17- Graduation

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Rylee POV
"I can't believe I graduate high school in just a few hours," I say to Ethan as I finish applying my makeup. "You deserve it after everything you have been through this year yet you still managed to graduate top of your class," he say as he continues to watch me from the bed. "Yeah but I still don't remember much of my life and it doesn't seem real to be graduating when I feel as though I haven't been in school long," I say letting out a deep breath to keep myself calm. "Look don't get worked up the doctor is positive your memories will come back," he say coming up and pulling me into his arms. "I don't know if I could have made it through these last few months without you," I tell him honestly. "You could have but I'm glad that I was able to be there for you," he says before placing a small kiss on my forehead. "Ok finish getting ready then we can go grab a bite to eat before you have to be at the school," he say before walking back to the bed. "Ok sounds good all I need is to put on my dress and I'm good to go," I say grabbing my dress from the back of the door and heading to the bathroom to change. "Why can't you just change in here," he ask in a pouty voice. "Because if I change in here I have a feeling we will not leave in time to go eat before the ceremony," I say with laughter in my voice. "Yeah your probably right," he say in a disappointed tone. "I promise to make it up to you after the graduation," I say before shutting the door to the bathroom and began to change into a lacy dark blue spaghetti strap dress that had a heart neckline, the dresses reached just to the top of my knees.

As we walk out of the house I notice a new car in the driveway with a huge bow on the top of it, I quickly turn to see Ethan standing behind me holding out the keys. "I figured you may like to drive your new car to your graduation," he say as I take the keys from him. "You seriously bought me a car?" I ask him in shock. "Yes I really did I wanted you to have your own car, since your only a few months away from starting college," he says holding back laughter at my expression. I run and jump into his arms giving him a big hug. "I love you so much," he tells me before claiming my lips with his for a quick kiss. After breaking the kiss I run to the drivers side of the car and get in. After Ethan gets into the car we begin making our way to find something to eat.

Ethan's POV
Seeing her face light up at me buying her a car makes me wonder why I had not got her one sooner. Now as I watch her walk across the stage to clam her diploma I couldn't be more proud to call her my wife and I can't wait to find the perfect time to ask her to marry me again. After all the names had been called I make my way down the bleachers to meet up with Rylee, Skyler, and all the rest of our family. "So do you guys have any plans for the rest of the night?" Mr. Conners asked looking to me and Rylee. "No we were just going to go home," I say to him. "Good then you should all come over to the house and let's have a celebration for the girls accomplishments," he says refuting to Rylee and Skyler. "Can Camron and her family come too if they don't have any plans?" Skyler ask Mr. Conners. "Sure you girls bring whoever you want, it's you girls night anyway," he says and with that both Rylee and Skyler took off to round up there friends. "Ethan son we are so glad to see our Rylee is happy with you, and that you too seem to be getting along well," Mr. Conners says throwing his arms around my shoulder. "Thanks sir I really do love your daughter and I want her to always be happy," I tell him honestly as I watch Rylee happily talking to her friends in the distance. "I'm glad to hear you say that, do you know if she has decided where she wants to go to college?" He ask in a curious tone. "No we really haven't talked about it," I say not wanting to think of her going away. "Well I'm sure wherever she decides to go that you two will make it work," he say before walking back over to his wife, my dad, and Skyler's mom. "I sure hope so," I say to myself before going to join them.

As Rylee, Skyler, Camron, and a couple of the other girls hang out by the pool with some of the guys from the football team including Justin. I begin to feel like I really don't fit into Rylee's world since she and her friends are so much younger then me, but I don't want her to give up her friends and her teenage life for me. I sit with the adults inside and watch Rylee through the window. After watching for a few minutes I make my way to the kitchen deciding I shouldn't keep watching Rylee so close.

"You should come join us," I here Rylee say as she come up into the kitchen. "I'm good just go hang out with your friends you deserve to have some fun without me," I tell her not wanting to mess up her night. "Please Ethan, I want to be with you and my friends, can't you come hang out for a little while?" she say begging me. "No I don't want to hang out with a bunch or teenagers," I say coming out a little harsh. "Well if you don't what to hang out with us teenagers that fine, then maybe we shouldn't be together since you know I'm one of those teenagers or did you forget that," she says before turning and stomping out of the room. "Rylee wait I didn't mean it like that," I say taking off after her. "No it's fine I get it, just go home and I will just stay here tonight," she say without turning around.

Rylee POV
After getting into the argument with Ethan I decide to go back out to my friends and enjoy the rest of the night. "Come on get in the pool," Camron calls out to me. "But I will ruin my dress," I pout. "So it's time you take a risk," Skyler says before pushing me into the pool. I came up coughing up water from being caught of guard. "Are you ok," just says swimming up to me. "Yeah I'm fine," I say after catching my breath. "Sorry Rylee I didn't mean to make you swallow water," Skyler say after jumping back into the pool. "It's ok I'm fine, no harm done, so how about let's play some games?" I ask them wanting to get my mind off the argument with Ethan.

After a late night of hanging with my friends I decide to go ahead and drive home not wanting to be a burden on my parents. As soon as I got to the apartment I realized that Ethan wasn't home. So I go up to my room climb in bed and go to sleep only to be woken up several hours later by loud noises coming from the living room. I slowly get out of bed carful not to make any sounds and I grab my can of hairspray so if someone was breaking in I could at least blind them with it. As I round the corner of the hall I couldn't see anything from it being dark throughout the apartments and the next thing I know I feel someone grab me from behind causing me to scream as I turn around and spray the hairspray then hit them in the head with the can when it quit spraying. "Rylee stop its just me," I hear Ethan say loudly. I flick on the lights to see a drunk and hurt Ethan in front of me. "Are you crazy I thought you were someone breaking in," I say in a panic as I begin to lead him to the bathroom. "I'm sorry, I was just so glad to see you here that I grab you without thinking. Good thing is after what you just did I think I'm sober now," he say grabbing his head. I sit him down on the toilet seat, got a wet rag and begin cleaning the hairspray from his eyes. "Are you ok?" I ask once I had finished cleaning out his eyes. "I'm fine, but remind me never to scare you again, because I believe you almost gave me a concision," he say with a small laugh. "I'm sorry, but next time you should turn on some lights or maybe even give me some kind of warning before grabbing me like that," I say laughing with him. "I promise I will be more careful next time," he says as I finish fixing up his cut from me hitting him with the hairspray can. "Good, now how about we go to bed because I think we have had enough drama for one night," I say before walking off to my room and climbing back in bed. It wast long after getting into bed I felt the bed dip down. "Why aren't you sleeping in your own room," I ask turning to face him. "Because I don't want to sleep without you next to me," he says sweetly before giving me a quick kiss on the lips. With that I snuggle up next to him and we both drift off to sleep.

Picture of Rylee dress on this chapter!

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