Chapter 4: It Hits The Fan

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 Iarrived at the Cube, only to discover that the door, which I shouldbe able to reach at this point, was covered by an energy field.

Chris:"Why is this thing so eager to keep me out? Enzon, can you teleportthrough that?"

Enzon:"I tried once, I couldn't. However, that may just be because itdidn't recognize me as the one person who can use whatever is inside.I recommend trying anyway, you never know."

Itried teleporting inside but when I approached the barrier, itdispelled my teleport, forcing me back out. I grabbed the ledge toavoid falling back down. I tried using my TDD but the field wastime-locked, meaning it wasn't effected by the TDD at all.

Enzon:"Chris, reactivate that TDD of yours, I might be able to enhanceit."

Ireactivated the TDD, after which a red shock wave emanated from it,forcing the energy field to slow. I quickly jumped up and ranstraight through the field with no problem.

Chris:"What was that?"

Enzon:"I used negative energy to induce a 'Negative Time Field' whichmore than stops time, it also stops time-locked objects. It was atheory at first but I'm glad it worked."

Chris:"What would've happened if it didn't work?"

Enzon:"Time would have been permanently distorted and we would've beenstuck forever, in theory."

Chris:"You couldn't have said that before?"

Enzon:"If I had, would you have gone through with it?"

Iwalked to the edge of the platform and looked down to see a ratherlong drop. I jumped down to see a tube in the middle of the whiteroom. In the tube I saw what looked like a suit upgrade, which wasodd seeing as how this box was said to be older than my suit even.Around the tube was a myriad of traps and electric fields. I used myTDD to slow the traps and I saw multiple openings, but they came andwent faster than I could move.

Chris:"Do you think we could use Negative Time to get through this one?"

Enzon:"Unlikely, it took a lot of energy the first time I used it and itwill take a long time to get that energy back."

Chris:"Great, well, here goes nothing."

Ilunged at an opening, just barely getting through, but the traps onthe inside threw me back out. I tried again, this time dodging andweaving through all the traps. I was hit by the last one, but Imanaged to break the glass and grab the suit upgrade before I wasonce again thrown out. I stood up just as the traps all stopped. Thewhole box started shaking violently and breaking apart. My suitdeactivated and I started to panic. A part of the floor underneath mebroke away and fell to the earth. I jumped off of it, trying to keepmyself from falling, but then the whole box cracked and fell apart,forcing me to fall. Knowing I wouldn't survive the fall, I put thesuit on, hoping there was something inside that could help me live. Iwas free falling through the giant pieces of Nutranite, the suit wasforming around me. I spun in mid-air to land on my feet, and I landedjust as the suit fully activated, which was a very close call. Itried standing up, but the suit was forcing me down with a weightthat even Enzon's strength couldn't lift.

Chris:"What's going on, I can't move!"

Thenew suit, which was jet black, started shining bright gold. The shinefaded, then shined again. This continued until the ground underneathme started shaking and the dust from the ground started swirlingaround me. The air around me started picking up more and more until afull tornado of dust surrounded me. The ground cracked under me and Istarted to drop down into the cracks.

Theground stopped shaking and the tornado dispersed. I saw a figurestanding a ways from me, then another, and another, As the dustsettled, I saw all of my friends, as well as the Teranors, Siege, andthe Sphera all standing with their most powerful weapons at the readyand trained straight on me! I tried telling them it was me, but Istill couldn't move or even speak. My suit glowed gold again, thenstarted gaining energy. I felt a large force, forcing me furtherdown. I tried to keep myself held up, which was barely working tobegin with. It glowed gold again, gaining more energy. I heardsomeone yell "Ready arms!" as they all started firing at me. Theblasts around me subsided after a couple of shots as they realizedthat my suit was absorbing every shot. My suit glowed gold and stayedgold, shining brighter and brighter until it shot a golden globe upinto the sky. I collapsed in fatigue. I took a couple breaths andthen stood up. Everyone, including me, was looking up at the goldenenergy globe, which shot off to the east with incredible speed. Onceit went out of my field of view, I looked down and Kate had her gunaimed straight at my head. Her shot forced me back and to the groundbut before she could shoot again, I stopped her.

Chris:"Wait! Its me! Its Chris!"

Everyonelowered their guns.

Kate:"Oh my god Chris! I am so sorry! What did you do!?"

Chris:"I didn't do anything, I swear! I put on this suit and it tookcontrol. Wait, how did you all get here so fast?"

Kate:"What do you mean, we have been here for three months! We have allbanded together to study that tornado and when it started dispersing,we all got ready to kill whatever was inside. We couldn't find you sowe knew that we would have to defeat whatever was inside ourselves."

Chris:"Wait, go back... Three months!? I was only in there a couple ofminutes!"

Enzon:"Your TDD must have created a reverse displacement field, whichkept you in stasis for the whole three months."

Chris:"That has to be it."

Istood up and turned to John and Kate.

Chris:"I'm going to see what new abilities I have. I'll go away fromcivilization, deep into the mountains in order to test this suit'scapabilities."

Ileft the group and headed for the mountains.

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