Becoming A Burglar.

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So I was to become a burglar. I couldn't believe this. Gandalf had signed me up to steal things for Dwarves? Too much pipeweed indeed. How in the world did he think I would even CONSIDER taking this job...position...whatever it was!!!

"All you need to do," Thorin was explaining, "is steal the Arkenstone from under the dragon's feet. Once you have acquired it, you give it to me, and only me. And after the dragon is slain, we reacquire the treasure that is rightfully ours."

"And the Arkenstone?" I asked.

"The next king must have the Arkenstone," Thorin told me. "That's why you must bring it to me when you receive it. Is that understood?"

I nodded, slowly, wilting under his fierce gaze. Apparently the Arkenstone was serious business.But I still wasn't even sure I wanted to be a part of this.

All of the Dwarves were watching me intently, waiting for my answer. I knew what awaited me if I said no.

"Gentlemen, you're all forgetting something," I began. "I'm a Hobbit. Hobbits don't go into battle. We never even hold weapons. We're solitary creatures that prefer staying here in our Hobbitholes and not stepping outside unless it's mandatory. We eat, we drink, we party. We don't fight and we don't go to war. We don't leave the Shire. Adventures are for Elves and Dwarves and maybe even Wizards, but not Hobbits. I'm not an adventurous person and I'd just be a burden."

Thorin looked at Gandalf. "You said Hobbits are very hardy and quiet creatures..."

"They are!" I protested. "We are quiet. We can sneak when we want, I did it all the time to pickpocket..."

I broke off when I noticed them staring. "That's, uh, besides the point. The point is, I can't go on this adventure, quest, thing. It's not for me. And you will agree. This is the business of the Dwarves, not the Hobbits."

Before they left, all the Dwarves sang a song about the Misty Mountains. I had to admit, it was a nice song, but if things were so urgent, why did they waste time singing? I noticed the contract they had laid out, and seriously contemplated signing it. But I thought about my earlier arguments. This was no place for a Hobbit...or was it? All my life I had longed for adventure, for doing something other than just sitting around in Hobbiton. But...wasn't this dangerous?

You live for the danger, a small voice said at the back of my mind. Stop being such a coward. You can go with them, and the name of Bilbo Baggins will be spoken throughout all of Middle Earth.

I didn't want to be famous.

They finished singing, and I went to sleep. The next morning, they were gone, and the contract was still laying there. I knew what I wanted. So I signed the contract, packed my bags, and rushed out the door to find the Dwarves.

It was time to become a burglar.

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