Chapter 3: Enter Tennon

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The rock disintegrated into a white ball. It pulsated and I jumped. It pulsated again, and again, and again. Enzon's fear, and thus my fear,subsided and became confusion.

Chris:"Wait, something isn't right."

The white shell became solid, cracked, then dried up.

Enzon:"Hold on, I'm sensing Tennon, but this isn't him. It can't be him."

The shell started breaking away, only to reveal a small, white,lizard-like creature with three horns on its head. It's body wasn't scaly, it looked like skin. It opened its deep blue eyes, looked straight at me and hissed before it cowered in fear from me, probably sensing Enzon.

Enzon:"My god, what could have done this to him?"

I went over and picked him up. He seemed comfortable in my hands.

Enzon:"This IS Tennon, there is no doubt now. I can sense his life energy pulsing through your hands. What I'm perplexed about is HOW he became to be like this to begin with. Chris, allow me control for a moment."

I let Enzon control my body. He touched Tennon on his forehead and a rush of memories came to me. I saw his previous, most powerful form. I felt the power it gave off. As the memories flashed I saw all the planets he had consumed, all the races he had killed. I saw Enzon fleeing from him in his previous form. I then saw a flash of white light and when it faded I saw another Tennon forming! Then the two began working together, tearing worlds apart in search of Enzon. When they found him, the original Tennon had second thoughts about killing him. Enzon didn't know they were there because he was at a safe distance. Tennon two thrust his hand straight into Tennon one's head,making his body break apart with a loud scream. The last thing I saw was Enzon fleeing the planet they were on as this Tennon broke apart.

My hand thrust backward, outside of Tennon's forehead and I regained control of my body.

Enzon:"How could I have been so careless?! He was right there! I could have taken both of them out then and the problem would have been solved! Stupid stupid stupid!"

Chris:"Don't beat yourself up. You did what you thought at the time was the right thing. What was that flash of light?"

Enzon:"That was a lunar flair from Tennon reaching criti- oh no."

Chris:"What? What's wrong?"

Enzon: " Tennon reached critical mass!"

Chris:"What does that mean?"

Enzon:"It means game over! Here, let me explain. When a Sphere reaches what's known as critical mass, where its mass from consuming other beings becomes greater than it can hold on its own, it sheds tens of thousands of smaller, slightly less powerful, Spheres until it reaches a point where it's mass can sustain itself. It's a defense mechanism against nature because without it a Sphere would turn into a super massive black hole and consume the universe. That was what happened to the first Sphere, that's what created our race. We were spawned from that one sphere. The thing is, whatever other Spheres are created in a critical mass explosion share the values and beliefs that the original Sphere had. Sphere One, as we like to call it,believed that war would solve everything, that's why our race was mainly warriors and that's why we strive to become more powerful. If Tennon reached critical mass, that means that there are now tens of thousands of Spheres headed here for one purpose; to kill me! They will stop at nothing to achieve that goal."

Chris:"And now that you're permanently inside me, they want to kill me also, is that it?"

Enzon:"I'm sorry, but yes."

Chris:"Wrong answer Enzon!"

Pissed off by the situation, I started walking to the Cube of Power.

Enzon:"Where are you going? Aren't you going to take Tennon with you? He is defenseless in that form!"

Chris:"Don't talk to me, Enzon. Aurelian, grab Tennon and get him to John and Kate!"

Aurelian picked Tennon up and disappeared, meanwhile I had arrived at the Cube of Power.

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