Chapter 14

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"OH MY GOSH! VE'QUELL!" Kalifa screamed from the bathroom. I jumped from the bed rushing to the bathroom door. I pushed the door open to see her sitting facing the wall.
"What's going on? What's wrong?" I sat next to her, turning her face towards me. "Kalifa, what's wrong?"

"Ve'Quell..." She smiled. "I'm pregnant." She pointed to four pregnancy sticks, all positive.

"Whattt!!" I laughed nervously. A little me? I don't know if I was excited or just scared. "Are you sure?"

"Remember I made breakfast about two weeks ago and right after we ate I had to throw up? What about when Fluffy pooped in the kitchen? I've never reacted like that. Or when I told you I was stressing out and was late on my cycle?" She gave me a 'duh' expression.

"Right. Well, let's get a doctor's appointment as soon as possible. I'm gonna be a daddy!" I sung while pulling her into my arms.

"Yes, you are." She smiled.

One Week Later


"Kalifa James?" A nurse called out. We stood and followed her to a private room.

"Ok, I need you to stand on this scale, we're going to check your weight and height." I did as told not want to know the numbers. "Ok, 145 lbs, 5'5. Sit up here on the bad, now I'm going to check your blood pressure." She put a clip on my finger and tightened the cuff on my arm and began to squeeze the pump. "Alright, 131/86, your HR is at 90. We might have to watch for your blood pressure to prevent complications later on in the pregnancy but for now you're ok. Do you know how far along you are?" She smiled.

"No." I tried to return a smile but I'm worried about possible complications.
"Hey, Kalifa, it's fine. Don't worry too much about it. I have put your information in the system, Dr. Shane will be here in a few. Congratulations to you both." She then left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Don't stress about it, that will make it worse K." Ve'Quell kissed my forehead.

"Hello Kalifa, I'm Dr. Shane. You must be the child's father?" He asked Ve'Quell.

"Yes, Q." He nodded.

"Great, so Kalifa what we're going to do is listen for a heartbeat, take the baby's first selfie and see how far along you are. So go ahead and lay back for me." He turned on a machine that had a grey scale. He applied a lubricant and placed a wand on my belly. "If you look here," He pointed something out on the screen. "That is your little bundle of joy, he has a very strong heart beat."

"It's a boy?" Ve'Quell asked.

"She's not far enough to tell, you're only 12 weeks. In about a month, you can come back and we'll see the sex of the baby. As of now, he's very healthy and you should have a smooth pregnancy."

"But the nurse said I may have some complications due to my blood pressure?" I asked.

"Yes. It is possible. Your BP is 131/86, if that was to reach 140/90 you could be at risk for pre-eclampsia. That is something to worry about later on in the pregnancy. Don't worry about it, just get as much rest as possible, stay away from salty foods. Other than that, meet the nurse at the front desk for your ultrasound photos. Congratulations." He spoke while wiping the gel from my stomach and leaving the room.

"Aren't you excited? I know I am." Ve'Quell asked after we received our ultrasound photos.

"I was until I learned my blood pressure can cause major problems." I sighed.

"And you stressing about it is going to make things worse. We're going to be good K." He kissed my forehead a pulled away from the parking lot.  

I hope my baby is okay, this is the first pregnancy that I am excited about. This is the baby that I want, the child I want to give my unconditional love too. I don't want to lose him...

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-KarmaJane ♡

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