Chapter 18: Duality

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Thefoul creature snarled and laughed at my statement.

Enzonin:"I have gained much more power since you last defeated me. I splitmyself into thousands of creatures, each with a fraction of my ownpower. I went so far as to erase my own memory to keep them at bayuntil I was ready to reawaken. I allowed Enzon to escape so I couldstart consuming whole worlds right under your nose. You may have beengiven the power to overthrow my original power level, but because ofthe lives I've consumed on my way here to you I have gained at leastenough to double my original power. You're in for a fight if you planon doing this alone."

Phoenix:"You're the one who will have quite a fight. My power has alsoincreased since last time we fought."

Enzonin:"I guess we will just have to see who wins this time."

TheIncomplete One lunged at me at blinding speed. It spun around in anarc, gathering kinetic energy as it flashed towards me. I held up myarm to block it. I retaliated by punching him in the stomach,knocking him back, landing on his back. I jumped up and lunged downwith my claws and stabbed him in the chest. A shockwave emanated fromhis body, but I knew that wasn't the end. He started laughing as hisbody slithered away from my claws, which were plunged into the sandunder me. It was as if his body was made of liquid. It, of course,was and he formed himself standing up a distance away from me.

Enzonin:"I thought you would remember that physical attacks have no bearingon me. Has your memory gone already, old man?"

Helaughed at my misfortune.

Phoenix:"You're older than I, Incomplete One."

Enzonin:"Ah, how true. However, with age comes wisdom. I have gainedknowledge from the races and planets I have consumed and thus I amvery wise by now."

Phoenix:"Knowledge has no bearing on wisdom, Enzonin, Nor does age!"

Iattacked again, this time infusing my claws with the energy from myflames, an attack that was effective against him before as my flamesweren't physical. He dodged the attack and headbutted me so hard itknocked me back quite a ways. I surmise that the headbutt emitted ashockwave and the shockwave itself caused me to fly back. NonethelessI spun around and landed on my feet in time to be punched in thestomach, which knocked me down to the ground. I saw Enzonin hoverover me with a punch primed and ready. I rolled out of the way andlaunched a ball of fire at him. Direct hit! I recovered my stance andstood up. I felt the Earth rumble beneath my feet. Was our fightshaking the whole planet?

Enzonin:"You're time is running out. If you fail to defeat me in time, Iwill become whole."

Confused,I charged up my power to the next level, which caused my flames on mybody to grow and become more intense. I charged up my claws with myenhanced fire and started thrashing at Enzonin, but every attack Ithrew was either blocked or dodged. It seems as though he has beenholding out on me. I started throwing attacks faster and faster andfinally I landed one! Unfortunately, it had little effect on him andhe laughed it off! It seems as though he wasn't kidding when he saidhis power grew. I made my flames more intense again and beganthrowing punches faster and harder. Eventually I landed an effectiveslash of my claws. He staggered back and, taking the opportunity, Istarted slashing him as much as possible. I was able to keep him downwhile dealing as much damage as I could. A few slashes in, he usedsome kind of energy pulse to throw me off of him. I stood up only tosee him pointing up towards the sky.

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