Chapter 20: Finality

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ArkAten: "You are very resourceful, but then again so are all membersof your kind. I was once like you; serving the greater good, notwishing to fulfill my own desires."

Chris:"We are nothing alike. You seek to destroy, killing everyone inyour path just to service your own desires."

ArkAten: "You did the same thing here on this planet in the beginning.I have all of your memories, Phoenix. You came to this planet andnearly wiped a third of its population just to make a meaninglesspoint! You drove most of the populace off the planet!"

Chris:"You killed BILLIONS!!! Who are you to talk?! I was just followingorders!"

ArkAten: "As was I."

Heshot off to the side, likely trying to self-flank me. I instinctivelyblocked an area around the back of my mid-section just before hetried to strike there. I then parried by spinning around him andstriking him in the back with my forearm, knocking him to the groundwith great force. He lifted his head off of the ground and startedlaughing.

ArkAten: "I see your skills have been upgraded once again! This fightmight be more interesting that I originally thought!"

Hisbody burst into mist of some kind, blacker than the blackest void.The mist traveled some distance away then regrouped again to form hisbody once again.

ArkAten: "Shall we take this up a notch?"

Herushed straight for me, slightly faster than I could see, but somehowI was still able to block his attacks. It's as if I was able to sensewhere he was going to hit me before he himself knew. I was blockingin front of me, but my foot went back out of my control and madecontact with his body. I turned around and looked down at my handswhich were still shimmering with the White Light. Is this the powerthat I was given, or was the power controlling me?

ArkAten: "How did you do that?!"

Hesnarled before rushing again. This time, I could see his approach.Was he getting slower? I was able to block his attacks at will thistime, as if my power was matching his. I saw an opportunity to strikeand I took it, but my hand went right through him as his body brieflyturned into black mist and then back again. His attacks wererelentless and powerful. Every time I blocked an attack, the soundfrom the contact roared as a super-sonic shockwave emanated from it.He was getting faster and faster with each hit and he finally managedto hit me. I was knocked back and fell onto the ground as it crackedunder the impact. I rebounded by flipping backward onto my feet. Ilooked up to see Ark Aten fly past my head. I flinched as I thoughthe was attacking, but he went right past me! I looked back as he hitthe ground, creating a rather large crater. I looked forward to seewho did it and a young Equinox stood near where Ark Aten once was.

???:"Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size!"

Chris:"Wait, who are you?!"

TheCastle: "I'm The Castle. I came back to greet you, Phoenix, butfound this place nearly in ruin so I figured I would find out why andI found this joker fighting you! Can you believe this guy? I mean whywould he even TRY to fight the legendary Phoenix?! He's just askingfor a bea-"

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