26- Thinking Of You (part 2)

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Ethan's POV
  As we pull into the hospital I don't even wait for my dad to stop the car completely before getting out and running into the hospital. "Where's Rylee I want to see her," I say as soon as I see Mark. "Ethan she is in surgery," he says making me stop in my tracks. "What happened to her," I ask as panic started to sit back in again. "She was in the car with Alex the police where chasing him, then he just drove straight off the bridge." he say putting a hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down. "So he tried to kill them?" I ask already knowing the answer. "That's what it looks like, but we want know for sure until we talk to her," he informs me. "I'm going to kill him," I say angrily as I start to storm off to find Alex. "Ethan's stop," I hear Mark call after me. "No I have held back long enough, it's time he pays for what he has done." I say my anger becoming more intense by the second. "Ethan he is already dead, he was thrown through the windshield," he say causing me to stand in shock of what he was telling me. "Was Rylee thrown also?" I ask fearing the answer. "No but she hit her head pretty heard on the dashboard and they have her back to trying to remove all the glass from her head and get her stitched up," he say making it sound as though she was fine. "So she didn't get hurt to bad?" I ask confused. "She did, she is in a coma and they don't know if she will wake up or not," he tells me making me drop to my knees as fear and sadness overcome me. "I can loose her, I just can't," I plead through the sadness. "She is strong son and I don't believe that she will give up without a fight," I hear my father say as he sits beside me and places his arms around me. "I hope your right," I say through my sadness.

  After sitting and waiting for over an hour the doctor finally comes out to talk to me and her parents. "How's Rylee, is she awake?" I ask frantically. "I'm sorry she isn't awake, but she is stable for now," he informs us. "So she is going to be ok?" Mrs. Conners ask him hopeful. "It's to early to tell but the next twenty-four hours will be crucial, she needs to show improvement or the chances of her fully recovering are slim," he tells up sympathetically. "Can we see her," I ask him just wanting to see her. "Yes but only one at a time," he tells me before quickly leading me to her room. "Can I ask about the baby is it ok?" I ask him once we were out of earshot from her parents. "The babies are fine, they underwent a lot of stress though so we are monitoring them close," he informs me. "Wait did you just say babies?" I ask him in shock. "Yes there two, did you not know?" He asked me curiously. "No I didn't," I say before we finally make it to her room.

  I walk up to her beside to see her laying there all bartered and busied, tubes and wires where connected all over her. The sound of two hearts beating causes me to look up at a monitor that shows there heart rates and I stand there for a moment mesmerized by them. "Rylee please wake up, I need you and these babies to pull through," I say take her hand and gently run my thumb over her hand. "I love you so much and I have waited for what seems like forever to have you in my arms again and I would give anything for you to wake up and open them beautiful eyes," I say before gently placing a kiss on her forehead.

  After spending a few minutes with Rylee I headed back out to the waiting room so that Rylee's parents could have a chance to see her since they too haven't seen her in over three months. "How is she?" He mom ask as I got close to her. "She is banged up pretty bad but she is stable so all we can do is hope and pray that she wakes up soon," I tell her before taking a deep breath to begging telling her the pregnancy news. "Rylee is pregnant," I say quickly and all eyes turned to me. "What are you saying that she is having Alex's baby?" Her dad asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "No they are mine!" I say with confidence. "Wait so she is pregnant with more then one baby, and she had been pregnant the entire time she has been gone," her mom ask in confusion. "Yes she is pregnant with twins and they are mine because we were together just a few days before she left with Alex," I inform them. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you both sooner, I just wanted to find her and we both tell you," I apologize. "It's fine we understand and we wish you both the best," her mom say as she pulls me into a hug. "Thanks, I just hope they all make it through this." I say sadly. "Me to," she says as she releases me from the hug. "Make sure you take care of my daughter and my grandbabies," her dad says as she holds his hand out for me to sake once my hand was in his he too pulled me into a hug. "Now we are going to go see our daughter for a few minutes," they said before heading to her room.

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