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  It was night time when we arrived in Rivendell. The city was beautiful, and I was anxious to see it inside. I had read so much about Elves, and now I was going to see them for the first time! Gandalf went in ahead of all of us, and Thorin was standing by me, a little close, in fact. I tried to shirk away just a bit but each time I moved, he moved too. I decided to just stand there, with my shoulder pressed against his, and hope no one would notice.

"The Elves will now see us," Gandalf announced. "The Lady Galadriel and Lord Elrond demand an audience with myself and the other wizard, Saruman. The rest of you will be treated to nice rooms, in this beautiful city. Be respectful and kind to your hosts, and for goodness' sake be quiet."

We nodded and, to my surprise, no one argued. I guess they knew better than to argue with a wizard. Besides, everyone seemed to be in awe of the city. As we were led through the halls by some Elf, I didn't even notice or care how close Thorin was walking by me. I just couldn't wait to have an actual bed to sleep in, and real food to eat! It had been a long, long while. Six months, in fact, since I'd left the Shire. Oh, how I missed my home.

The Elf led us in pairs to separate rooms. I was shocked, stunned, and embarrassed when I realized they were putting Thorin and I in one room. I blushed deeply as I noticed one bed, and a curse word actually escaped my lips.

"Something wrong?" Thorin asked.

"I was just...admiring that bedpost," I lied. "The oak is so smooth...how on Earth did they get it so smooth?" I stroked the bedpost, pretending to be in awe of how smooth it was. Really, it was nothing special.

"They're Elves, Master Baggins, I assume they can do anything with trees." With a sigh, Thorin laid down on the bed, his hand stroking the Elven sheets. Elves used silk, something us Hobbits coveted but could never acquire. I was tempted to lay down, too, but instead I unrolled my cot and lay on the ground. It was hard and uncomfortable, but after six months of sleeping on the cold hard ground, it was nothing.

"Bilbo, why are you on the ground?" Thorin asked me.

"Because, you're the king..."

"And that matters why? Get up here, Master Baggins. It's not everyday you get to feel the softness of Elven silk."

Realizing it would be useless to argue, I slowly got up and reluctantly laid on the very edge of the bed, as far away as possible, though I wanted to be closer. I avoided his eyes at all costs.


"Lord Elrond, we have a slight...problem, with the Hobbit," Gandalf was saying.

"What is this problem?"

"He has fallen in love..." Gandalf didn't want to say anything else, because of the promise he'd made to Bilbo, but he didn't have a choice. The Elves were going to find out soon enough, anyway. All they had to do was see the way he looked at Thorin to know the truth.

"And this is a bad thing?" Lady Galadriel said, in her soft voice.

"...with Thorin," Gandalf finished. Amid gasps, he continued, "I promised I would keep this secret, per his request, but I thought it would be better if you all heard it from me."

"What should be done?" Saruman asked.

"Nothing," Elrond replied after a long silence.


"The Hobbit is unsure of his feelings at the moment. He's accepted the fact that he could be in love with Thorin, and this haunts him. He doesn't want anyone else to know, which tells me that he is careful. No one else knows except Gandalf. I don't think it would be wise to call attention to it at this moment...but if you enter the hall of the Wood Elves, who knows what Thuranduil will do."

"I intend to avoid the Wood Elves," Gandalf answered. "You must not let Bilbo know that you know...and I will convince him to follow his heart. Better to live happy than in a life of misery, hating yourself for a love you cannot have."

"Does Thorin reciprocate this love?" Galadriel asked. "If not, misery will still follow...."  

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