7- Scary Things

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Justin POV
I was shocked to see Alex acting the way he acted I mean laying his hands on a girl is beyond anything I thought he would ever do. "So where exactly am I taking you?" I ask Rylee as I continue to focus on the road. "Rylee?" I call out to her again thinking maybe she didn't hear me but as I look over at her I see her head laying on the window and she looks to be sleeping. "Hey Rylee wake up I need to know where to take you?" I ask her as I shake her gently. When she doesn't wake up I realize something isn't right so I immediately pull over and make my way to her side of the car. "Rylee I need you to wake up," I say taking her face in my hands. Her eyes slowly open revealing there blood shot state before closing them again. "Rylee I need you to stay awake I say to her as I grab her phone from her pocket.

After going through her phone I found a number for her mom and dads house so I call the number and wait for and answer. "Hello?" a lady says as she answers the phone. "Mrs. James I need your address so I can bring Rylee home she isn't doing so well," I say into the phone. "I'm sorry I'm not Mrs. James my last name is Conners. If your trying to get Rylee home you should call Ethan her husband," she says kindly into the phone. "Ok I will do that," I say feeling shocked to find out she is married. I find Ethan's number in her phone and dial it.

"Where are you at?" He ask angrily in the phone. "This isn't Rylee but I have her with me and its a long story but she isn't doing good I can't keep her awake I think she drank to much," I say quickly into the phone. "Bring her to The Landings the bottom right townhouse is ours," he says into the phone and I quickly hang up and begin rushing her to him.

Ethan's POV
The phone call really shook me up and I am now waiting outside the door for some guy to bring her to me. I try to keep myself calm not wanting panic to set in at the thought of something horrible happening and me loosing her forever. As a car begins pulling up to the apartment I run out to the passenger side of the car as the guy parks the car. "She want stay awake and her eyes are blood shot," he says panicking as I open the door and take her into my arms immediately rushing her into the house. "Open the door," I say as we make it to my room. He opens the door and I rush in placing her on the bed. "Now I need you to grab me a bottle of water from the fridge and then bring me the trash can and a couple rags from the bathroom," I demand him and without hesitation he does as I ask.

Once he gets back in the room with the things I asked for I begin laying her on her side. "What do you want me to do now?" He asks me still in a panic. "First I need you to take a deep breath because I don't need to have you passing out on me, then I need you to hold the trash can against the side of the bed near her face." I say and watch as he takes a couple deep breaths and then does as I ask and places the trash can next to Rylee's face. I lean her head over the trash can and stick my fingers down her throat causing her to begin gagging and throwing up all the alcohol in her system.

Once she finish getting everything out of her system I lay her back on the bed propping up her head. "Rylee sweetheart can you wake up for me," I say as I poor some of the water from the bottle into a rag and begin gently placing it on her face as I try to cool her body temp. After a few minutes her eyes slowly opened and she looks at me with confusion. "It's ok your home," I tell her as I grab the water and place it to her lips. "I need you to drink this." After she slowly drinks down half the water, I sit I back on the bedside table and lay her back down on the bed. "Get some rest and I will be back to check on you in just a few minutes," I say before gently placing a kiss on her forehead then leaving the room.

"We need to talk," I say to the guy I still don't know. I walk into the kitchen and he quietly follows behind me. As we both sit at the counter I look over to him, "So you had better get to explaining how she got like she is and why your a different guy then she left here with." "Well I'm Justin and Alex is my best friend, which is the guy that she went out with tonight." He starts off saying. "Ok then where is this friend of yours and way did he allow her to get that bad?" I ask him as anger boils in me. "I'm not going to lie he forced her to drink the liquor and I am really not sure what all was in it since it was a high school party and we just usually drink whatever we can find," he say trying to be honest with me. "What do you mean he forced her to drink it?" I ask hoping it wasn't what I was thinking. "He grabbed her arm hard and then pretty much poured the liquor down her throat she was gagging on it and he just laughed, released her arm, and returned back to his partying." He say with only angered me more. "I seen it happen and called him out on it and then offered her a ride home," he says but I could see he was holding something back. "What are you not telling me," I ask causing him to jump at the anger in my voice. "I went in to grab my keys and when I was on my way back out he slapped her across the face, I swear I have never seen him hit a girl before but then again he has never actually dated a girl before," he say and that pushed my anger over the edge as I jump up and grab my keys. "Where does he live because I swear I'm going to kill him," I demand him to answer. "You can't touch him he is still a minor and I can tell your not," he say warning me. "I don't care I will just have to go to jail because no one is going to lay their hands on my wife and get away with it," I say as my anger clouds my judgment. "He doesn't have to get away with it all you have to do is get Rylee to tell the cops on him and he will get what he deserves, plus Rylee needs you here with her and not in some prison cell," he tells me making a lot of since which causes me the begin calming down. "Your right and I owe you for taking care of her, she has had a rough couple weeks with this whole marriage thing and I just want her to be happy," I tell him honestly. "Is that why you let her go out with Alex because you want her happy?" He ask me curiously. "Yes, I mean I don't know. Our age difference makes it hard for me to just let my self love her and I feel she deserves to experience life with people her own age but that doesn't mean I can't protect her while she does it or that I don't hurt when she does," I say honestly admitting my feelings for the first time. "It sounds like you already love her, have you told her?" he ask me making me really think about how things could be between me and her. "No and I don't think I can," I say with doubt. "You will never know unless you try. Look I have to be getting home but you have my number and if you ever need my help with Rylee just call me and I will be glad to help," he say before making his way out the apartment.

I walk back in the room to find Rylee sitting up awake in the bed. "How are you feeling?" I ask as I sit on the bed beside her. "I'm ok, weak but ok." she say her voice barely above a whisper. "I need to get ready for bed," she say  as she slowly climbs off the bed but quickly loosing her balance as he feet hit the floor. I jump up quickly catching her in my arms and placing her back on my bed. "You are not going anywhere tonight," I say still leaning over her from placing her in the bed. "Are you being protective of me?" she ask me her eyes staring into mine. As I look into her eyes and even through the blood shot I could still see the blue in her eyes that I love so much. "Yes I am," I say my lips near inches from hers. She begins to close the distance and just as her lips were about to touch mine I pull away knowing that the alcohol could still be messing with her thinking.

I grab a shirt from my dresser and take it to her. "Here you can wear this for tonight." I say as she takes it from my hand. "Thanks!" she says as I turn my back to allow her to get dressed. "Ethan can you help me?" She asked me and I slowly turn around not sure if I heard her right. "Please I'm still really weak and I can't get this dress off," she ask me in a pleading tone. I walk over to her and sit beside her on the bed, "are you sure?" "Yes it's ok I know you want hurt me," she say with confidence. I grab the hem of her dress and slowly begin lifting it over her head. Once the dress was off I notice bruises of a hand around her arm. I slowly trace the bruises with my finger, "Rylee I'm sorry he hurt you, just promise me you will tell me if he try's anything." As she shivers under my touch she nods her head slowly, "I promise." I place my shirt over her and she lays back in the bed. I quickly get up, turn off the lights and begin to leave the room. "Don't go," she say in a pleading voice. "Ok," I say and walk back to the bed, climb under the cover next to her. A few minutes after getting in the bed I feel her lay her head on my chest and I quickly wrap my arms protectively around her and as her breathing evens out telling me she was asleep I allow sleep to take over me.

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