Chapter two

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Levi's POV****

Let me tell you, having insomnia sucks.

It's currently 6 am and I normally get up at around 10 am that way I sleep through breakfast.

Humming to myself I knew that trying to sleep was proving useless so I got up deciding to make good use of this time.

I walked to my private incredibly cleaned bathroom and looked in the mirror, my eyes were red from due to lack of sleep and I had giant eye bags. I splashed some cold water on my face trying to get rid of the redness but failing miserably.

Well now that I'm up maybe I'll go to breakfast and actually socialize for once.

Haha nice joke brain.

I got dressed next and just read until it was time for classes.

Time skip to first classes****

I walked into my first class of the day (charms this time) and noticed the brat from yesterday was here sitting in the back.

I took a seat next to him (because it was the only seat left) and I'm sure I saw the professor smirk at me.

The professor started teaching and I stared idly out the window before I go a ball of paper thrown at my forehead.

I quickly stole a glance over at Eren and surely he got a little note thrown at him too.

I opened the note trying not to gain attention from the professor but I was yelled at. Again. I had detention. Again. With Eren. Again. Great just great.

I still read the little note. When I opened it I found that noting was on it. I grumbled to myself but staying in my dorm and trying to sleep all day.

Eren's POV ****

I looked over at Levi after we were given detention for the second time this week.

He looked horrible. First he looked like he hadn't slept in a month second he looked incredibly scary grumbling about something or another.

I sighed then and turned my attention back to the lesson going on in front of me.

Time skip to lunch****

At lunch I sat down with my small group of friends (Well at least the ones that were in my house) which included, Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Jean and Sasha (who had all diffrence classes then me same with Mikasa).

I looked around the great hall hoping to see Levi but I couldn't see him.

Maybe I can't see him because he's to short. I mean the guy is like 5 foot 2 of pure concentrated scary-ness.

"Hey guys, do you know anything about this guy named Levi Ackerman?" I asked them.

I did not get the reaction I was expecting.

Everyone started giggling (except Mikasa she looked more confused then anything).

A few seconds after Armin recomposed himself.

"Levi Ackerman? As in Slytherin scary guy?" Armin asked for clarification.

"Yeah that guy." I replied.

"Well, he's openly gay and has a major case of OCD. We've never seen him actually express any emotion besides anger or annoyance in small quantities also no one's ever seen him date anyone although it's no secret that this girl, Petra doesn't know he's gay and has had a crush on him since 2nd year." Armin started spitting off facts about Levi.

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