Chapter 16: A Dark Truth

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Icame around to a collapsed tower. I decided to wait in one spot forthe Spheres as they were probably actively hunting me and Enzon. Iheard a weird noise coming from inside the debris, followed by a hugeexplosion that scattered the pieces of the broken building all overthe immediate area. In the center of the explosion, which didn't moveme at all, stood a person with some kind of biological suittechnology.

Steran:"Oh, hello. I must apologize for two things; first, I mustapologize for nearly hitting you with this building, and second Imust apologize for this..."

BeforeI could react to his odd apology, he was behind me. He jabbedsomething into the back of my suit that started draining all my suitpower at an astounding rate. I tried to break free, but to no avail.He got all of my suits power when he dislodged whatever it was thatwas jabbed into me. My suit lost power before it could go offline andthus left the filament and armor active, but without assistance tomove it it was like a 100 ton weight keeping me there. The personjumped backward as I fell down on the ground, unable to move. Thefigure stood over me as I saw his suit change into another suit; itwas mine.

Steran:"Oh the power! I no longer need to hide from my creators! Thank youfor being the gracious donor of this power."

Chris:"Don't you dare leave! Give me back my suit's power!"

Isummoned lightening from the planet to charge my body. Once I gotenough energy to equal where my suit's power would have been, I stoodback up. I turned to face the person, who was now looking smug.

Steran:"Do you really think recharging your suit will help? I'll justdrain it again!"

He once again thrusted the device into my suit, but nothing happened.I grabbed his device, smashing it in my hands, and tossed him awayfrom me. He stood up with a look of disbelief in his eyes, along withextreme anger.

Steran:"You're going to pay for that!"

Hecharged his suit up, which duplicated my power exactly. He thencharged for me, creating Talons to use as a weapon. I held my arm upto block the Talons, but they still cut deep into my suits armor. Heslashed a few more times, which I dodged, then I hit him with my fistwhich sent him back a few feet and put a dent into his duplicatedsuit. He then charged his suit up further and created an ARD. He setthe power to maximum.

Chris:"Wait, you don't want to do that!"

Steran:"Why, afraid of getting blown up by a nuclear blast?"

Heshot straight at me. I jumped to try to avoid it but it hit the wallbehind me and the blast was so intense that it made me fly up intothe air and land about 100 meters away. Miraculously, I stood up tofind that I was completely undamaged and unharmed.

Chris:"Well that wasn't too bad."

Iturned around to see the person coming towards me. I faked him outand punched a hole into his armor. I then proceeded to hit his backhard enough to send him flying towards one of the larger buildingpieces. The impact made a crater and stunned him enough for me to goover and reabsorb the suit energy. Once I had retrieved all of thesuit power, I started to walk away only to hear the person talkingbehind me.

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