14- Survival

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Ethan's POV
I wake up to the crazy beeping of the monitor hooked up to Rylee. I immediately jump up running to the door screaming, "someone come help, somethings wrong!" several nurses and a doctor come running into the room and begin to check her out before beginning to roll her out of the room. "What's going on," I ask the doctor in a panic. "We're sorry to tell you but she is loosing the baby and she may not make it either if we don't get her to surgery and remove the stress on her body," the doctor tells me quickly before continuing to roll her out the room. "Do whatever you have to do just save her," I say as tears form in my eyes. Once they made it out the room I collapse on the floor allowing myself to fall apart.

"Ethan what's wrong," I hear someone say from beside me. I look over to see Skyler, Camron, and Justin. "What are you guys doing here," I ask looking up at them. "We came to check on Rylee and to see how you were holding up," Skyler say as she sits down on the floor next to me. "It's not good they took Rylee back for surgery, she lost the baby and her body was put under to much stress trying to get rid of the baby," I say while trying to keep my voice from cracking. "She going to be alright though?" She questions me with concern on her face. "I honestly don't know," I say before placing my head in my hands. "Look Rylee is one of the strongest girls I know, for anyone can pull through this its her." Justin says confidently. "He's right after everything Rylee has been through she is still going strong, she will pull through this." Camron says backing Justin up. "Thanks it means alot having people who care about her around to support her," I say thanking them. "We are here for you to," Skyler speaks up and the other nod in agreement.

"Mr. James," the doctor say as he knocks on the door. "Yes," I say jumping up off the floor. "Just wanted to let you know your wife made it out of surgery and is now in recovery," he say kindly to me. "And the baby?" I ask with hope. "I'm sorry but we couldn't save the baby, the babies heart had already stopped by the time we got her back for surgery," he say sympathetically. "Thanks, I know you tried your best," I say sincerely holding my hand out to him. "You welcome," he says taking my hand giving it a firm shake. "Can I see her," I ask wanting to see for myself that she is ok. "Yes you can, but I'm afraid she still hasn't woken up," he informs me as he leads the way to her.

As I sit by her side for the past hour I suddenly feel her hand move causing me to raise my head from the bed and look up at her just in time to see her eyes flutter open. I get up and run to the nurses station. "She awake, Rylee is awake," I scream out in excitement before running back to her room, and second later her doctor and a couple nurses where in the room examining her. "Miss can you tell us your name?" They ask her. "Rylee," she say as she looks around the room. "Where am I?" she ask in a scared voice. "Your at the hospital, you where in an accident." I inform her. "Who are you?" She asked curiously. "Rylee its me Ethan your husband," I say confused. "I'm married?" she asked me in a confused tone. "Where is my mom, I want to see my mom," she asked in a scared voice as tears begin to form in her eyes. "Ok I will go call her," I tell her calmly before stepping out the door.

Rylee's POV
Im still not sure exactly who Ethan is but somewhere deep inside I know he is telling the truth about him being my husband and I fell as though I can trust him. "Your mom is on her way," he tells me as he slowly sits down in the chair beside my bed. "Thanks," I say looking into his eyes as I try to remember him. "What's wrong, are you in pain?" he ask with concern. "No I'm just trying to see if I can remember anything about you," I say shyly. He gently takes my hand into his and kisses the back of it lightly. "You will get them back, but right now don't stress yourself out," he says sweetly and I just shake my head in agreement with him.

We sat in the room quietly for awhile while I rested my eyes until a unfamiliar woman enters the room. "Hello," I say politely figuring she just had the wrong room. "Oh sweetheart I'm so glad your awake," she say running up and pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask once she releases me. "Rylee that's your mother do you not remember her either?" Etahan ask with concern. "That's not my mother, who are y'all and what are y'all trying to do to me," I say begging to freak out causing all my monitors to go crazy. "Help Help!" I scream out as Ethan try's to calm me down. I pull from him and stand up in an attempt to flea the room only to begin falling to the ground. Just before I hit the ground I was caught by Ethan and placed back onto the bed. "Don't touch me, you all are crazy I want my mother," I scream out in a panic as tears begin to stream down my face. "Whats going on in here," the doctor from earlier asked as he steps into the room. "They are lying to me and trying to say she is my mother," I say to him still in a frantic state. "Rylee she is your mother, you were adopted when you were six, a year after your mothers boyfriend shot and killed your real mother, do you not remember any of the stuff from that night," the doctor says to me and images from that night come flooding back to me cussing me to break down. "Shh it's ok sweetie I'm here," my mother say sitting on the bed beside me and pulling me into her arms. "Im so sorry I didn't remember you," I tell my mother as I stay in her arms. "Its ok I know you have been through a lot in the last couple days," she say before kissing my forehead. "Now why don't you get some rest and I will come back later to check on you," she say sweetly to me before getting out of the bed and making her way out the door followed by Ethan. I watched as the stood just outside of the door talking to the doctor until I begin to drift off just as Ethan comes back into the room and climbs onto the bed with me, pulling me into his arms I place my head on his chest and let sleep overcome me.

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