Chapter 2

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**Introducing two new characters in this chapter, Tim and Austin (Home Free)


Kirstie sits down at the bar. Avi walks up beside her and drapes an arm over her shoulder.

"O.K., see those two guys sitting at that table in the corner?" Avi says pointing.

Kirstie casually looks around to see the two men Avi was talking about. One with long dark hair with a beard, the other had long reddish hair and looked really thin.

"You see them?" Avi asked her.

"Mhmmm". Kirstie answered just loud enough for Avi to hear her.

"The bigger guy with dark hair is Tim, the skinny guy next to him is his boyfriend Austin." Avi said.

"Now you don't know that." Eddie said lowly.

"Oh Come on, Eddie. It's so obvious. Look how close they're sitting. Austin keeps whispering in Tim's ear. And I could almost bet Austin has his hand on Tim's leg." Avi said.

"So Tim is the one you want to give the stick to?" Kirstie ask.

"Yea, tell him exactly what we had talked about." Avi said.

"O.K., I need to go out to the car and get it. Be right back." Kirstie said getting up and heading for the door.

After she left Avi walked up to the table the two men were sitting at. He stooped down and looked under the table and smiled.

"YO EDDIE!!!" Avi yelled. His bass voice echoed through the bar causing Eddie to jump. Eddie rolls his eyes and looks toward the annoying ghost.

"JUST WHAT I THOUGHT!!" Avi shouted. "Austin has his hand laying on Tim's leg, and very high up on it I might add. TOLD YA!!" Avi laughed.

"Where'd Avi go?" Kirstie ask as she walked back up to the bar with the pool stick case.

"He's investigating." Eddie points.

"Oh Lord." Kirstie sighs as she makes her way over to the table.

"Tim Foust?" She ask.

"Yes mam?" Tim looked up and recognized her as the girl going to the backroom with Eddie.

"Wow, that WAS a quickie." Tim chuckled.

"What? Oh no. It's not what you think." Kirstie said with her face turning red with embarrassment and Avi cracking up beside her wasn't helping. "Eddie is a friend of mine."

"Mhmmm." Tim answered still wondering if she was a prostitute just making her rounds.

"Anyway, my name is Kirstie, Kirstie Maldonado."

Tim nods a hello. She glances over at Austin who was definitely giving her a jealous glare.

She sits the case on the table. "Can I have a seat? There's something I need to talk to you about."

Tim stands up and pulls a chair out for her. "Have a seat."

"Such a gentleman." She heard Avi mumbles.

"You play pool?" Tim ask noticing the case.

"No, actually this is what I need to talk to you about. I was told to give this to you." She said pushing the case towards him.

Tim quickly leaned back in his chair away from the case, biting his bottom lip he glares at her.

"Lady, are you nuts??" Austin says shoving the case back to her. "You really expect him to just open a case like that from a complete stranger. You realize there are people out there that would love for him to have his hands blown off."

"That's true, Kirst." Avi spoke up. "He's holding the championship, and there's players out there that wants him out of the way."

"I understand. And I'm so sorry, I approached this the wrong way. Let me try this again. I bought a home a while back that was once owned by Avi Kaplan." She said watching their expressions.

Tim smiles and looks at Austin. "Yea, we knew Avi. He was one of our best friends. I miss him like crazy."

"O.K., this is where you're gonna think I'm crazy. I don't have a clue who Avi Kaplan is, couldn't even tell you what the man looked like." Kirstie said. She could feel Avi staring a hole into the side of her head. "But I've been having this dream. As a matter of fact, I've had this same dream three times already. This guy appears in my dream. He has long hair and a neatly trimmed beard. And he's always wearing a beanie."

Tim just stares at her in shock. Austin jumps and looks around at Tim.

Kirstie continues, "He always has this case with him. And in every dream he tells me to give it to Tim Foust. I found this case in the game room on a shelf and knew it was the same one."

Avi leans over, "Tell him I told you to give it to Timbo."

"He said to tell Timbo to win a game for him." Kirstie added.

"Oh my God." Tim said covering his face with his hands.

Austin put his arm around Tim's shoulder, "Avi was the only one to ever call him 'Timbo'."

Tim moved his hands and stared at the case. Kirstie could see tears in his eyes. He reached for the case and slowly unlatched it. He very carefully raised the lid.

"OH MY GOD!" He exclaimed as he broke down in tears. "Austin, It's 'Bass Cannon'!"




**  AMERICA!!  **

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