You Belong To Me.

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Balin looked at Dwalin, a sickening feeling in his stomach threatening to weigh him down. It had been four weeks since the Orcs had taken Bilbo, and Thorin was not himself. Erebor had been reclaimed, it was now theirs, but Thorin refused to keep his promise and share in the wealth. 

Also, he could not find the Arkenstone, and it was making him crazy. The dragon sickness had taken it's toll, and it was only going to get worse and worse, until it consumed his very soul. And Balin didn't know how to stop it. They had searched for days for the Arkenstone, and it was nowhere to be found. All of the Dwarves wanted Bilbo back. They were certain he would be able to find it. 

But Bilbo was gone, far away in Moria, and Thorin could not be persuaded to go and find him. After all that had transpired, Balin could have sworn the two had been in love. But times had changed, people had change, feelings had changed. Thorin would never care about Bilbo again.


Tauriel had watched the Dwarves in the mountain. She had seen everything. They were refusing to come out and fight, and King Thranduil was very unhappy. She had found out all the Dwarves names: Oin, Gloin, Nori, Dori, Bofur, Bifur, Balin, Dwalin, Bombur, Thorin, Kili, and the golden-haired one, Fili. She had tried to get in and talk to them, but all the entrances were blocked off. She would just have to wait and hope that soon Legolas returned with the one that got away.


I was running through the woods, anxious to be away from Moria. There was no time to waste, no time to argue. I was anxious to be back. I suddenly stopped short.

An Elf was standing three feet in front of me. My heart slowed down and I just stood there and stared, wondering what he wanted. I had seen this Elf in Mirkwood. He was the King's son...Legolas, I think.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"You must come with me," he replied, his voice low and his bow aimed at me. "Tauriel went to find your Dwarf friends. I am supposed to take you to them."

"Please do!" I said, hurriedly running over to stand beside him. "You know where they are?"

"Yes. They have reclaimed the mountain at Erebor."

At last! They had done it! The treasure was ours! I couldn't wait to see Thorin, to see how excited he'd be to see me, how happy we would both be. I couldn't wait to hug him again, and never let go. 

Legolas began walking, and I followed happily. This was the moment I had been waiting for. I would at last get to see all of my friends again. I wonder if they'd missed me. 


It was nearly nightfall when we reached Erebor. I was shocked to find the entrance sealed off, but it was no trouble. I could just climb it. I began to do just that, and when I finally reached the top, I saw the surprised faces of Fili and Kili.

"Bilbo!" Kili exclaimed. "We were hoping you would return!"

"Yes, I'm pleased to be back. How's Thorin?" 

Fili looked at me. "What did those Orcs do to you?" he asked suspiciously. 

"Nothing, I'm fine. Well...for a little while, I was tricked by promises of purpose and immortality. I wanted to stay and gain my immortality, but I had to come back. I had to see Thorin. I've been away from him for far to long, and it's time for us to see each other again."

"Uh, that might not be the best idea..." Kili said sadly.

"Why not?"

"Thorin isn't himself," Fili answered. "He's going mad with his search for the Arkenstone. The sickness that drove his grandfather mad is now affecting him."

What? My heart nearly stopped. That curse had come upon Thorin? Why? It didn't matter. I still wanted to see him. 

"I still want to see him," I said stubbornly, crossing my arms. 

"Fine," Fili answered after a sigh. "He's in the throne room."

I headed that way. Surely Thorin would be pleased to see me. I'd been gone a while. There was no reason for him to not want me here. I opened the doors to the throne room and walked in.

"Thorin, I'm here."

Thorin sat in the throne, wearing a crown. He stared at me, but it seemed like he was staring right through me, as if I wasn't even there. And it scared me..

"Bilbo." He got up and walked to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me into a small room off to the side. 

"Thorin, what are you doing?"

"You belong to me." He began to back out of the room, and a cage door slammed down in front of me. What? He had locked me up! I grabbed the bars. "Thorin, this isn't you! You know me! Now let me out of here!"

"I know who you are, Bilbo! But so that you won't betray me again, I'm keeping a close eye on you. Like I said, you belong to me."

When he'd left, the despair became to much, and I began to cry.


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