Why Does It Hurt So Much?

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Even though I had walked out on Thorin, it didn't mean I didn't still want to be with him. I just couldn't deal with all of this ridiculous pain I kept feeling. I loved him, I wanted him, but I couldn't stay.

I kept walking down a trail that seemed to never end. I found myself heading down the road to Mirkwood. King Thranduil was standing outside, his beauty compelling me to stay.

"Mister Baggins, were you not with the company of Thorin Oakenshield?"

I studied the rocks at my feet. "I had to leave. Thorin isn't himself."

"What you feel for that Dwarf is not real," Thranduil spat at me. "And nor should it be. Love between two men doesn't last."

"You know, don't you?" I said boldly. "You love Bard."

He stared at me, unmistakable hurt in his eyes. "Why does it hurt so much?" his voice was barely a whisper.

"I think, because it was real."

(sorry for the short update! Will update more soon. Love you all.)

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