Chapter 10: Judge, Jury, Executioner.

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Ilooked all around me but I saw nothing. I heard other voices but Icouldn't understand what they were saying. I saw the dark figure inthe distance. I walked over to it.

Chris:"Who are you!?"

???:"Please Chris, remain calm. I'm not your enemy."

Chris:"Prove that! You refrain from showing your face and you brought meto this place. Where are we?"

???:"I did not bring you here. We were both brought here by The Judge,an Equinox of immense power and absolute judgment. You and I had toattend this trial because we are the two Lithians for The Phoenix,who was called into the jury."

Chris:"Wait, you're my other half!?"

???:"Yes, but circumstances have forbidden me from revealing who I am,at least not yet. Listen, this body that we are in can be controlledby either of us, but since I'm the one with the knowledge out of thetwo of us you have to let me control it solely by myself. If the bodyneeds to call upon strength then I'll let you take over but that'snot likely to happen here. Just sit back and let me handle this."

Chris:"Fine. Although I still don't trust you."

???:"You're trust isn't necessary here. When all of this is over thenwe will be returned to our rightful places where we were taken from."

Judge:"Phoenix, is there something wrong?"

Phoenix:"No, this body is currently occupied by my two Lithians, who needto remain separated for the time being. My power Lithian has agreedto remain in the background for these proceedings. I am ready to holdjury."

Judge:"Very good. Just make sure the agreement holds. I don't need tohave someone in this court disrespect my authority, is that clear?"

Phoenix:"Yes, your honor."

TheJudge hit his gavel on the pedestal to signal that the trial hascommenced.

Judge:"I have called you all here today to discuss the actions of thisindividual on my right. You may all know him as 'The Destroyer.' Hewas found at the site of the planet 'Lerage' which was recentlydestroyed by him. The issue is whether his action to destroy theplanet was just and fair or whether he did it out of boredom. Thetotal death count was said to be in the billions. On my left is theone who challenges the actions of this Equinox; 'The Knight' whoclaims that the people of Lerage weren't advanced enough to create athreat, and thus didn't need to be eradicated."

Theone called The Knight stood up and requested time to gather hisnotes. The Judge agreed and The Knight sat back down. I took the timeto look around the room. To my right was the Judge, sitting at somekind of podium that was quite large. It appeared to be wood, but theone who says she's my other half assures me its not wood. The judgehimself wore a Nutronite plated gold armor set, without a helmet.Behind him stood a woman with similar armor. She held what appearedto be scales in her hands.

???:"That's The Judge and his other half. They are never in trueEquinox form. Instead, he gives his other half instructions, and sheacquires the power to carry out those orders. She is very powerful,able to overcome any threat, no matter how powerful, but only whenshe is carrying out orders from The Judge. Her name is 'The Scales ofJustice.'"

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