Chapter 15: That From What Remains

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Enzon:"After that I followed him around, watching as he absorbed everylast Hliani, powerless to stop him. We picked up three others on theway, all joining our cause. When only the five of us remained we hada meeting. Tennon tried telling us to submit, but I wanted nothingmore than to escape his hold on me. I wasn't the only one. I tried toescape with the other but Tennon caught him as I was getting away.Luckily I was able to leave Rahlm KinG Zorann and get a head start onTennon. I landed first on a nearby planet whose inhabitants claimedto have been watching us for centuries. Their elder wanted me toabsorb him as he knew an ancient teleportation technique which wouldallow me to be faster than Tennon. I didn't want to, but he insisted.Once that was done I started looking for the Sphera and eventuallyfound them here on Earth. I tried getting their help but theywouldn't offer it. Instead, they built a prison for me and trapped methere. It wasn't until recently, when a Siege group cracked the sealon my cell and set me free. Unfortunately, I was starved from lack ofform and thus I absorbed them all and took the form of the scientiston the team. I was feral then and couldn't control my actions. If Iwas able to give them back, I would."

Kate:"Enzon, please tell us how to beat the Spheres. We don't haveenough time to listen to this right now."

Enzon:"I found a way for solid beings to absorb Spheres on my way toEarth. It's ingrained into the nature of every Sphere to accept amaster so long as the master is knowledgeable enough to speak thechant: 'Elhorrah Golforhind' which roughly translates to: 'I acceptyou into my own body as symbiote.'"

Chris:"That's the same thing you told me to say in order for us to becomeone."

Enzon:"Exactly. We have to obey someone when they give that order. Themerging is beyond our control at that point. THAT'S how we beatthem."

Chris:"I need to go to the outposts and relay this information toeveryone who is fighting for their lives."

Enzon:"Be careful, Chris. Some of these Spheres are as powerful as Tennonby now. They share his power and are just as evil."

Chris:"I have no intention of letting them win. If I must I'll bring themback to you."

Enzonnodded and I stepped into the teleporter and left the cavern.

Iwent around the desert first. Every base or Tower I came across wasabandoned. I even checked the Hentu base to see if anyone had takenrefuge there, but again I had no success. I checked the mountainbases and compounds next but again I found nobody.

Chris:"Where could everybody have gone?"

Ifound it odd that I also found not a single Sphere either.

Chris:"Enzon, I have checked every base out here and they are allabandoned. Any ideas?"

Enzon:"It's not like the Spheres to leave any trace of those theyconsume, but even still you should be able to find the Spheresthemselves. Something is wrong. They may have taken refuge on theother continent..."

Iheard a loud explosion behind me and I turned around to see a ratherweak-looking person, but I knew that looks can be deceiving. Enzonwas still talking in the background. The Sphere shaped its hand likea blade and started attacking me.

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