Chapter 9: Origin of Chris Kessler

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Chris:"Who the hell are you?!"

Istepped back, my brain lurching at the image that was right in frontof me. As he stood, I noticed that his face wasn't exactly like mine,there were scars on it and the color of his eyes were gold. My eyeswere green, and I had no scars to speak of. I stepped out of the holein the cliff and he stepped out after me.

Banshee:"My title is The Banshee. I'm a Lithian."

Chris:"One-half of two... That's what 'Lithian' means, but how can I knowthat?"

Banshee:"Take your mask off, let me see your face."

Itook my helmet off to reveal my confused face. Maybe this "Banshee"can tell me about my origins.

Banshee:"You are also a Lithian. We are brothers."

Chris:"What are you talking about?"

Banshee:"A Lithian is a being of immense power or knowledge that serves ashalf of one entity. Together, two Lithians of the same mind can mergeand create a celestial warrior known as an Equinox."

Chris:"Okay, start from the beginning."

Banshee:"At the dawn of the Universe, there were created 8 beings to governthe laws of the universe..."

Chris:"Can you skip to where the Equinox come in?"

Banshee:"Unfortunately, no. In order to explain who we are, I must explainour purpose, which includes these original beings. As I was saying; 7of the 8 beings banded together and called themselves the 7Elementals. Each was given a law of the universe; Time, Space, Light,Dark, Life, Death, and Mass. The final being was titled the Nax andwas given slightly more power than the other 7. The Nax was taskedwith keeping a balance in the Universe and was given that power toensure that balance. The other 7 saw this as favoritism and rebelledagainst the Nax. There was little that could be done to stop them,and the Nax was utterly destroyed. In it's wake, it created a race ofbeings imbued with its own power known as the Equinox. The Equinoxbanded together upon their creation and defeated the 7 Elementals asa display of their power. The Divine Creator saw this and created arealm where the Equinox could coexist in peace, but also tasked theEquinox with controlling the balance for eternity and they will keepit in check just as the Nax before them did. This is the birthrightof us all; to keep the balance of the whole Universe in check. Eachone of us were assigned one galaxy. When a species in the galaxybecame too powerful, we are to eradicate them. Such is our missionfor all eternity."

Chris:"Wait, so if the 7 Elementals were defeated, doesn't that mean theuniverse would fall apart?"

Banshee:"When they were defeated, they shed their bodies; becomingnon-corporeal. They still exist to this day but as beings of energyinstead of matter. That was their punishment for raging against theNax. In this form they can still effectively control their portion ofpower in the Universe, just not effect anything physical."

Chris:"So, I'm a Lithian?"

Banshee:"Yes. If you chose to, you could become even powerful. It was thispower that you tapped into in order to defeat me. Lithians aren'tsupposed to tap that power, however, so I have no clue how youmanaged to do it."

Chris:"I don't know how either, it was like something clicked in my headthat I could use power like that. What's weird is that my suit wasn'tdrawing that power, it was me; my body to be exact. In that moment, Ifelt like I knew what was going on, I felt like I knew how to usethat kind of power."

Banshee:"Tell me; do you still feel that power, or the knowledge gainedfrom harnessing it?"

Chris:"No, it's all gone now. So if I'm one half of two people, who isthe other?"

Banshee:"You really DO have amnesia. It would have to be someone on thisplanet, perhaps someone you've already met. Two Lithians can't stayaway from each other for long. My other half decided to take the formof my hammer. She gives me the strength I need to overcome my foes."

Chris:"But I destroyed your hammer. I'm sorry I had to kill your otherhalf."

Banshee:"Ah, but if that had happened, I wouldn't be here right now."

Heheld his hand up for a few seconds and another hammer fell fast fromthe sky. When it impacted his hand, it created a shockwave that threwme back a few feet. I did a back flip and landed on my feet. Therewas a crater of burnt glass where he was standing, He appeared to beundamaged. I stood up as he walked back over to me.

Banshee:"As you can see, even if my hammer is destroyed, I can re-summonher. I must go now. I wish you the best in finding your place, andwith finding your other half. I do hope we can fight again, but sideby side instead of against each other."

Chris:"Likewise. When will I see you again?"

Banshee:"I'll remain on this planet for a while, fighting the Spheres thatare on their way here. We may meet sooner rather than later."

Withthat, he threw his hammer into the air and jumped after it. Hishammer sped up to keep him from getting to it and he remained in theair, seemingly defying gravity itself. I turned around to a darkfigure, cloaked in black garbs. I readied myself for another battle,but the figure held up its hand to stop me.

Thefigure launched some kind of energy wave at me. I held my hands up toprotect myself but felt nothing. I let my hands drop to see that Iwas surrounded by nothingness. Could the figure have been The Link? Iheard the sound of wood banging against more wood, followed by avoice.

 ???:"Let the trial of this Equinox commence!"

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