Chapter 12

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The picture on the top is Caleb. Just imagine him with black hair.


Riley's POV***

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the surrounding area. I was in a dark room and I was chained to the ceiling with iron chains. I still had the clothing on I had on before except my shirt has been ripped off of me and on the floor. The chains didn't effect me at all, I tried to move a bit but I suddenly felt a wave of pain from my back. I whimpered quietly not wanting to make too much noise.

"Finally, it's awake," I heard the venom voice speak, I whimper again. He started to laugh and approach me with a whip in hand.

"No no no! Please don't!" I begged while tears fell on my cheeks. I shook my head furiously but the man kept coming closer.

"It's okay missy. I want to know your name. Mine is Caleb, what is yours?" Caleb asked with a hint of evil in every word. I looked at him carefully, at his face and than to the whip. I shook my head again. "If you know what's best for you, you would answer," Caleb was now face to face with me. He was for sure three quarters of a foot taller than me but not as tall as Alek. He started to raise the whip, ready to hit me.

"It's Riley! My name is Riley," I reply turning my head. I heard a whip and it sliced through my back. I screamed in pain even though I've been though it before.

"Well well miss Riley. It seems like you need to learn a leason now don't you?" I quickly nod my head not wanting to get Caleb angry. I heard foots and I looked up to see a man about a year older than me. He has dirty blond hair and green eyes. He smirked at me and walked over until he was right in front of me. The Caleb guy had moved to the side, letting this man take over. He looked at me up and down, until he noticed my mark and his eyes widened. I didn't get what the big deal was, it was only red with the symbol of a quarter moon with AA on it. The man saw I was staring at him and he backed up, he went to a table I didn't notice before. On it was different.... knifes? Oh no! They're going to torture me just like my dad did. The man picked up a small fighting knife and walked up to me. I started to shake the closer he got to me. He chuckled quietly grabbing my right leg, I abruptly stopped shaking and looked at him. He was handsome but he had that evil side making him look scary instead. I watched him play with the knife in his hand while his other was gripping my leg tighter. Out of no where pain overcame my leg. I screamed again, I looked down on my left thigh and the knife was cut down in my flesh while blood was pouring out of the cut.

Caleb smirked, "Now are you going to listen and answer right away?" I quickly nodded my head feeling my leg go numb. The man who cut me stepped back and left the room. I turned to Caleb who stared at me before moving forward until he was in arms reach.

"You should listen and do what men want more often missy. Right?" Caleb sneers. I nod my head again scared to do something wrong. I could feel myself getting heavier the more blood I lose.

"Where is Alek?" Caleb snaps, I whimper slightly.

"I- I don't know. I r- ran from him. He didn't f- follow me," I stutter thinking Caleb would bring the man back in here. Caleb walked to the table and picked up a kitchen knife. I started to cry thinking I was going to die. He looked at my face with a blank expression, he slowly looked down and his eyes landed on my mark. A smirk crossed his face and he placed the knife on my mark and pushed down. I couldn't bare the pain anymore so I screamed so loud it made everyone in the room deaf. Black dots started to cloud my vision.


Alek's POV***

We headed into the forest with Marc by my side. I fell again grabbing my thigh. I couldn't stand that he was hurting my mate. I needed to kill Caleb right here, right now.

"Alek, Alek! Come on man, stay with me," Marc ordered pulling me up with him. Even though I wasn't fully mated with Riley, I could still feel her pain after I marked her.

We kept on running in the direction of Riley's scent. Out of no where I scream and fall to my knees. It felt like my soul was being sliced. He cut her, Caleb cut Riley's mark. I crumpled in a ball from the pain, I couldn't bare to think what Riley is going through. I started to see black dots covering my vision.

"No no! Alek stay with me! C'mon dude don't leave! Don't close your eyes Alek!" Marc yelled at me trying to pull me up but was having difficulty. I could barley keep my eyes open and see clearly.

"Dude you need to be strong, for Riley," Marc said trying again to pull me up. This time he succeeded because I pulled myself up as well. I need to find Riley, I don't know what I would do without her.


Riley's POV***

My vision is slowly coming back as I see Caleb smirking at his work. The mark was hurting so bad, I just hope Alek is alright. I remember my mom told me that your mark is the most sensitive thing a mate has. I started to cry wanting this to be over.

"Don't cry missy. You're worthless, you shouldn't be crying because no one cares. It won't make a difference," Caleb snapped. I cried harder now remembering that that is what my dad told me, when he abused me. He was right, I guess that's what guys think of me. Caleb slapped my cheek for crying and I instantly stopped knowing I have to listen to what guys say.

"Better, now I'll ask you again, where is Alek?" Caleb asked. Putting the knife to my neck.

"He's right over here," A voice said and Caleb snapped his neck in the direction of the voice to see it belonged to Alek. I saw Jacob on his left and Marc on his right with men behind them.

"Well well well. It looks like we have an audience. Want to watch the show?" Caleb questioned keeping the knife at my throat.

"Caleb, brother, please put the knife down. We don't want anyone getting hurt now do we," Alek said calmly taking a few steps closer.

"Come any closer and I'll cut her head off!" Caleb warned putting the knife closer to my neck. Alek and the men stopped, scared of what Caleb said.

"Better, now Alek you get the honor of doing the job. Pick up a knife," Caleb ordered.

"I will not."

"Yes you will."

"I'm not going to hurt my mate."

"Fine then. I'll do it for you," And with that, Caleb pushed the knife in my neck. I heard screams and shuffling but that all was a blur because I was taken by darkness.


I couldn't believe that in one day I went from 107 reads to 116?!?! Like isn't that awsome or what. So that's why I updated it. If anyone is wondering, I am doing a sequel to this book but that once I'm finished. I still have alot to do. Sorry for the cliffhanger.

But what will happen to Riley?

Will everything be okay? Or will it become a catastrophy?

Also I'm not doing any inappropriate scenes but I may do a couple scenes with some steam. MAYBE!!!

Anyways what do you think of the book?

Love ya all!!!

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