Chapter 8

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I felt a burn, a sizzle, a rush,

I was mortified, then my fear hushed,

My mind played a trick on me, this really isn't that bad

What was once fear turned to curiosity, curiosity got comfortable, my spirits then humbled

Enjoying the liquid poison as I sniffed and enjoyed... I mean, despised... I couldn't stand the feeling it gave me

After a while, it felt pretty good... No what am I saying? It was horrible I mean

Then slowly, Vince creeps back into my thoughts, smiling that evil smile

Enjoying the sudden strength it gave him, he stands over me as I curl in the corner

He has completely taken over again, I thought that he was gone... forever

I thought that he would have stayed in the grave that I dug him some time ago

I feel helpless, he's gaining control again, I see it in the way he looks

The things that I thought I had control over, is the thing that has me hooked



There was something different when he walked in the door

This time no hug, no kiss, no affection was shown, Then I knew, this was an episode

It rarely happened anymore and I'm... I'm actually not okay with it, but I know how to manage when he's like this

Stay calm Kalifa, don't set him off, I mean them, how many of them this time,

"Ve'Quell, did you eat anything? You need to eat." I say quietly, careful not to startle them.

"I'm okay." He growls back at me. I watch as he pace the floor, whispering things to himself. All of a sudden, he stops and stands in one place for about a minute.

"STOPPPPP!" He yells out, startling me instead.

"Ve'Quell, stop what?" I asked, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

"You're doing it again... Stop it!" He yells again. I hesitantly take a step closer to him but he takes a step back.

"Q, what is it? You've never been like this." My voice is barely a whisper. I've never seen this side of him, he looks crazy, like he's lost his mind.

"STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" His voice changes, it's someone else. It's darker... deeper... threatening, and I'm now scared.

"Like what Ve'Quell? Tell me what's wrong? " I hold my hand up, indicating that I want to touch him. He moves back again.

"You know what you're doing. Don't do that -Q, don't fall into her trap, can we trust her? - shut up! Just leave! -Oh suck it up you little punk." I watch and listen as his face changes with his voice. There's a mad one, a scared one, an crazy one, a scared one, but no sign of Ve'Quell.

All of a sudden, he stops talking and cocks his head to one side. I instantly take a step back. The way he's looking at me is making me feel uncomfortable in a way. He looks lost and scared, that's when I realize it's him.

"Run." He mouths to me then they're back. His eyes a colder, his stance is defensive and he's gone again.

I slowly move further away from him until I am trapped in a corner.  I have no where to go now. He gets closer to me until we're nose to chest.

"Ve'Quell." I whisper.

"THAT'S NOT MY NAME!" He yells and suddenly his hands are wrapped around my throat, gripping harder by the second.

I try to scream but he only tightens his grip. I smack and push, trying to fight whoever it is off of me. Flashbacks run through my head of James having me in this same position. Except one of his hands were in my pants.

I quickly snap back to reality as my breathing is more difficult. I realize my feet are no longer on the ground and then I panic. I love the man that is trapped in this body but I will not die today.

I smack him harder and harder but he doesn't seem fazed by it. I push his head backwards so maybe he could drop me. I kick his manhood as hard as I can as my vision blurs. He flinch, but still has a tight grip on me.

I start to cry, knowing that this is it. "Ve'Quell, please." I whisper knowing he doesn't hear me. "I love you." Then suddenly, I am dropped to the floor, gasping for air...

The Skin I'm In: New Problems, Old Scars (Urban Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now