offered to take me home," I say honestly. He angrily slaps me across my face, "stop lying to me I seen you in his arms." "I'm not lying I swear," I say holding my face as tears stream down my face.

Alex POV
I wanted to go to the party tonight so bad but I had already made plans to take Rylee on a date so I figured if I take her to a nice dinner that maybe I can convince her to go to the party with me. After being here for only a few minutes Rylee kept wining about going home and no way was I leaving when she had promised to stay for at least and hour. I grabbed her arm and forced her to drink the liquor that was in her cup and I could help but laugh watching her cough as the liquor burn her throat on its way down. "Your a dick you know that." Justin scolds me on how I acted. "She is fine she just obviously hasn't drank anything before," I tell him thinking his just overreacting.

After thinking about what Justin said I figured he was right and what I did to Rylee was very jerkish so I decided to go after her to apologize but just as I make it to the door I see Rylee in Justin's arms and my blood begins to boil and I will not have her all over another guy. As soon as Justin made it in the house I went out to talk to her. "What the heck are you doing outside with Justin,"I ask at her angrily. "Nothing he just offered to take me home," she say sounding so innocent. I angrily slap her across her face, "stop lying to me I seen you in his arms." "I'm not lying I swear," She say holding her face as tears stream down my face. "Rylee I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted," I say begging her for forgiveness. "I hate you," she yells at me angrily just as Justin makes back to her. "Alex did you slap her?" Justin asked angrily as he looked over Rylee's face. He came at me with his fist ready to fight but Rylee grabbed his arm. "Please don't fight just take me home," she begged him and he kindly opens the door letting her in then went and got in himself and I watch as they pull out of the drive way.

Authors Note:
Please keep voting for my books!
Picture of Rylee's dress on this chapter.

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