Chapter 16

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Emma at the top


"Where is he? He hasn't been home for two weeks!" Jacob yelled. I still haven't left the room even though everyone has been trying to pulling me out. I would just start to cry and they would stop pulling me.

"How am I supposed to know? Just because I'm his second in comand doesn't mean I know where the heck he is!" Marc shouted. I was curled up in the corner of Alek's room while Marc and Jacob were fighting about Alek missing.

"Would you boys please stop. China is going to here you," Mrs. Anderson ordered. Both of them stopped talking and stared at the floor. "Thank you now we need to think, where would Alek go?" Mrs. Anderson asked. We all thought for a bit until I heard something, someone was trying to mind link me.

'Riley where are you?' Alek asked. A smile spread on my face.

'Where you asked me to stay before you left.' I replied.

"How am I suppose to-" Alek cut short.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"What in the world? Why are you guys in my room?" Alek asked crossing his arms. His mom walked up to him and gave him a hug. Once she let go, she slapped him hard on the face.

"Ow ma that hurt," Alek whined.

"Thats for scaring us half to death and running off," Mrs. Anderson said walking out of the room. Jacob and Marc walked up to him and they both punched him hard on either of his shoulders.

"What is wrong with you people?" Alek groaned rubbing his shoulders. Jacob and Marc laughed as they exited the room. I slowly got up and walked to him.

"What, no! Please not you. Please don't Riley," Alek groaned. I moved closer to him until I was face-to-chest with him. I looked up and he looked down. I raised my arm ready to swing and Alek closed his eyes. I went on my tip toes and kissed him lightly, he was shocked as his eyes bursted open but he then kissed me back. I pulled away and went back to my corner.

"Have you been in my room for the past two weeks?" Alek questioned. I nodded my head and buried my face in my lap.

"My sweet baby. Did you at least hunt?" Alek whispered sitting beside me. I shook my head no, I was in agony not being able to hunt but I had to listen to Alek. I heard him growl.

"Riley your suppose to hunt everyday! Why haven't you hunt?" He boomed.

"You told me to stay in the room until you said I can go out," I muttered in my lap.

"Ughhh! If you want, I can take you hunting," Alek offered. A smile spread on my face as I got up and walked to the door.


I entered into the living room with Alek following me. I had so much energy that I couldn't stop bouncing everywhere. I guess that's what you get for not hunting for two weeks.

"Whoa Riley calm down," Jacob said raising his hands to grab me.

"Nnnever! Let's go and ppplay a gggame!" I shouted. I was grabbed by a pair of strong arms.

"Okay angel we will play a game," Alek whispered. I nodded my head and everyone sat down on the couch.

"Let's play truth or dare," Seb asked.

"Sure," Ashley, Emma, and I answered at once. We giggled while Alek and Marc groaned.

"No. We're not playing that game," Alek ordered. Emma is Jacob's mate, he found her a month after I turned. Seb hasn't found his mate yet, but he's not giving up.

"Fine let's do a vote. All thoughs in favor?" I asked. Ashley, Emma, Seb, and I raised our hands. We beat them 4-3.

"Fine but Seb gets to ask first," Marc said.

"Emma, truth or dare?" Seb asked.

"Dare," Emma smirked.

"I dare you to kiss the person you trust the most on the lips," Seb said. Emma turned to face Jacob and she pecked him on the lips.

"Dude that was so obvious," Marc stated.

"Whatever," Seb huffed.

"Okay Alek, truth or dare?" Emma asked.

"Dare," Alek said.

"I dare you to mind link everyone that you can't find your dollies," Emma smirked. Alek's jaw dropped to the ground. Everyone started to laugh and Marc fell on the ground from laughing so hard.

"I don't have 'dollies'. I haven't had one since I was 8," Alek said and then slapped a hand over his mouth. We all laughed harder and Marc started to roll on the ground.

"You have to," Emma said. Alek groaned but did it anyways. Mr. Anderson came out of the room with his arms crossed.

"Alek Anderson what was that about?" Mr. Anderson questioned. We all stopped laughing to look at Alek. His cheeks started to turn pink. We all started to laugh again. Alek and his father left the room. I started to hear caughing and I turned to the source to see Seb not breathing. Everyone stopped laughing and we rushed to Seb.

"Dude, crap, you're soppose to be careful. Remember what the doc said. Seb take deep breaths," Jacob said. I slowly rubbed Seb's back to try and heal what was bothering him. His breathing slowly went back to normal but he was still breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Marc asked.

"Yeah I just have breathing problems," Seb whispered.

"Why?" I asked.

"When Seb was fighting off some Rouges they used black magic on him. He's fine now but he has to be careful. Luckily he's not sucking his mates face off and not breathing," Jacob said. That earned him a punch in the chest from Seb.

"That's not funny," Seb whispered standing up. Alek entered the living room.

"What happened in here?" He asked.

"Breathing problems but it's not as bad as missing his dollies," Seb teased.

"Your going to get it," Alek threatened. I started to giggle.

"You think it's funny, my little mate?" Alek questioned.

"No, but it's your turn for truth or dare," I answered.

"Okay Riley, truth or dare?" Alek asked moving closer to me.

"Truth," I replied.

"What is your newest worse memory you have?" Alek asked.

"That would be when my mom died in a car crash. I remember after getting hit this man with pure red eyes exited the vehicle. The man walked past me and went to my mom. He put a black fog over my mom and she died. He went back to the vehicle and drove off," I answered. I didn't notice I was crying until Alek picked me up and put me on his lap.

"Shh. It's okay," Alek whispered. Everyone stared at Alek.

"Alek, the man killed her on purpose. He used black magic on her," Marc confronted.

"Riley do you remember what the man looked like?" Alek asked. I know it has been a long time but I kept on thinking. Then it hit me and my eyes widened.

"It was Caleb," I answered.


You guys I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. My reason is because wattpad wasn't working and I kept having to try and get it working. Soon I just couldn't log back on for a while. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks because it deleted this chapter and the other one I wrote after this so I had to rewrite everything. Thanks for the 217 reads though!!!

Love ya all!!!

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