Chapter 5: Sorting abilities

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Iarrived in the middle of the mountains and looked around. I couldn'tsee any towers near me so I started charging the power in my suit.

Enzon:"Are you sure you want to do this now instead of investigate a wayto defeat the Spheres that are coming?"

Chris:"If I can't be powerful enough to take just one on alone, I willnever be able to rise to the challenge in time."

Mysuit finished charging and I threw one punch into the air. Energyrippled through the air and my fist launched an energy wave, whichtraveled a short distance before disappearing. I activated my Talonsand tried swinging those next, energy shot straight from the edges ofthe blades and traveled further than with the punch. I spent the nextthree days experimenting with different combinations until on thethird day something happened.

Mysuit started glowing gold again, once again bringing me to theground. I thrashed in pain as it created a void wormhole around me,sucking me in. I started falling through the void. My suit startedchanging shape until finally settling on the old Spider Suit design,but the color and size remained the same so it was still jet-black. Asmall light appeared after a while, which then enlarged and finallylet me through. I landed, face-first in the dirt in the mountains. Mycommunications system beeped as I stood up.

Chris:"Yes, who is this?"

Iheard a small pause on the other end.

Kate:"Oh my god, Chris, is that you?"

Chris:"Kate, you sound surprised."

Kate:"Chris, you have been gone for a year! We tried to find you but wecouldn't and I couldn't find you on our scanners either. I thoughtyou were dead!"

Chris:"You have to be kidding me. Please tell me you are joking."

Kate:"Why would I joke about something like this? Oh shit! You need toget here as soon as humanly possible. We have a bit of a situation.I'm sending you our coordinates."

Chris:"What is it? Are the Spheres attacking?"

Kate:"No, they haven't even arrived yet."

Chris:"They were supposed to get here months ago, what's delaying them?"

Kate:"We don't know, but we are thankful that they aren't here yet."

Chris:"Alright, well I'm on my way to you now. It might be a while sincethis suit slows me down considerably, but I will be there as soon asI can."

Kate:"Please hurry."

 Istarted running towards the coordinates, which were in the middle ofthe eastern desert. Could they have built a base there? What could behappening?

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