27- For You

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Ethan's POV
  Since I got back to her room the night of the accident I haven't left her room since. I have been to sacred that if I leave she may wake up or something bad could happen. I am currently sitting in a chair next to her bed watching tv as my hand still holds hers. "Ethan can we talk?" I hear a voice say as someone enters the room. I look up to see Alex father standing in the doorway and anger immediately begins to boil up in me, "there isn't nothing to talk about." "Please, I just want to apologize," he say hurt in his voice. "You already have now you may go," I say without even turning my attention to him. "Look I know nothing I do will ever make up for what my son has put both of you through, but please let me help you I am going to pay all of her medical bills," he say kindly. "Look I know what happened wasn't your fault and I'm sure you are hurting but I really don't want to here any excuses for what your son as done, he took her away from me and almost for good," I say calming my voice at the sight of the hurt in his eyes. "I promise not to make up any excuses, just let me help you two be able to move on with your lives," he say placing a check in my hand. "This should be enough to cover the medical bills, pulls help get you a bigger place to live for you new family," he says before walking out of the room.

I sit in the room for awhile in complete silence as I try to process everything that just happen. "Ethan," a weak scared voice say causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Rylee," I say jumping out of my seat to stand over her. As I stand over her she says nothing and her eyes where still closed. I had begun to think I was just imagining things until one of her hands moves to cover her stomach. "They are fine Rylee both of them are still alive and healthy," I say to her as tear form in my eyes. "Both?" she asked as she slowly opens her eyes to meet mine. "Yes, both, we are having two babies," I tell her sweetly. "Twins," she ask in confusion. "Did you not know, I figured you would have found out when you went to see a doctor," I say shocked that she didn't know. "He never let me go," she say before closing her eyes back again. "Ethan is Alex ok?" She asked me with concern. "He didn't make it," I tell her trying to keep my voice calm. It was only a moment before I seen a single tear fall down her face. "Shh it's ok, he can't hurt you anymore," I say placing a hand on her cheek. "Rest while I go get the doctor to check you out," I say as I lightly kissing her forehead before leaving to find the doctor.

Rylee POV
  As much as I wanted to be happy with Ethan again I was still sad that it had to happen the way it did. My head was hurting bad and I was feeling to dizzy to hold my eyes open. "Mrs. Conners are you feeling ok?" The doctor ask as he enters the room. "Yes but my head hurts and I'm a bit dizzy," I tell him as I open my eyes. "Well that's to be expected because you hit your head really hard during the accident," the doctor tells me as he shines a light into my eyes to check their response. "I will get the nurse to bring you something for you head, but I'm afraid it's not going to be that strong since you are pregnant," he say apologetic. "I'm sure whatever you give me will be better then nothing," I say before I watch him head back out the room and I close my eyes again. "Ethan our babies hearts sound so strong," I say as I listen closely to them. "That because they are strong just like you," he says as he climbs on the bed beside me and I scoot over allowing him to lay beside me. "Hold me," I say to him just wanting to feel safe and secure in his arms. He gently places his arms around me and I place my head on his chest allowing his presence to surround me as I listen to his heart beat along with our babies. I slowly begin to drift off to sleep but before I could completely give into sleep I hear Ethan say, "I love you Rylee and I want you to be my wife again." "I love you to Ethan and I would love to be your wife again," I say before completely letting a much needed sleep over take me.

Authors Note:
I hope you guys are all enjoying my book and thanks to everyone who has read it and votes you guys are awesome.
Plead keep the votes coming.

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