Might As Well Tell.

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I stammered, trying to hide the fact. "Um, I...nothing! Nothing at all. You see, I was speaking of the Shire..."

"Bilbo..." Gandalf's voice was resigned. "You might as well tell. He will find out soon enough, and it's best that you just let him know." With that, he left the room, leaving us two alone. My heart began to pound and I became so nervous, I almost lost my voice. Thorin was staring at me, puzzled, waiting.

"Throughout these six months we've been journeying," I began, slowly, "I have been...acquiring feelings for someone. Someone in the company. And I don't know how to tell them, because not only is it very weird, but also because I highly doubt they'll feel the same way. And I can't hide it anymore, apparently. Any advice?"

Thorin was still staring, making my cheeks turn red. I could feel them burning, and I wanted to turn away, but those brilliant eyes just swallowed me in and carried me down. I couldn't look away.

"Who is it?" he asked me finally.

I shook my head. "I can't say, or it wouldn't be a secret, now would it?"

His gaze became more intense. "Who.Is.It."

I sighed, then looked at the ground. "It's you, Thorin. All right? I have feelings for you and I don't know why they are there but they're there, and they are continuing to drive me crazy."

I couldn't bring myself to look up. If I looked up, I would see that scorching gaze staring at me, judging me. So I kept my eyes averted, and awaited his response.

"How did this happen, Master Baggins?" he asked, his voice strangely tender.

"I've been asking myself the same question," I said nervously.

He didn't say a word. In fact, he just turned and walked out of the room. I could hear his footsteps receding as he walked away.

My heart just sank into my stomach. Suddenly I was seetthing in anger, and planning the killing of Gandalf. He had made me tell! He had ruined everythin! I wanted to scream, shout, do anything to let out the way I felt, but nothing would help. The person I loved didn't love me back.

With a sigh, I sank to the cold hard ground and buried my face into my knees.

(Sorry this one was so short. The next chapter will be longer and more enjoyable :) Don't be scared to leave a comment. I love my readers!!)

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