Chapter 11: The Equinox's Battle

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Ireadied myself for his attack. The black mist around him converged onone point and created his armor. His armor was black and white inplaces. A complex design ran down his figure, mixing black with whiteat certain points. His eyes glowed a neon green flame and the lightwas just bright enough to illuminate his face.

Destroyer:"I'm sorry for this."

Phoenix:"It's okay, we both agreed to this."

Iblinked once and he was gone. I had only a split second to react tohis hand being plunged into my back. I flew through space at a speedunknown to me, since there were no reference points. I turned aroundand stopped myself only to see that I could barely see him. I calmedmyself and slowed time to where his movements weren't so fast. I sawhim moving very quickly towards me and I held up my arm to block hisnext attack. My arm held its posture when he made contact, but onlybarely. I saw him smile deviously and then he disappeared again. Ionce again slowed time further and saw him go behind me for anotherattack. I quickly turned around to block his attack once more andthen I parried with an attack of my own. I thrusted my fist into hisstomach with all the force I could muster. He flew backward in pain.

Destroyer:"Damn, that was a nice shot!"

Ismiled at that sentiment.

Destroyer:"Alright, lets kick things up a notch!"

Hiscloak-like armor burst into green flames and he held his right handout to his side. I could see heat waves emanate from his body and thespace around us started to distort. He swiped his hand down aftermoving it across to the other side of his head. A sword appeared inhis hand and split a rift into space where he was swiping. The riftmoved towards me at a high speed and I moved out of the way. Ittraveled for a while until eventually collapsing. The green flamesfrom his body then engulfed the sword as well. I activated my talonsas I knew that I couldn't fight his sword with my bare hands. Ifloated there, ready for his next attack. The flames on my own bodygrew stronger as I felt a surge of power run through my body.

Heflew forward, holding his sword up to his head in a jabbing stance. Itook a more defensive posture and when he jabbed, I dodged and slicedhis torso with my talons. I spun around to behind him and kicked himaway.

Chris:"I think I'm getting used to this now, although it's still a bitdifficult to move."

???:"It might remain that way until you and I can become one again.Power is only half of an Equinox. The knowledge is needed to unlockyour full power."

Chris:"Wait, so then how am I winning? The Destroyer seems to have bothknowledge AND power and he is struggling to keep up with me."

???:"The Phoenix was created after a certain disaster happened amongour ranks. You were made to be naturally stronger than the others inorder to insure that the same disaster would never happen again."

TheDestroyer began his attack again, but this time was much faster. Iwas capable of dodging his attacks but then it was like I was beingfought by two of him. I kicked him away only to find out that thereWAS two of him. I sliced the other one in half, then turned around tosee that both halves created yet two more clones. All three thenattacked me all at once and it was now 3 times harder to defendmyself. I tried slowing time once again, but it wouldn't work.Somehow the Destroyer clones were inhibiting my abilities. I pulledmy arms and legs in towards my chest and instinctively released apulse of fire, much like that of a star, emanating from my body. Iextended my arms and legs to force the fire out from my body, hittingall three of the clones. Two of them vaporized and the third explodedinto the same black mist that he had before. The mist then convergedinto one point and recreated his original body, with no armor.

Destroyer:"That's all. I will concede to you. There is nothing more that Ican do, short of a judgment wave, that will defeat you."

Hesmiled like he still enjoyed himself and I smiled as well, releasingthe power that I had stored up inside my body.

Judge:"And with that we have a winner!"

Thecourtroom reappeared, with the Destroyer and I standing where wenormally should.

Judge:"Now that the battle is over, I will return you all to yourprevious destinations and in the forms you all had. The court isadjourned!"

Hisgavel hit the table and a bright white light filled the room. When itdisappeared, I was standing in the same place as before, with thewoman clothed in the black cloak standing just feet away from me.

Chris:"Who are you?"

???:"I'm sorry Chris, but I can't tell you yet. Just know that I watchover you no matter what and I will keep you safe."

Chris:"That's not good enough. Tell me who you are!"

???:"I can't! You aren't ready yet! When the time comes, you will knowwho I am."

 Withthat, she walked off. I thought about following her, but I decidednot to. She is keeping this secret for a reason and whatever thatreason is must be very important if she isn't going to reveal who sheis. For now, I will continue doing what I do best.

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