Chapter 19

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"Michele, I need you and Vince to get here, asap. I think Ve'Quell is, no, I know Ve'Quell is doing drugs."

"What?" Michele gasped. "No, not my baby. How do you know?" She asked.

"I've found his stash a few times, he's been getting very paranoid lately and he really hasn't been himself." I cried. "I don't know how much more stress I can take Ma."

"I know baby. Vince has a huge meeting in the morning and I have to grade a few papers. I will tell dad tomorrow afternoon and we will be on our way then ok?" She said. "I love you Kalifa, it will be ok."

"Love you too mom, see you tomorrow." We hung up.

I sat up in bed, looking at the empty spot next to me. I miss when Ve'Quell would wrap his arms around me at night. We'd sleep so closely every night it was like we were so scared to let each other go. Now he's not even here half of the time, physically or mentally.

After taking my shower, I brushed my teeth and took the hair clips from my hair. I pulled the curls apart letting them hang naturally. I applied a little makeup, a natural look with a soft pink lip.

I put on a white blazer with a pink tank top and light wash jeans. I slipped on my white beaded sandals, big hoop earrings and grabbed my pink Coach bag and went to my car.

I stopped at Tim Hortons for a bagel with strawberry cream cheese and a cappuccino. I quickly ate before pulling up to my destination. I knocked on the door and soon after it was opened.

"Glad you can make it Sis." Jr smiled and greeted me with a hug.

"Hey Kal. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, how are you? You look beautiful as always, I see you're starting to waddle." We laughed. It had been three months since I last saw him and the family.

"Yeah, this baby is getting too big, I don't think I have enough body for the both of us." I shook my head.

"You look great K. Here let me help you." He saw that I was struggling to sit down and he kindly extended his hands so I could ease on to the couch. "There you go. You look good girl where are you going after this?"

"Thanks Kal, I'm not going anywhere. I just like to look better than I feel." I continued to eat my bagel.

"So to cut to the chase, I just want to apologize for what Kaleena said. She was very disrespectful for that. I don't understand what her problem is." He looked disappointed.

"It's ok Kalvin. There's nothing you can do to make her feel differently about me. I don't know why she feels that way and I don't care. You can't apologize for her because you didn't say it, she did. But that's neither here or there so let's just move along. How's the wife?" I asked about his recent engagement.

"She's great. I can't wait for you to meet her."  Just then there was a knock on the door. "Great, she's here." He hurried to the door.

"Hey baby, I stopped to get us something to eat, then we can start on that baby." She started to grind on him until she saw me. "Oh my gosh!"

I was laughing way too hard even though it wasn't that funny and I almost tinkled on myself.

"I am so sorry! I didn't know he had company." She blushed. "Hi, I'm Sofia, Kalvin's fiancé." She extended her hand.

"It's ok, I'm Kalifa, his sister." I smiled.

"Nice to finally meet you! You're so pretty! Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" She was so bubbly and her accent was very thick.

The Skin I'm In: New Problems, Old Scars (Urban Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now