Chapter 15

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I woke up freezing cold, I looked down to see I was soaked with freezing water. I moved to get out but was pulled back down by two very muscular arms.

"Hhmmm," Alek mumbled as he tightened his grip on me. I turned around in his grip to stare at his sleeping face, he looked so cute. I gently slid my index finger from Alek's forhead to his chin. As my finger went on his lips, he quickly bit my finger. His eyes shot open and I saw them slightly turning black.

"Owww. That hurt," I whined as Alek let go of my finger and I shook it a little.

"Sorry sweetheart but you can't tease me like that," Alek warned.

"I wasn't teasing you, I was trying to wake you up. I could have bit your nose off instead but I thought I should be nice," I answered with a smirk. He eyes widened.

"No you wouldn't. Why would you want to ruin my beautiful face?" He asked.

"Who said I wouldn't, I'm hungry and you look like a good snack," I replied gripping hard on his shoulders.

"I'll take you hunting in five then."

"But I'm hungry now. I can't wait," I whined.

"Well you'll have to wait. So I'll meet you at the front door," Alek said taking my hands off his shoulders and he got out. I watched him leave, once he left I felt colder than before. I drained the water and hopped out of the tub.


"Riley wait up!" Alek yelled trying to catch up to me. I ignored him and kept running faster. I was happy I can run faster than Alek but that's only for 2 years because than your not a fledgling anymore so you don't have as much energy. But for now I wanted to be out of his reach, I was tired of him telling me what to do.

Soon enough, I was out of viewing distance from Alek and I slowed down to a stop. I started to breathe heavily until I smelt it, blood. My hunting mode kicked in and I followed the scent. I peered around some trees to see a deer, it was a male so I would have extra energy today. I looked around to make sure no one else was around and I slowly stalked to it. It hasn't seen me yet so that was good. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I pounced on the deer tackling it to the ground. I sank my teeth in its neck and tasting the amazing warm liquid trickle down my throat. Once there was nothing left I jumped off of the dead deer.

"Thats probably the coolest thing yet, watching you hunt," I snapped my head in the direction of the voice to see Alek and Marc smirking at me.

"Don't you guys have better things to do?" I asked cleaning the blood off my face.

"Yeah but it's interesting watching you. Your probably the first fledgling I've met that doesn't make a mess when their eating. And I'm with Ashley," Marc stated. I heard a loud whack and saw Ashley appear behind Marc.

"Your so mean," Marc whined rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh really? I wasn't the one complaining about my mate now was I?" Ashley asked crossing her arms.

"Come on now Marc, we got to do warm ups this morning. I'll get the coterie and you get the pack," Alek ordered. Marc nodded his head and jogged off with Ashley by his side. Alek walked over to me and stared me hard in the eyes.

"You don't listen do you? You know you have to be careful at the edge of the teritory," He said brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"Oh please, I can handle myself thank you very much," I answered walking away. Before I could move another step Alek grabbed my arm.

"I'm being serious. Riley you have to be careful. So now I'm going for a jog with the coterie and pack so please and I mean please stay in the area and not go in the forest," Alek begged.

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