At Last, An Adventure!

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I was so used to being alone in The Shire that I never stopped to think about what might happen if suddenly, a group of dwarves just showed up on my doorstep. Like who would've thought? I never expected it either, but I can say it changed my life for the better.....

BEFORE I was making a very nice, delicious dinner. I had put a lot of thought and planning into this dinner. I had used many different recipes and encountered many fiascos, yet this was definitely my best yet. I wasn't having anyone over for dinner...I never did. I was used to being alone, and I liked my life that way. No one to bug me, no one to criticize my food--ah, this was the life.

So why was I so damn lonely?

Sure, there were many women that would come to my house, many that tried to become my lover, friend, girlfriend, whatever...but none of them stayed. They all said my poisonous, selfish personality scared them away. If that was true, I had no hope.

I sat down and prepared to eat, looking at my long table set out with food. Just as I was about to take a bite, a knock sounded at my door. I let out a long sigh.

"No one's home!" I shouted.

The knock came again, and this time I gave in and went to the door. Pulling it open, there stood Gandalf.

"Gandalf!! What are you doing here?"

He came in and began talking about a bunch of Dwarves and jibberish. Something about how a dragon named Smaug had taken over Lonely Mountain, and the new soon to be king needed help reclaiming a stone from the mountain, or needed the mountain back, and that's why Gandalf had come to enlist me...


"Gandalf, I am not helping a bunch of Dwarves," I said indignantly. "You must have smoked too much pipeweed, because think. I'm a Hobbit. Hobbits do not go on adventures. We sit in our homes and eat, drink, make merry. We don't do anything else. Dragons, fighting, adventures...we don't do that. We just don't."

"Well, that's a real shame...because I already told them you would help."

"I won't."

"Feel free to tell him that when he arrives."


Gandalf started to answer, but before he could another knock came at the door. Within minutes I was swarmed by Dwarves, and they began attacking the kitchen table where my lovely spread of food was!! I nearly began to cry from desperation, until at last came a different knock at the door.

"He's here."

With many insults on the tip of my tongue, I angrily marched to the door and pulled it open to behold...him. Thorin Oakenshield, future king. My mouth went instantly dry and all my insults evaporated. I couldn't say a word.

Finally I found my voice. "None of you Dwarves are welcome here."

Before Thorin could reply, Gandalf swept me behind him in one fluid motion. "He doesn't know what he's saying. The shock of seeing all of you at once has caused him to...overthink the possibility of being your burglar."


He turned to me and whispered very rapidly, "If you value your life, play along, it will all be revealed in time."

And that's how my journey began.

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