Chapter 8: Equinox

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Istood there in awe as the hammer's contours started glowing a darkblue color. Kate and her team arrived in a high-speed land vehicle.They had a Radiometer, which they used to gauge the radiation in thearea.

Kate:"We can't go anywhere near it, it's giving off too much radiation."

Chris:"What kind?"

Kate:"I don't recognize it, maybe Enzon could have a look?"

Enzon:"Let me see here..."

Iwalked over to the Radiometer.

Enzon:"This is Plexion Radiation, not commonly found in nature. Actuallythe only times I've seen Plexions have been when..."

Hepaused as a nameless fear came over him. I felt it as well, butdidn't recognize it.

Kate:"When what?"

Enzon:"We are all in grave danger. This planet is screwed, along witheveryone on it. There's nothing we can do."

Chris:"What are you talking about?"

Enzon:"It calls itself 'Nar Enpulxe' or 'The Banshee.' It's a being sopowerful that not even the combined Sphere Government could defeatit. It prides itself on killing us and it has made it it's mission tokill every last one of us. I thought we sealed it away for good, butit's come back for more. Nothing we do can stop it."

Chris:"It's on its way here? This IS bad."

Igot a message from the Sphera requesting immediate council with me.

Chris:"I have to go, watch this thing like a hawk, please?"

Kate:"I'll update you if anything changes."

Iran towards the Sphera compound, getting there within a couple ofminutes. I wasn't very far from it anyway. I walked into the corridorto see them all rushing around, like something was about to killthem. One of them came up to me.

Sphera:"He needs to talk to you, go to the Sphere room, please."

Iwalked through the hallway at the back of the room, making a right,then a left, and I took the first door on the left; the Sphere room.The door closed as soon as I walked inside, and the time field began.

Chris:"What's this about?"

Varian:"We have received confirmation that Nar Enpulxe is on it's wayhere. Since we are from the Spheres, it seeks us as well as them. Wehave little time to prepare for departure. We just wanted to warn youthat it will seek you as well, because of Enzon. As long as Enzon isinside you, Nar Enpulxe will not rest. What you do now is up to you.We must leave immediately."

Equinox: The Sphere WarsWhere stories live. Discover now