Chapter 14: A Tale Of Empty Shells

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Wearrived at the cave which was pretty deep into the cliff.

Enzon:"You two stand here, I'll be right back."

Heexited my body, turned into a liquid and went through a small hole inthe wall. A few minutes later a beam of light surrounded Kate and I.When the light faded we were in a large cavern. I started lookingaround, noticing that I instantly recognized the cave.

Chris:"Wait, I know this cave! It's your-

Enzon:"Yes, this cave is my prison. I showed it to you while you werehooked up to the Dreamscape Machine. I knew then about the Spherethreat and I decided to give you a tour early on so you would knowwhere everything is at. There are some key differences, most notablybeing that the base that Midnight built isn't here, and the door tomy cell is still open. In any case, the other Spheres don't knowabout this place so we will be safe here."

Kate:"So what's our next move?"

Enzon:"The Spheres will eventually go after each other before the peopleon this planet. We have to wait until then and then use that to ouradvantage."

Kate:"How do you know?"

Chris:"Because of the Sphere War."

Enzon:"Exactly. It never really ended. As Spheres, we hunger for form andpower. At an early time in our existance, once we gained the abilityto change our shape, we figured out that absorbing other Spheresmakes our power double. Ever since then, some of us have hungered to'eat' other Spheres to gain more power. I was never one of them. Iwent with Tennon at first because I thought that that was the onlyway to survive. At the time, it seemed all I could do..."

Enzonstarted telling his story and I listened intently, every once in awhile having a lingering memory of the events he talked about.


Sorlon:"Enzon your time is up, go home and get some rest."

Enzon:"Our creator doesn't rest, I will remain here and pray."

Sorlon:"The temple will still be here when you awaken."

Enzon:"Very well, but I'm coming back first thing in the morning."

Ileft the temple of the creator and walked down the steps with Sorlon.

Sorlon:"There has been a lot of talk amongst the Hliani about some kind ofmiracle that's going around. Since you're a part of the Shalbak,maybe you could find out more?"

Enzon:"Just because I'm Shalbak, doesn't mean that I have access to allof their records."

Sorlon:"Yes, but surely you can persuade somebody to talk to you aboutit."

Enzon:"I will try, but I make no promises."

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