10- To An End

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Rylee POV
We had been sitting at the hospital for almost an hour and I was beginning to get even more anxious as I continued to sit near Ethan. "Rylee James," the nurse calls as she hold the door open for me to enter. "What brings you here today?" She asked once we were seated in a room. "She has been being abused by a guy and I want it to stop so I brought her here to get documented evidence of it," Ethan's says speaking up for me. "Sir we need her to talk," she tells him then looks back to me. "I don't want him in here," I say sternly not looking at him because I know I was hurting him. "I'm sorry miss but he is currently your legal guardian and has to be in here in order for us to ask you any questions but if you want when we get ready to do the exam he can step outside the door," the nurse say to me apologetically. "Look we will just wait until the doctor and the cops get here that way you only have to tell what happened once," she say kindly as she hands me a gown to put on.

"So you want me to step out so you can get dressed," Ethan asked me seeing as I'm still sitting on the bed not making an attempt to put on the gown. "No I can't put it on," I say my body to sore and weak to lift my arms high enough to remove my clothes. "Are you hurt that bad," he asked coming closer to me. "Yes, but please don't touch me," I say avoiding his gaze. "Rylee let me help you I promise I want hurt you," he say his voice so sincere and full of concern. "I sake my head ok and he slowly comes over grabbing the hem of my shirt and gently pulling it off my head. I bit my lip to keep from crying out from the pain of lifting my arms over my head. Ethan looks at me with sympathy in his eyes as he see the bruises covering my body. I quickly put on the gown before stepping out of my skirt avoiding eye contact with Ethan not wanting to see him feel sorry for me.

"The cops are here but before they come in we need to know if we need to do a rape test and a drug test," she says to me kindly before turning to Ethan, "would you step out for a few seconds so she can have some privacy." He hesitated for a moment but finally got up and exited out the door. "Now I need to know did you have consensual sex with anyone last night that could make the test come back positive," she asked seriously. "No I didn't consent I told him I didn't want to," I say shacking as the memories from last night flood through my mind. "Ok sweetheart then we have to do the rape test and it may be uncomfortable but it will be over soon and we will hopefully have the suspects DNA for you to use against him in court," she say as she begins the procedure.

After having the test run the doctor and officers came in and I told them everything that happened that night as I fight back the urge to cry. "Miss we will catch the person that did this to you and he will be looking a prison time," the officer says with determination. "Thank you sir," Ethan say thanking the officer. "We have the results of booth the drug and rape test" the doctor says opening the results "I'm afraid both came back positive." "So what does this mean, will we have enough to press charges?" Ethan asked with anger in his voice. "Yes and No. There is enough for you to press charges as far as the abuse goes but with the rape both are minors, and the only drug in her system was a pain pill which she could have easily taken herself." he say apologetically. "So your saying that a judge will just let him walk free," Ethan ask slamming his fist down on the table angrily. "I'm sorry but yes unless we can get proof that he raped her their isn't anything we can do," he says apologetically before exiting the room.

Later that's night...
Ethan's POV
"Rylee the pizza is here," I say as I knock on her door. "I'm not hungry," she says without opening the door. I walk to the kitchen where I grab the pizza, a couple drinks, and make my way back to Rylee's room. "Rylee open up," I yell through her door. "I told you I wasn't hungry," she says once she opens the door. "I know but you really need to eat something," I say with concern as I sit the food down on her bed and handed her one of the drinks. "Fine I will eat some just to make you happy," she say giving in to me. "Thanks," I say as we both sit down on her bed and begin eating.

After eating we both sat in silence until I decided to break it. "Rylee talk to me tell me what all happened to you and why you even went back to Alex after he put his hands on you the first time," I ask her just wanting to understand. "I can't tell you," was all she says in a whisper. "You can't or you want," I say angrily slamming my fist down on the bed. She jumps off the bed in fright as if getting ready to run from me. "Rylee I'm sorry," I say getting off the bed and stepping closer to her. She steps back looking at me with fright in her eyes and my heart breaks at the sight of her being scared of me. "Rylee I will never hurt you like he did," I say wanting to just take her in my arms and let her know I care for her. As I reach out to pull her into my arms she jumps back from my hand. "Please don't touch me," she says with tears in her eyes. "Ok I want I promise," I say holding my hands up. "I'm sorry," she say dropping her gaze to the ground. "Don't apologize it's not your fault, and I hate that guy for doing these things to you," I tell her honestly. "I want to go to bed, please leave." she says struggling to keep herself from breaking down again. "Ok if you need anything I'm just going to be across the hall," I tell her before exiting her room and as soon as she shut the door behind her I could here muffled cries coming from inside. I don't know how, but I am going to do everything in me to help Rylee become herself again.

Authors Note:
I know this chapter isn't as long as the others but I promise I will keep writing them as long as possible.
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