16- PROM??

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Rylee POV
"We swear we won't go all out, now sit down and let us get started." Camron say pulling me to the chair and making me sit down in it. "Fine but if I don't like it you two will have to redo it," I tell them in a warning tone. "Ok we get it," Skyler says holding her hands in the air and laughing. "Good then you both may proceed," I tell them as I hold back my own laughter. As they begin doing my hair and makeup I can't help but wish I could remember so of the times we had together because even though I didn't remember them I feel as though I have been friends with them forever.

After they had finished doing my hair they help me put in my dress without messing up my hair then I stood in front of the mirror admiring the long deep purple lace dress. "You look stunning," Skyler says circling her finger signaling for me to turn. I slowly spin around letting both Skyler and Camron look me over. "Now I think our work here is done, time for us to run home and get ourselves ready," Camron says grabbing her things and making her way to the door. "Actually I brought my things so I'm just going to get ready here, I just have to run down to the car to get them." Skyler tells Camron. "Ok well I come back in an hour to get both of you," Skyler says and as we both agree she exits to room. Having a moment to myself I stand in the mirror and continue to admire my reflection. "You look beautiful," I hear Ethan's say from behind me. "Thanks," I say feeling my face heat up as his eyes travel over my body. He steps closer to me and places his hand on my arm pulling me to him. He leans closer to me and just as his lips where about to touch mine Skyler burst through the door. "Ethan you had better not ruin her hair and makeup or your going to have me to deal with," Skyler says in a scolding tone. "Now get out," she says dragging him to the door but before she closed the door moments later. "Why couldn't you have been like two minutes later coming in the door," I say in a whinny voice. "Oh quit complaining you can see him after prom, I don't want you messing up your makeup and plus I don't want to see you and my brother making out," she say cringing at the thought of seeing Ethan and I making out.

We make it to the dance about and hour after it started because Camron was late picking us up. Both girls immediately pull me to the dance floor and we begin to dance to the Dj's mix which was very up beat and energetic. We laughed and danced to several songs before the music changed over to a slow song and everyone started to pair of with different people and I slowly begin to make my way to sit down as I watch guys take Camron and Skyler and begin dancing with them.

"Would you mind dancing with me?" I hear a male voice say beside me. I look up to see Alex standing holding his hand out to me. "I don't think that's a good idea," I say trying to keep calm. "Rylee I know what I did to you was horrible but I'm in therapy and I'm getting help, please just dance with me I promise that there is no motive behind it other then to show you I can be a good person and that maybe one day you will forgive me," he say with a hint of regret and sadness in his voice. "Ok one dance can't hurt," I say placing my hand in his and begin letting him lead me to the dance floor. "Let's not get to close to Skyler and Camron because I don't want them to run to Ethan," I say and he begin to pull me to the other side of the room away from the girls. I place my arms around his neck and he places his hand on my waist, then we begin to sway to the music. "So do you not remember any of our relationship? he ask me. "No, I really don't other than that night." I say referring to the night he raped me. "I'm truly am sorry about that, if I could take it back I would then maybe you would have had to deal with everything your going through," he says sincerely. "Thanks, that means a lot," I say giving him a quick hug. "So you forgive me?" He ask quickly. "I'm heading that way," I say not really knowing what else to say. "That's good enough for now," he say giving me a quick smile.

  We continued to dance to the next couple slow songs when suddenly I hear Ethan come up beside us, "may I have my wife for this dance?" I could tell he wasn't to happy about me dancing with Alex but that he was trying to keep his cool. "Yeah," Alex says stepping to the side and letting Ethan takes his place. "So your not going to say anything about Alex," I say after we had been dancing in silence for several minutes. "What do you want me to say, you know how I feel about him but I don't want to cause a scene this is suppose to be a special night for you," he says keeping his voice low and calm. "Thanks for that," I say dropping the subject not wanting to make him mad. "What made you come here, I didn't think you were the prom type," I ask him curiously. "Oh I'm not, I didn't even go to mine, but your my wife and after seeing what you looked like in that dress I couldn't stand the thought of another guy having you in his arms," he says smiling down at me. "So your jealous," I say with a huge grin. "No I am not, it's just your my wife and I don't want to share," he say in defense. "Yeah just keep telling yourself that," I say giggling at his reaction to me calling him jealous. "How about we get out of here," he suggest as we both notice everyone staring at us and whispering. "Why are you jealous of what they may be thinking about me," I say trying to get him to admit he doesn't like me talking to other guys or them looking at me. "If I admit it then can I take you home," he say in an defeated tone. "Sure," I say shrugging my shoulders. "Fine, I'm jealous I hate when other guys look at you and talk to you, your mine and I don't want anyone to take you away from me," he say without looking me in the eyes. "That will never happen," I say referring to someone taking me away from him. "You say that but you never know, you may one day realize I'm not good enough to be with you," he say sounding so insecure. "Ethan I'm not going anywhere I love you and I want only you for the rest of my life," I say knowing it's the first time I have truly admitted I love him. "Do you really mean it, you love me?" He say with a smile that I could see even in his eyes. "Yes I really do!" I say reassuring him. With that's he leaned in placed a quick kiss on my lips before leading me out of the school doors.

Authors Note:
I love all you guys thanks so much for all your votes, keep them coming.

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