21- Confronting Life

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Ethan's POV
  I know what I did with Rylee was wrong on so many levels but I had to know if I had a chance of winning her back and after getting her to sleep with me I knew I still had a shot but I had to be careful not to rush getting her back, because I want to make sure that getting back with her is really what I want. "So what do you have planned for us tonight?" Hannah says as she climbs onto my lap so that she is now straddling me. "I just figured we would hang out around here," I say not really wanting to take her anywhere. "But we have been sitting around here the last few times I have been over can't we go do something fun?" She complains in a whinny tone. "Like what?" I ask her not really caring what we do. "Let's go on a real date like dinner and a movie," she say getting excited. "Fine," I say giving into her. "Thanks," she says before placing her lips on mine for a quick kiss then gets off of my lap, grabs my hand, and begins to drag me with her.

  We get to the movie theater thirty minutes before our movie starts and we decide to go on in and just wait inside. As we walk in the door I spot Rylee and Alex siting on a bench. My blood begin to boil as I see his hand on her leg I mean how dare he touch my wife like that. Before I realized what I was doing I find myself walking over to her, but just before I do something I would have probably regretted I feel Hannah grab my arm. "Are you really going to talk to them after they got us kicked out of your family dinner," Hannah ask in an angry tone. "I just can't stand seeing them together," I say with jealousy and anger in my voice. "Well you need to get over it you both have moved on. No need in trying to fix something that's not broken," she says in frustration as she drags me back away from Rylee and Alex. "Your right," I say but still continue to watch them out of corner of my eye.

Rylee POV
  I watch as Ethan and Hannah walk into the movie theater I begin to feel sadness as I watch them together. "Just ignore them," I hear Alex say from beside me. "Huh?" I say being caught off guard by what he said. "Just ignore them and let's hope they don't cause any drama like the last time we were all in the same room together," he say smiling at me. "Yeah your right," I say giving him a small smile back. As I continue to watch Ethan out of the corner of my eye until I feel Alex place his hand on my leg causing me to turn my attending to him. "Maybe we should go ahead and make our way into the screening room now," he says to me before getting to his feet and holding his hand out for me. I take his hand and let him lead me to our seats. Not long after we were seated Ethan and Hannah came in and sat not far behind us. I continued to act as if I hadn't seen Ethan for not wanting to cause a seen.

The movie had been on for over an hour and I had began to start feeling sick as I kept replaying the moment from the night at the restaurant in my head over and over. "I have to go to the bathroom, I think I'm going to be sick." I say to Alex as I begin to run out of the screening room. I walked outside to get some air instead of going to the bathroom and as I sat on the sidewalk I begin to feel tears fall down my face. "I don't know how my life got so messed up," I whisper to myself. "Are you ok?" I hear Ethan say as he sits down beside me. I didn't answer him instead I kept my head down and my face turned away from him. "Rylee talk to me, did that punk Alex put his hands on you?" He asked with anger in his voice but I could still hear the concern in his voice also. "Please just leave me alone," I beg him barely above a whisper as I try to keep my voice from cracking. "I'm going to kill him," I hear him screams before starting to get up off the ground. "Stop it, Alex didn't do anything to me, You did!" I scream at him as I angrily get off the ground to face him. "I haven't done anything to you," he say his anger matching mine. "Of course you never clam to do anything wrong!" I scream angrily as I clinch and unclinch my fist. "What did I do that was so bad?" He ask with anger still in his voice as he stepped closer to me. Just as he was about to place his hands on my shoulders I stepped backwards to prevent him from touching me. "Rylee please don't act like that," he says his voice changing from anger to hurt. He reaches out to try and touch me again but I back away from his touch again. "Rylee is this about that night at the restaurant?" He ask stepping closer to me this time leaving me know where to go since I had back myself into a wall. "Yes what we did was wrong, we both have new relationships and then to know I meant nothing to you just makes me feel ten times worse," I say avoiding eye contact with him. "Rylee that's ..." He started to say but was cut off when Alex come out the theater calling for me. "I have to go," I say to him as I slip under his arms and he lets me go without trying to stop me. But just as I was about to round the corner to were the entrance to the theater was I was pulled back and Ethan's lips came crashing down on mine. At first I kissed him back but then my brain snapped me out of which caused me to pulled back slapping him quickly across the face. "I'm with Alex now so you have to stop doing that," I say in a irritated tone as I walk way from him to go find Alex.

"Where were you earlier?" Alex asked me as we pull up to the house. "I walked outside to get some air," I say honestly just leaving the part about Ethan being with me out. "Oh well I came out looking for you but I couldn't find you anywhere," he says giving me a puzzled look. "I must have be on the other side of the building and I just didn't hear you." I say probably a little to quickly before getting out of the car and making my way inside. "Was you with Ethan?" Alex asked with anger in his voice as we make it into the house. "What makes you think I was with him?" I ask answering his question with a question. "Rylee just answer the question!" he screams at me causing me to jump from the amount of anger in his voice.  "No I wasn't," I lie avoiding eye contact with him in hopes of him not figuring out I was lying. "Rylee look at me and tell me the truth," he says as he grabs my arm griping it tight making me flinch in pain. "Yes he came out for a few minutes while I was out, now please let me go your hurting me," I say with tears in my eyes. "I knew it and you where with him at the restaurant that night to," he says twisting my arms making scream out in pain as it snaps. "Yes, I was with him," I scream out painfully as he releases my arm and I drop to the floor as tears falling from my eyes as I hold my arm to my chest. "Rylee I'm so sorry I didn't mean too," he begins saying apologetically as he scopes me up in his arms and begin walking outside and placing me in his car. "Where are you taking me?" I ask in to much pain to fight him. "I'm taking you to the hospital," he say once he is in the car.

  As we sit in the hospital room waiting on the results of my X-ray I begin getting flashes of the abuse I went through a few years ago and I begin to get scared of what Alex could be capable of. "Hey sweetheart I'm so sorry," I hear Alex say snapping me of my mind. "Are you in any pain?" He asked attempting to get me to talk to him. "No, the medicine they gave me stopped it." I said hoarse from all the crying I had done earlier. "Rylee you have to stick to our story no matter what ok, because if you tell them I did it they will put me away for a long time since there are records of previous situations," he say pleading with me not to give him up. I was about to answers him when the doctor came in and interrupted out conversation. "Miss we would like to talk to you alone if that's ok?" The doctor asked as him and some lady came in. "Sure," I say shaking me head yes as Alex walks out the door. "Hi my name is Grace and I'm from the woman's abuse center I would like to ask you some questions, if that's ok?" the lady ask kindly. "Ok," I say knowing what she was already going to say. "Look Rylee the brake in your arm isn't caused from you falling down the stairs," the doctor says showing me the X-Ray. "If he is putting his hands on you all you have to do is tell me and we can help you get out of the situation," she say looking at me with kindness in her eyes. "He isn't hurting me," I say keeping myself calm. "Ok but if something comes up and you change your mind here is my card all you have to do is call me," she say handing me a card with her name and number on it. "Thanks," I say as she gets up and leaves the room. "Let's get that arm fixed up so you can go home," the doctor says sweetly as he begins gathering the stuff to fix up my arm. "Thanks," I say to him sweetly. "You welcome," he say before beginning to put my arm in a cast.

Authors Note
So did y'all know that this was coming or did you think that Alex had really changed?
Keep the votes coming!!!

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