Chapter 10

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I woke up to feel the bed dipping down from someone's weight. I slowly turned to the side, half asleep, to see Alek. He smiled at me for the first time, it made me smile back.

"Someone was tired," Alek whispered.

I nodded my head but then asked, "how long have I been sleeping for?"

"Four hours," Alek answered. I widened my eyes in shock but then quickly shrugged it off. "Want to do something today?" Alek asked moving closer to me.

"Like what?" I asked curiously.

"How about we play a game."

"What game?"

"Hide and go seek."

"Isn't that a kid's game?"

"So? It doesn't matter," Alek said.

"Fine," I groaned. "Are there any rewards?"

"Yes, if I win, you have to do something I want. If you win I'll do something you want. Deal?" Alek finished.

"Deal. But no dirty deeds," I said sliding off the bed. Alek groaned but got up and walked over to me.

"You hide and I'll seek. You can hide anywhere on our territory, okay?" Alek said moving closer to me as I stood frozen. He took a deep breath of my scent and then stared at me, his eyes were fully black, ready to hunt.

"Okay. How long do I get?" I said breathless.

"15 minutes. The territory is massive but I'll still find you," Alek smirked.

"How much time do you have to find me until I win?" I whispered.

"30. One two." Alek started to count closing his eyes. I dashed out of the room and down the stairs. The whole top floor was Alek's room and it was massive. I dashed past different people who I assumed were all Vampires and werewolves. I found the kitchen and dining room on the way. I went outside and looked left to right quickly before heading off in the forest. I was surprised that I wasn't our of breathe, I've already been running for 10 minutes. Finally I found a tree and climbed it, I've been climbing trees my entire life and now I know why I enjoy it. Alek told me werewolves love to do climbing and running, so that's probably why I'm not tired. When I was high enough, I looked around to see if I could see Alek coming. I looked around but I didn't see anyone.
15 minutes past and Alek was nowhere, I saw no one. Suddenly, I heard a twig snap. I quickly turned to where the sound came from but nothing was there. I turned back to where I was facing and Alek was beside me, his eyes were staring at me with amusement.

"Told you I'd find you;" Alek smirked.

"That's because your a vampire. Your senses are like seven billion times better than humans," I groaned crossing my arms. Alek started to laugh about my joke. I really didn't think it was funny, let alone a joke.

"Sweat heart, that's not the only reason. It's easier to find you than anything," Alek confronted.

"Yeah and why's that?"

"I don't know and I don't care," Alek's smile faded and a frown replaced it.

"Okay than. Why did it take you so long to find me?" I was starting to get curious.

"I could smell different things with your scent but you were never there missy," Alek was now glaring at me.

"Can you stop with the nicknames. First of all there weird and second I don't like it. It's not like you like me or anything, you said it yourself that you hate me," I mumbled. Alek looked at me but didn't answer. I was starting to get frustrated and started to climb down the tree.

"Don't run off. Your still supposed to stay at my territory so we can find your mate," Alek said as I kept climbing down.

When I hit the forest floor I answered, "I've already found him, he just rejected me," I replied walking away.

"I never rejected you."

"Then what was that? Because you said you don't want me. So I'm rejected."

"No your not."

"Than what? Alek you keep changing your mood around me. Like one second your laughing at me and the next your glaring at me. Seriously, even if I was stupid I could notice that you aren't a fan of me."

"Yeah but your not," Alek jumped down from the tree and started to walk over to me.

"I never said I was stupid," I answered.

"Shh. It's okay. Calm down."

"I am calm you dummy."

"Your cute when your trying to insult me," Alek smirked walking closer to me. I started to blush but then my back hit a tree. Alek walked faster towards me until he was hovering over me. His eyes were turning black. He put his head in the crook of my neck and took in a deep breath. "You smell good," he whispered bringing his hands to my waist.

"Yeah than what do I smell like?" I smiled. Alek moved his head from my neck, his eyes were still fully black.

"Vanilla and Coconut," Alek whispered quickly resting his head on my neck again.

"And that's what you like?" I asked. Alek started to push me against the tree creating less space in between us.

"Yeah," He answered out of breathe. "C- can I mark you?" He looked worried but determined. I knew this ment that he would own me and this would be the first step to mating, that's what it said in the books. I thought about it for two minutes until I nodded my head. A smile appeared on his face as he moved my red hair out of the way of my neck.

"Are you sure?" He asked.


"Okay. This may hurt. It with make you unconscious for a while but don't worry, I'll keep you safe," Alek smiled. I nodded my head as he stuck out his fangs. I tilted my head to give him more room. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain as Alek stuck his fangs in my neck.
After a few seconds he look them out and darkness overtook me.


I can't believe I have 85 reads in one day!! This is awesome. Anyways big shot out to shooting_stars_222 because it's her birthday coming up.

Why did Riley just trust Alek after kidnapping her? Will she be okay after?

Anyways tell me what you think of the book.

Love ya all!!!

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