Chapter 22

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It's been three days since Heaven and I left the hospital. She's truly my bundle of joy, she's been getting me through everything. Her smile brightens my day, even in my darkest places.

"How are you doing today?" Asandra asked.

"I'm great, Heaven is sleeping so good and she's letting me rest." I spoke into the phone.

"That's good to hear, glad you're doing ok. Anything decided on Ve'Quell?" I took a deep breath, forcing myself to hold back tears.

"Uhm yes. Michele and Vince are going to take him off of life support. He's not reacting to anything, no movement, the machine is doing all of the work. He didn't want to be here so why force him too?" I looked down at a smiling Heaven, my joy.

"I understand. Well call me when you're on your way there. Kalvin and I will be there for you. I love you daughter, get some rest."

"I love you too." I ended the call and proceeded to pack some of Ve'Quell's things. I have to mentally prepare myself for the events taking place tomorrow. My first love, my future husband is leaving me for good. Even with all of the wrongs he's done in our relationship, I will forever be in love with him.

There was a knock on the door which took me by surprise. I'm not expecting anyone so I'm not sure who it is.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Sofia." I opened the door and we embraced each other. "I know I didn't call earlier but is it ok if I stay for a while?"

"Of course it is Sofia, come in." I closed the door behind her. "What's going on? Is everything ok?" I sat down across from her, rocking Heaven to sleep.

"Sister..." A smile slowly crept across her face.

"What is it Sofia??? Just tell me already!" The suspense was killing me.

"I just came from the doctors office, I'm pregnant." Her eyes widened and so did mines.

"What? Where?" I screamed making Heaven jump. "Sorry baby. How far along?"

"Kalifa, you would never guess. Guess." She smiled.

"But you just said... Uhh, one month?" I asked and she shook her head. "Two?" She shook her head again. "Omgee Fe, how far?!" I laughed.

"Five whole months!! I had no idea! I haven't gained any weight, no morning sickness, no nothing."

"Wow! You are so skinny, how can we not tell? Do you know what you're having? Ultrasounds?" She handed me her photos and there it is. A baby... A big baby. Why couldn't I be that small?

"I don't know. I have the gender in here. I want you to tell Kalvin and I. I haven't told him yet, I told him to come here when he gets off, is that cool?" I can tell how excited she was, just like I was.

"Of course, I'm so excited! Let me take some food out, we can have a small family dinner." I walked into the kitchen and pulled out some chicken and shrimp.

"Ok that will be so fun. Omg, I'm going to be a mom! Oh wait... The wedding is two months away. What about my dress?" She sat down dramatically and I laughed.

"Sofia, calm down babe. I doubt if you have to adjust anything, it will be ok. Let's think about that later, Ok?" I lat her shoulder and went to lay Heaven in her crib.

(Later That Day)

"Alright, Kalvin." Sofia smiled.

"What is it?" He looked at me then back at her.

"So, you know how I had that really bad cold a couple weeks ago and it went away? I had the same symptoms start back up two days ago. I went to the doctors today and I'm pregnant." She caressed his face.

"What? Stop playing Sofia." He looked like a deer caught in headlights. "What?!" He laughed and touched her stomach. "There's a little one up in here?"

As they talked among themselves, I thought about Ve'Quell's reaction. I thought about how nervous he would be with Heaven, how he would be head over heels with her. I didn't realize that I was crying until Kalvin wrapped his arms around me.

"It's ok Kalifa, we will always be here for you." Sofia joined and I continued to cry.

"I know, I'm just not ready to let him go." I wiped my face and went to the kitchen. "The food is ready guys." We fixed our plates and sat at the dining table.

"Alright, so Kal, I didn't give you all of the details yet." Sofia gave him the ultrasound photos. "I'm five months pregnant, far enough to know the sex of the baby."

"Wow, well what are we having?" He smiled.

"I don't know yet, I gave the paper to Kalifa, I wanted us to find out together." They kissed each other and I opened the envelope.

"Alright guys, ready?" They nodded their heads. "Well, you guys will definitely be having a..." I paused and looked at them. Suspense.

"Welllll???" They asked in sync.

"IT'S A BOY!!" I yelled and they joined me.

"Yes! I'm going to have a son, man. Thank you Sofia, you're giving me my son." He kissed her and Heaven's cry came just in time.

"Hi mommy's baby? What's the matter?" I asked her as tears formed in her eyes. I hate to see her cry but she's so cute while doing so. I put her on my shoulder and rubbed her back while walking back to the kitchen.

"There go uncle's first baby, give her to me K. Don't be stingy today." He held his arms out and I carefully placed her in his arms. "Yea munchkin, you gone have a cousin. He may be younger but he is going to have all the little boys in headlocks." She smiled and he did the same.


-Sorry for the wait guys! I know this was pretty boring, but please be patient! Update will be SOON I promise!

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