Chapter 13: Who Is Kate?

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Istarted gathering energy to fight this Tennon. He started towards mebut then was stopped by something, a memory perhapse.

Tennon:"Wait, there is some unfinished business he had with you..."

Hesmiled, then burst into a cloud of mist which then moved into thebuilding right through the wall. I ran into the building, taking thewall with me, only to find the cloud moving at a rapid pace up intothe air and moving right towards the top floor. I started flyingafter him, but no matter how fast I went he was somehow faster. I sawhim move through the hallway once I got to the top.

Chris:"Kate, get out of here!"

Iwas too late. I heard Kate's screams once more until I got into theroom. Kate was standing, helpless, with Tennon's white needlesticking right through her, absorbing her.


Ithrew myself at Tennon, only to pass right through him.

Enzon:"It's no use, Chris. Once Tennon starts absorbing someone, he makesit a point to never let anything stop him. I'm sorry, it's alreadytoo late for Kate."

Chris:"I won't accept that as an answer!"

Istarted slashing Tennon with my talons and when that didn't work Iactivated my ARD.

Enzon:"Chris, stop! That blast will kill her!"

Ilet my guard down, knowing that there was absolutely nothing I coulddo to save Kate. Tennon's laughter was only echoing through my head,making it worse. I thought I had lost her but then I noticedsomething that Tennon only just noticed himself; Kate wasn't beingabsorbed! Her screams had turned into laughter and she startedwalking towards Tennon. She placed her hand onto Tennon's tendrilthat was inside of her and it burst into millions of tiny white specsof dust. She then walked behind Tennon and proceeded to launch himout of the hole in the building using nothing but her mind!

Kate:"I doubt he'll be back for a while."

Dumbfounded,I stood there like an idiot.

Chris:"What the hell?!"

Kate:"You aren't the only one who has supernatural abilities. I can usetelekinesis if my life is in danger. I wish I could use it when Iwant to, but it doesn't work that way."

Chris:"You have had this ability all this time and still haven't toldme?"

Kate:"I didn't have a reason to tell you until now. Plus, its not reallythe best ability. Like I said, I can only use it when my life is indanger."

Chris:"Alright, now what's our next move? I wasn't able to stop theinvasion."

Withall of the weird things happening to me lately, I decided to let itgo.

Kate:"We have to get the communication system back up and running so wecan find out what kind of damage is happening around the otherbases. That will NOT be simple however, as the backup comms array isin the basement, over 100 floors down. Please try to hurry, if theother bases are in trouble, we need to go to their aid as soon as wecan. I'll stay here and contact you once you get the array online."

Iran out of the main comms room and jumped some 52 stories down to thebase floor, then headed for the stairs. Unfortunately the way thebasement was built for this building it will take me a while to getto the bottom. I had to jump down one stairwell about 3 stories high,then run through hallways until I got to another stairwell, thenrepeat. This was done 14 times until I reached the bottom, where thecommunication array was. I ran into a large silo-like room that hadthe array in the middle. I ran over to the panel in the center andbooted up the operating system. It was obvious this was ancienttechnology as it didn't seem to be able to self-sustain its power.Once the device booted up, I hit a button to activate it. The entireroom lit up with computer screens, all in the wall. There werehundreds of them, each with a different location on it. The imagesthey projected told the stories of all of the bases around theregion. I saw fimilliar buildings such as the Hentu base, ScorpionCrevasse, Torriential Temple, and other areas. Some of the screensshowed Teranor bases but most of them had a battle scene showingSpheres and Terans battling it out and the Spheres were winning. Irushed back upstairs after Kate had called me back up. Once I gotthere, she was already packing her supplies and weapons.

Kate:"We need to hurry. We can't save all of them, but we have to saveat least the Super Tower.."

Chris:"Super Tower?"

Kate:"It's the last main Siege Stronghold. It looks like it's holding upthe best given the circumstances."

Chris:"You can forget about our strongholds, Kate! We have already lostthem! We aren't going to defeat the Spheres with buildings."

Kate:"Then what do you have me do then?! We can't just sit here and waitfor everybody to die!"

Enzon:"Everyone will be fine, Kate. I have confidence in their ability tosurvive this invasion, but we must all take a step back and plan ournext move. My people aren't stupid and eventually they will belooking for their lost soldier who was sent here. We have to leaveand go somewhere else, only then can we finally plan our next move."

Kate:"Fine, Enzon. We will do it your way. Where do you suggest we go?"

Enzon:"There's a cave due east of here that they wont find us in."

 Chris:"We will go there for now and maybe it wont take long to plan ourstrategy.

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